Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1458 You must submit to me

"Gods, it's nothing. My wife came to the Flame Continent from the Holy Continent, so I asked someone to bring her in!" Nalante explained to the gods.

"Oh? Nalante, your wife?"

"I didn't expect that Nalante actually had a wife!"

To be honest, none of the gods had heard that Nalante had a wife before.

Moreover, with Nalante's strength, he could have any kind of beauty he wanted, so why did he need to get married?

Looking at the serious attitude on Nalante's face at this time, it was obvious that Nalante should be very good to his wife.

"Look at what you gods said, I must have a wife too, haha, please forgive me, gods!"

While talking, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open again, and then a graceful figure appeared at the door of the hall.

Stella looked around first, and then saw Nalante sitting on the table, and her eyes immediately revealed various complex emotions such as excitement, joy, and complaints.

Nalante took it all in and immediately stepped forward a few steps to Stella.

"Stella, thank you for your hard work!"

Then, Nalante took Stella to the banquet hall.

When they returned to their seats, the servants had already added a seat for Stella next to Nalante.

However, Nalante and Stella did not sit down immediately. Nalante took her and said to the gods: "Gods, this is my wife Stella!"

"Haha, Miss Stella, hello, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Yes, Miss Stella, you must be an excellent lady to be Nalante's wife!"

The gods immediately greeted Stella.

Stella didn't know the identities of the people present, but thought they were also nobles of the Flame Continent, and responded with a smile.

Of course, after the gods asked, Nalante also needed to introduce the identities of these gods to Stella.

So Nalante held Stella and continued: "Stella, this is the Lord of Hunting!"

"That is the Lord of Tide..."

"God?" Stella paused immediately after hearing this!

Because in Stella's eyes, all gods were high and mighty.

But now, Levis told him that all the gods in this room were gods.

And the gods were chatting and laughing with them, which was a big shock to Stella.

"Stella, relax, the gods are all easy to talk to!" Feeling Stella's sudden nervousness, Nalante gently comforted her.

"Haha, Miss Stella, you must not treat us as special, we are all Nalante's friends!"

"So, even if you treat us as mortals, we don't mind1"

Seeing this, the God of Tide also laughed.

Hearing this, the other gods also nodded in agreement.

Stella turned around and looked at her husband.

She found that since Nalante came to the Flame Continent, she seemed to know less and less about her husband.

In just a few years, her husband had not only conquered the Flame Continent, but also chatted and laughed with more than ten gods and got along with them as friends.

Nalante gave Stella a reassuring expression, and Stella turned around again and said to the gods: "Stella greets all the gods!"

After Stella finished greeting, Nalante took her to sit down.

"Stella, you must have worked hard all the way, eat more!" Nalante kept putting delicious dishes into Stella's bowl.

And Stella also felt Nalante's love, and the little bit of depression caused by half a year of anxiety finally disappeared.

The banquet lasted until midnight.

After the banquet, the gods did not stay any longer, but went directly outside the city and took the void flying boat back to their respective continents.

After all, the invasion of the Dark Demon God is imminent, so it is already the limit to stay here as a guest of Nalante for a few days.

"Stella, I made you worry! I actually miss you too. After I left the Flame Continent last time, I went directly to the Inner Domain Void, and only returned to the Flame Continent three or four days ago!" After the gods left, Nalante finally had the opportunity to be alone with Stella.

"Well! Nalante, I am relieved that you can be safe!" Stella nodded and said nothing more.

After a pause, looking at the more than ten plants on the table in front of her, Stella said again: "Nalante, what plants are these?"

"Stella, these are magic medicines!"

"Magic medicine?" Stella was a little confused, after all, there is no such thing in the Holy Continent.

And these magic medicines were given to Stella by the gods when they left just now, as a gift.

Nalante did not let Stella refuse, and directly let her accept them.

"Stella, there are only magic potions in the Holy Continent, but these divine medicines are obtained from the Temple of the God of Creation. They are all divine medicines that have grown for at least tens of thousands of years and have the purest power of God."

"Even if ordinary people like you take them, they can greatly enhance your strength and lifespan!" Nalante explained in detail.

"They are so precious, so if I take them, won't it be too expensive!"

Although Stella didn't know much about the world of gods, she had heard of the legend of the God of Creation and knew that it was a legendary existence that was more powerful than all the gods.

And the divine medicine obtained from the Temple of the God of Creation can also increase lifespan, so he and she know how precious it is.

At this moment, he was afraid that accepting such a precious gift would bring some unnecessary trouble to Levis.

"Stella, how can it be valuable? It's just a divine medicine. Compared with my previous help to them, it is not worth mentioning at all!"

"Wait a minute, I'll have someone boil this divine medicine into soup, you drink it directly!" Nalante smiled slightly.

Then, Nalante directly asked someone to take a divine medicine to make it into a soup, and then watched Stella take it.

In order to make Stella absorb better, Nalante helped Stella guide the pure divine power in her body throughout the process.

About an hour later, Stella, who had just reached the strength of a golden knight, broke through directly to become a sky knight.

"Very good, after taking these ten divine medicines, Stella, you can directly have the strength comparable to that of a dragon knight!" Nalante was very satisfied with this.

Before, he had the idea of ​​helping these women improve their strength and lifespan.

After all, he didn't want to see these relatives die in person.

And now the magic medicine is one of the fastest ways.

