Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 903: All in hiding

"I guess, Mario Wharton’s killer **** would not be willing to let us run away. Even if he can’t kill all of us, then he will definitely attack us high-lord-level figures. After all , The few of us have a close relationship with his mortal enemy and the big enemy Snowfield Orcs, and he will not let us go!" Gu Lan once again emphasized the reason why they could not reveal their identity.

Such cautious words and deeds of Glenn can fully demonstrate the wise demeanor of his orc race. After all, the orcs who can guess Wang Xu's intentions are also very rare in the entire orc race with more than ten billion people.

"I understand what you mean, but what?" After listening to the analysis of his wise brother Glenn for countless times, the pighead lord Gedan continued to repeat his own stupid question: "You know that Mario When will Wharton attack us?"

"After he discovers the whereabouts of the few of us, he will act. As long as we hide, don’t be discovered by him. Then, I guess, when we cross this road and enter our own territory, he will Give up!" Facing his dumb brother, even though Gu Lan was very helpless, he replied helplessly.

"In this way, based on our marching degree, about two days later, as the leading troops, we will be able to leave this road. At that time, I will be able to replace my armor of a thousand commanders..." Ge Dan, the uncomfortable lord of pigheads, held the reins of the mount in one hand, and patted his dark iron armour with strange patterns secretly engraved with one hand.

"I'm just worried..." After a glance at his brother, Glenn, who just took a deep breath, frowned and sighed.

"What are you worried about?" Ge Dan, who knew his brother was so much smarter than himself, turned to ask him after hearing his brother Ge Lan's sigh.

"I'm worried that Mario Wharton's killing god, if he can't kill us, will do something to our subordinates, brother, don't forget, those hundred fire forbidden curses, recently this In the past few days, I asked many people who had escaped from the Catman River Valley, and they all said that those 100 fire-type forbidden spells are true!" Gulen said to him in a worried tone The most worrying thing.

"Even if there are a hundred fire forbidden curses, what if we are walking on the road, where the river network is dense and the soil is loose, even if Mario Wharton releases a hundred fire forbidden curses here, he can How much damage did we cause? Can we not afford to hide? As long as we all hide in the river, let alone a hundred fire forbidden curses, it is two hundred. Could he still kill all the rivers here? It's all dried up!" After listening to his brother Ge Lan's worry, Ge Dan comforted him with a "trideful" sentence.

To his elder brother Gedan’s comforting words, Gu Lan’s reaction was just a bitter smile, and then he shut up. Although he didn’t say anything on his lips, his heart was very towards Ge Dan. Roared: "I am not worried about one hundred and two hundred fire forbidden curses, but one thousand and two thousand. Brother, since people can make one hundred fire forbidden curses at a time, can't they do it? A thousand, if a thousand fire-type forbidden curses are really suffered, would you still laugh out..."

Gu Lan is worthy of being the great wise man among the pig heads. The worrying words he did not share with his brother are gradually becoming reality, because, when he was marching, Wang Xu had already begun to be underground and near the main road. An extremely explosive charm was buried in his hiding place.

Moreover, this time, the explosive equivalent of the extremely explosive talisman buried by Wang Xu is really comparable to thousands of forbidden spells. This time, Wang Xu intends to use this luxury explosion that cost tens of millions of gold coins to make the entire The dark mountains trembled, letting all the forces of the dark mountains know that they couldn't afford it.

Similarly, Wang Xu also intends to use the most fierce explosion in the history of Loren's world to completely frighten the forces around the Dark Mountain Range, allowing them to clearly realize how terrible it is to enter the Black Mountain Range and wade through the muddy water.

A day later, the two million troops of the pigheads and kobolds all entered the road with a total length of more than three hundred kilometers, and all entered the largest explosion trap set by Wang Xu.

At this time, he continued to hide in the vanguard, and played the role of the lord of the pig head, Ge Dan, turned his head and asked his brother Glenn, the wise man, "We have all gone for a day, why haven't we heard from Mario Wharton? Did you worry too much? Then Mario Wharton didn't plan to talk to us at all. After all, the enemy he wants to solve is not us, but the snowy orcs in the north!"

"Hmm..." Glenn, who had the same question, lowered his head and thought after listening to his brother's complaint. Obviously, he also felt that he might have been worrying too much.

"Fat, fat..." Just as Glenn was thinking about how to answer his brother's question, a hereder dressed up as a boar rider and rushed up from behind, waiting for him to act as a soldier for a long time as she requested. After the role, he patted and sat down on the wild boar mount, slipped to Ge Dan, and reported like a friend chatting: "Lord, there is new information from the rear."

Dare to love, this wild boar knight dressed up as a messenger is a pig-headed spy. In order to cover Gedan's identity, Ge Lan also took great pains, and even the spy was ordered to dress up as a messenger.

"What news..." Before Ge Dan could speak, "the actor" Ge Lan also acted as a friend meeting, approached the spy dressed up as a soldier, and asked him with a smile.

"The two armies of tauren and wood elves are heading south..." The spy replied to Glenn.

Before the spies dressed as the messengers could finish talking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the young man Gerton interrupted in a hurry: "Are you here to chase us?"

"No, Lord Gordon." After glancing at the slightly frivolous Gordon, the spy continued to report to Glen Hui: "The army of the tauren and wood elves are heading south toward the forest of the undead. The specifics are We can’t analyze where to go for the time being.”

"Undead Forest...oh...that was the old territory of the two tauren tribes that worked with Mario Wharton. It seems that their purpose of going south is to go there. I remember, in those tauren tribes After leaving there, the territory was divided by several undead lords. It seems that Mario Wharton’s next plan is to help the two tauren tribes to restore their territories!" After listening to the spy’s report , Gu Lan whispered analysis.

After groaning for a while, the cautious Glenn asked the spy again in a low voice: "You just said that the army of tauren and wood elves has gone south, not mentioning the cat people, where is the cat people's army now and what are they doing..."


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