Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Painful

"Return to Lord Gülen," the pig-headed spy dressed as a legendary soldier, while playing a heartless chat with a hippy smile, while seriously answering the question of the pig-headed think tank Gülen: "The Cat People Legion Stayed near the Catman River Valley, ready to receive the River Valley..."

"Prepare...take the river valley...what do you mean, haven't they captured the river valley yet?" After listening to the spy's answer, when Glenn lowered his head and fell into contemplation, the Pighead Lord Ge Dan asked suspiciously back. .

"Going back to Lord Gedan, we don’t know the specific situation around the Catman River Valley, because the surrounding area was blocked by the Cat People. We observed from a distance that every night, a lot of blue color would appear in the river valley. Because the distance is too far, we don't know what kind of light it is. However, according to my guess, the reason why the cat people did not enter the valley must be related to those rays..." The scout answered everything he knew.

"Blue light..." Gu Lan, who was in deep thought, lowered his head and repeated the spy's words. Suddenly, he raised his head abruptly, looked directly at his brother Ge Dan's eyes, and frowned. Said: "I know what the blue light is!"

"What is it?" After being taken aback by his brother's sudden expression, Ge Dan finally recovered and quickly asked his brother curiously.

"That's the blue light emitted by the ghost..." After replying to his brother, Gu Lan turned to look at the spy, and asked back: "Are those blue lights appearing in the middle of the night, and, with time As time goes by, the brightness of the light gets weaker and weaker, and the light on the next night is much weaker than the first day..."

"Yes, Lord Gülen, what we saw is exactly the same as what you said. On the first day, those lights can still illuminate the night sky. On the second day, it won't work..." After listening to Gülen's question, The spy nodded admiringly and replied. If he didn't know clearly that he was the first spy to report back, this spy dressed as a herald, he thought that Gülen had already heard the news he had received. I felt that Lord Gülen had seen the blue light with his own eyes, or else, how could he say it was exactly the same as what he had seen with his own eyes.

"It's so cruel! Mario Wharton!" After listening to the spy's answer, Glenn slapped his thigh fiercely, and shouted with tears in his eyes and gritted teeth: "I, Glenn swear here, finally In my whole life, my Glenn is different from your Mario Wharton. I must kill you!"

Roaring and roaring, Gu Lan seemed to be hypoxic in his brain. He raised his hand to support his forehead and shook his body uncontrollably. He almost fell off his mount, if not for his youngest brother. Grton responded quickly and stretched out his hand to support him. Then, with Gülen's state at the moment, it is estimated that he will inevitably fall into a shit.

"What's wrong..." Listening to the stern words from his clever brother, looking at his brother's painful expression, Lord Pighead Ge Dan also realized that the problem was serious. In an instant, his expression became very nervous. , The pair of pig eyes were rounded, the voice of speaking was a bit weak, and sweat was seen on his forehead.

"Big brother..." With the support of his younger brother Gerton, Glenn, who was already in a collapsed state, lay softly on the back of his wild boar mount, and lay down firmly. After a few more breaths, Glenn was weak. Ge Dan replied: "The blue light emerging from the Catman River Valley... is definitely the light of the ghost... You also know... the light of a single ghost is very weak... it is almost invisible. Of... But... On the first day, the ghost light in the Catman River Valley... actually reached the level of illuminating the night sky... What does this show..."

"Could it be..." Ge Dan, who realized what his clever brother was suggesting, shook his whole body, his head was empty, and his hands were also released. Then, the one in his hand was studded with a pure gold gasket. His whip, followed by a "pop...", fell heavily to the ground.

"If I guess it's good..." After a long time, Glenn, who had recovered his breath, sat up with difficulty on the back of his mount, and then turned his head to look towards him with a painful expression. His elder brother Goldan, swallowing saliva constantly, replied: "After Mario Wharton shot down our Catman River Valley... he killed all our people he captured... If I guess right... our people who died in his hands... at least millions... if it weren't for that... the light of the ghost in the valley... it is impossible to light up the night sky... and...

"And what..." Ge Dan, who was also an expression of anguish, asked his smart brother in tears, "What did you guess..."

"I finally understand why the cat people haven't entered the river valley..." Glenn, who also began to cry frantically, replied with a trembling body again: "They dare not go in, because the river valley is full of ghosts of our compatriots. ...They are waiting, waiting for the ghosts of our compatriots to dissipate...They will go in..."

With that, Glenn burst into tears and burst into tears. When he was crying, his fangs pig mouth was crooked and his pig eyes were slanted. It looked like he was about to have a stroke. He has not rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth, and if he has the above two symptoms again, he is really the standard appearance of the late stroke.

"Big brother, fourth brother..." Following the crying younger brother Gerton, crying, while trying to comfort his two brothers: "Didn’t Captain Kazlak bring some of us out~www.wuxiaspot. com~ At least, the people we stayed in the valley have not been wiped out!"

"Hey..." Ge Dan raised his hand and wiped away his tears. He looked up at the sky and said to his youngest brother with a gray face: "Kazrak didn't escape from the valley at all. If he really Brought people out, then, it’s been a few days, it’s impossible for him not to send someone to contact us. Besides, we sent so many spies, but we didn’t even see a single piece of his hair. What does this mean? , Our family..."

After thinking that only three people in his family were still alive, Ge Dan was only halfway talking, and suddenly rolled his eyes and foamed his mouth and fell from the back of the mount. Fortunately, he was surrounded by his soldiers. Pay attention to him at all times, and hold him before he falls, otherwise, he will really want a dog to chew on shit.

"Let the chief commander ride with you to rest. Be sure to help the chief commander..." Instructed a soldier to take care of her elder brother Ge Dan, and Ge Lan, who was not far from the faint, turned around and ordered the one next to him. The spy dressed as the messenger said: "Go and take the news to the back, tell Lord Kobold Taofen, and tell him what we said..."

"Yes..." After the spy dressed up as Chuan Lingbing replied to Glenn, he patted the horse and left. Then, Glenn weakly waved to Gerton and let his youngest brother approach him...

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