Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1457: The Holy City Crisis is Resolved

"How about it, God of Waves and everyone else, now it's time to behave yourself, right?" All four people were knocked to the ground.

Nalante still had a smile on his face.

"You...how could you become so powerful? You don't even have a strong godhead!" The God of Waves and his men were lying on the ground, but they could still speak.

"Who said that if you are strong, you must have a strong godhead?" Nalante smiled coldly.

"In addition, now you should tell me what happened, where are my people?"

"I hope you didn't get rid of my subordinates, otherwise I will tell you clearly that I don't mind using the lives of several gods to sacrifice my subordinates!"

"Not dead, they are not dead, we just locked them up temporarily!"

Hearing this, the God of Ice spoke quickly.

It was simple that they had previously aimed to get rid of Nalante and the Lightning Legion, so after capturing the Fire City, they did not kill again.

Not only was it worried about causing greater chaos and provoking more resistance.

They were also worried that the strong smell of blood would attract the attention of Nalante who might return at any time.

In this way, compared to taking over the entire Flame Continent, it was not a big deal to let Nalante's subordinates live for a while longer.

"Is that so? I hope so!"

Nalante was relieved and looked at the God of Hunting and several other gods. "Gods, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing today. I can only say sorry to you and neglect you!"

"Nalante, don't say that. The battle just now was exciting enough. It was worth our trip!" The God of Tide immediately waved his hand.

"Haha, that's right, Nalante, you solved a god in one minute, which really broadened my horizons!" The Deep Blue God also immediately echoed.

"Since you said so, I feel relieved."

"But everyone, I still need to let you wait for a few days before I can entertain you. I have to solve the problems of these coalitions of gods first." Nalante nodded and continued to speak to the gods.

"No problem, Nalante, you go ahead!" The gods naturally didn't care.

Then, Nalante didn't say anything more, and directly strung the four gods together with a rope, and then flew up to the sky.

When he reached the sky, when most of the gods in the city could see him, Nalante used his divine power to shout to the bottom: "The God of Waves, the God of Ice, the God of Gale, and the God of War, watch out!"

"I'm holding your gods in my hand. I'll give you half an hour to surrender and wait for the Flame Legion to take care of you."

"If anyone dares to resist, I will punish them for blasphemy, and I will also send your gods to fall immediately!"

As he said this, Nalante deliberately lowered his body and began to circle around in this flame support.

This was to allow the soldiers of the God Alliance in the city to see clearly.

"Lord God?"

When the coalition of gods saw the gods hanging under Nalante, they all showed incredible expressions.

The four gods all closed their eyes at this time, because their shame made them unable to open their eyes, so they just pretended to be dead.

"It's Lord Nalante!"

"Ah, it's really Lord Nalante!"

In the Holy City of Flame, although many officials and priests have been arrested, their families or some smaller officials have been directly ignored.

So, at this moment, the families of these officials and priests also heard the movement.

When they saw Nalante stringing four enemy gods, they all showed excitement.

These days, they thought that they would be greeted by a dark life in the future.

Unexpectedly, Nalante returned again and saved their Flame Continent again.

Nalante also saw the civilians and nobles in the Holy City of Flame, and his mind moved.

Levi shouted to the people below: "Listen up, civilians of the Flame Continent, I, Nalante, have returned!"

"Under the divine power of the Bone Dragon Knight, the God of Waves, the God of Ice, the God of Wind and the God of War have been defeated."

"Now, you immediately go to the dungeons to release the imprisoned soldiers and officials, and let them capture all the coalition forces of the gods."

"From now on, you don't have to worry about these gods' armies daring to invade the Flame Continent, because Lord Bone Dragon Knight is so powerful that the God of Waves and his men can no longer resist!"

"Long live Lord Bone Dragon Knight!"

"Lord Bone Dragon Knight, God's grace!"

As Nalante said, deafening cheers came from below.

And the degree of worship of the Bone Dragon Knight at this time also began to double directly.

Next, some officials and priests who were detained in the dungeons in the city were released.

After these people were released, they all came to the temple to meet Nalante.

"Lord Nalante, you are finally back!"

Polly, a unkempt and tearful officer, knelt in front of Nalante.

"Polly, I'm sorry for the inconvenience you have endured during this period. Come, find a chair for Poli!" Nalante was naturally warm and concerned when he saw this.

"Thank you, Lord Nalante!" Poli, a civil officer, stood up respectfully.

"Polly, tell me about the situation after the capture of the City of Fire. Did the coalition of gods commit any unforgivable crimes?"

"Yes, Lord Nalante!" Civil Officer Poli was refreshed upon hearing this, and then began to accuse the God of Waves and other gods of the coalition.

Of course, with Poli's narration, Nalante was sure that the coalition of gods of the God of Waves did not commit crimes against humanity this time.

That is, wantonly slaughtering civilians and killing prisoners of war!

Only when the city was attacked, the soldiers defending the Holy City of Flame suffered casualties, with the number of casualties being around tens of thousands.

Although this is also a crime, at least it is not as outrageous as the previous bad behavior.

"Civil Officer Poli, I already know what you said, then you can go down and rest first!"

"In the future, the four God Continents will no longer pose a threat to the Flame Continent!"

"In addition, the Flame Commander and the others should be safe, but they were all escorted to the mountains outside the city for custody. I have sent people to look for them!"

After listening to all of Poli's reports, Nalante did not keep him.

The reason why he still took care of these things personally was that he wanted to confirm two things.

The first is the severity of the punishment for the God of Waves and their God Army.

The second is to confirm whether there are any cases of betrayal after the city was contributed.

Now it seems that the God of Waves and the God Army do not have to be killed, and they can be spared with some operations.

As for whether there are any betrayals, there are none.

The reason why the Flame City was breached was because it was not as strong as the God of Waves and the God Army.

Next, the order in the Flame Holy City began to gradually recover.

All the officials who were detained before began to perform their duties after a short rest.

The God Army of the God of Waves and others were all detained outside the city.

Although there were less than 10,000 guards guarding their one million people, these God Army soldiers had no will to resist.

In this way, two days later, the Flame Army soldiers who were detained in the mountains were also brought back to the Flame Holy City.

When they learned that Nalante had returned and that he had saved the Holy Flame City, all the commanders came to see Nalante with tears in their eyes.

Nalante comforted them for a while, and then let these commanders go back to rest, and then continued to maintain order in the city.

In short, under Nalante's orderly arrangement, the Holy Flame City soon returned to peace.

Since this incident, the number of believers in the Bone Dragon Knight Temple has increased several times compared to before.

Although it was previously stipulated that people need to go to the Bone Dragon Knight Temple once a week.

But it is not mandatory to go every day.

In this way, there are still many civilians in the Flame Continent who cannot accept the Bone Dragon Knight for the time being and do not choose to believe in the Bone Dragon Knight immediately.

But after Nalante's propaganda that day, those civilians finally knew the benefits of the Bone Dragon Knight.

They began to worship the Bone Dragon Knight devoutly from the bottom of their hearts, hoping that the Bone Dragon Knight can protect their Holy Flame City and the Flame Continent forever.

"Everyone, you're welcome, please enjoy!" In the grand banquet hall, Nalante finally had the time and manpower to entertain the gods.

"Haha, Nalante, we will definitely not be polite, your wine and those cakes are so delicious!"

"Compared with the cooks in our temple, our cooks can be sent to the guillotine!"

The gods held large wine glasses, drank happily, and responded to Nalante with laughter.

"Haha, if you gods like it, you can send people to my Flame Continent to buy it in the future. After all, our God Continent will be connected now!" Nalante laughed immediately.

Upon hearing this, the God of Tide immediately said, "Nalante, I thought you would give us a bottle of wine, but you asked us to buy it!"

"Haha, God of Tide, you are trying to take advantage of me, that's impossible, look at how much wine you have drunk these days!"

"Nalante doesn't have much, just more than ten barrels!" The God of Tide said with a righteous look.

"Puff!" The Deep Blue God on the side couldn't hold it back and sprayed the wine in his mouth.

Then, the Deep Blue God said to the God of Tide: "God of Tide, you can drink too much, it's only been three days, and you've drunk more than ten barrels!"

"Who told Nalante's wine to be so delicious, and it's free, so of course I have to drink more! Haha!" The God of Tide didn't feel ashamed at all.

Hearing this, the Deep Blue God was deeply impressed and gave him a thumbs up.

The God of Hunting smiled and continued at this time: "Nalante, now the God of Waves and several other gods are completely under your control, and their army of gods has been completely captured. How are you going to deal with them next?

Nalante smiled and replied: "God of Hunting, what do you think of me keeping them?"

"Hey, Nalante, you are not going to kill them?" The God of Tide was a little surprised.

"It's easy to kill them, but there is actually no benefit after killing them. Now they are not my opponents at all. Whether they are dead or alive, they are actually not a big threat to me."

Nalante is absolutely confident that even if he immediately releases the God of Waves and several guys and lets them continue to develop for 10,000 years, they will not be able to surpass him again.

So, in this special period of the invasion of the Dark Demon God, it is better to keep them than to kill them.

After all, it is not easy for this world of gods to preserve the current fire.

The God of Hunting nodded approvingly at Nalante, "Nalante, I find that you are not only brave and wise, but also have an absolute mind and foresight. I think in this respect, even we gods may not be as good as you!"

The God of Hunting's praise is already very high.

As gods, they are proud of themselves. There are very few who can praise others. And the praise is so high, which shows that Nalante is really far superior to them in the heart of the God of Hunting.

"Thank you for the praise, God of Hunting, I am not that game!" Nalante smiled modestly.

The God of Hunting knew that Nalante was modest, so he did not continue the topic, but continued to talk about the God of Waves and others.

"Nalante, your current strength is already one of the few strong men in our world of gods."

"I think you can take the God of Waves and others under your command and try to make them surrender."

"God of Hunting, that's exactly what I think."

"Although the God of Waves and others are a little weak, they are gods after all. When dealing with the Dark Demon God in the future, they can also stop the Dark Demon Envoy."

"In addition, I am also going to build a temple on their God Continent, so that I can get more divine power!"

Nalante nodded.

The God of Hunting finally felt relieved after hearing this.

He was afraid that Nalante would look down on the God of Waves and others, and then kill them directly, which would definitely be a loss to the world of gods.

Now that Nalante had the same idea, it was obvious that the lives of the God of Waves and others were saved.

Next, the banquet hall continued in a happy atmosphere.

However, just as the banquet was about to end, Vivian ran in hurriedly. It turned out that an unexpected person came to the Flame Continent.

"Stella is here?" Nalante was a little surprised.

"Yes, sir, because you haven't returned for so long, Miss Stella has actually asked Quick many times!"

But Quick didn't know your whereabouts, so although he came to the Flame Continent twice later, he didn't wait for you to come back.

A few days ago, Miss Stella finally couldn't help but worry, and asked the Dark Bone Dragon to carry her to the Flame Continent, and Miss Stella just arrived.

"Then you should ask someone to invite Stella in!" Nalante knew that he hadn't heard from Stella for half a year, and Stella was worried.

So, even if he was entertaining a group of gods now, he was ready to see Stella as soon as possible.

"Nalante, what's wrong?"

When the God of Tide and others saw that Nalante's face looked a little strange, they asked curiously.

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