Although he can also condense pure divine power now, he hasn't condensed much at present. If he wants to use his condensed divine power to improve them, he may have to wait for a few years.

"Comparable to the strength of the dragon knight, Nalante, is there such an amazing effect?" Stella was shocked by Nalante's words.

Dragon knight, in the eyes of Stella and others, it is already a rare strong man in the world.

"Stella, what is a dragon knight? It's because the time is too short, and the long-term effect of the magic medicine has not been fully manifested."

"In the future, as time goes by, even if you practice to the level of a divine messenger, that is certain!" Nalante smiled and comforted.

Stella heard this, although a trace of expectation flashed in her beautiful eyes, but she was not as happy as Nalante imagined!

"Nalante, I don't really care whether you can really reach that height."

"What I really care about is that you can be safe and sound, and then I can stay by your side."

Nalante heard this, his eyes were full of pity, "Stella, now my strength is strong enough, no one can separate you and me in the future!"

"So, just improve your strength peacefully!"

Next, the couple was reunited after a short separation, and naturally came to the indescribable stage.


"Hello Miss Stella!"

"Hello Miss Stella!"

The next morning, a group of leaders and priests in the holy city heard that Nalante's wife had arrived, and they came to pay their respects to Nalante's wife whom they had never met before.

And when they saw her, they naturally offered their greetings with great respect.

Stella nodded implicitly to these leaders and priests one by one in response.

After the commanders and priests had almost finished greeting, Stella said to Levis: "Levis, why don't they call me Madam?"

"Why, don't you like it? This is what I told you to do, because I think Stella, you are so young and beautiful, calling you Madam will make you old!"

"If you don't like it, I will ask the civil official Poli to change it back later!" Nalante said with a smile.

"I don't dislike it, but the word Madam does sound strange to me. It's good now!" Stella smiled sweetly and took Levis' arm.

After taking Stella to appreciate the customs and customs of the Holy City of Fire for a day, Levis finally started to do business.


"My lord, the God of Waves, the God of Ice, the God of Wind and the God of War are here!"

In a luxurious hall, four gods including the God of Waves were brought in.

The gods were still tied up at this moment, and their embarrassed appearance had not been improved.

Of course, this was in line with their appearance as prisoners.

"Untie the four gods and bring them chairs to sit on!"

Nalan Te was very polite to them today.

The four gods looked at each other after hearing this, not knowing what Nalan Te wanted to do.

They thought Nalan Te was going to take them out and execute them today.

After all, Nalan Te could deal with them all by himself now. As long as he killed them, he could directly occupy their four god continents.

There were tens of billions of believers, and absolutely no god could resist such a temptation.

Soon, the four gods were untied and sat on the additional chairs.

"You guys must be curious why I didn't kill you, right?" Nalan Te asked them.

Hearing this, the God of Waves had some backbone and admitted: "Yes, it stands to reason that Nalante, you are so powerful now that you can kill us directly and take away our God Continent. There is no need to talk to us anymore."

"Hehe, if it was a year ago, I might have done this without hesitation. After all, there is a grudge between us. I am a person who pays most attention to revenge!"

"However, you are lucky, because the arrival of a tribe has made me give up this idea temporarily." Nalante said with a smile.

"A tribe? I don't know what tribe it is?" Hearing what Nalante said, the God of Waves and several others showed puzzled and curious expressions.

"Do you want to know? Then you can take a look for yourself!" Nalante didn't say anything more and directly opened his storage space.


Then, a series of muffled sounds were heard. It turned out that Levis threw the items in the storage space one by one in the center of the hall.

"This is..." When the God of Waves and others saw the items thrown on the ground, their faces changed drastically.

"This... This is the Dark Demon!" It was almost screamed.

Although the strength was a little weaker, the God of Waves and others had also experienced the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, so they would naturally not be a demon for the Dark Demon.

"Yes, it is the Dark Demon, but these are just the bodies of the Dark Demon, that is, the Dark Demon who has fallen!" Nalante said.

"This... Nalante, where did you get so many bodies of the Dark Demon?" The God of Waves asked.

"Didn't I say that it was because of the arrival of these guys that I changed my mind about getting rid of you, and these bodies of the Dark Demon were what I hunted with the God of Hunting some time ago!"

"This..." The God of Waves and the God of Ice froze again.

First of all, the news brought by the Dark Demon God again made them feel unprecedented fear.

Secondly, these Dark Demon Gods were killed by Nalante and his team, which also shocked them.

"Nalante, has the Dark Demon God really started to invade the world of gods again?"

"Yes, it has already started to invade, otherwise do you think there will be so many gods coming to this outer void to visit the Flame Continent?"

"That's because the inner void is no longer safe, and the God of Hunting and his team have to temporarily transfer the God Continent, and then jointly resist the invasion of the Dark Demon God in this outer void!" Nalante replied with a smile.

The faces of several gods of the God of Waves turned pale, and I don't know what they were thinking.

But after a while, the God of Waves asked again: "Nalante, do you have the strength to kill the Dark Demon God now?"

"Although it's still a bit reluctant, it can be killed, these are the best evidence!"

The gods of the God of Waves were silent again for a moment.

After a moment, he asked again: "Then Nalan Te, if you don't kill us, what are you going to let us do?"

"Actually, there is nothing much to do. When the Dark Demon God invades, although your strength is weak, you can at least match a god messenger of the Inner Domain Void, or even stronger than them."

"So, I left you here, and it can be regarded as leaving more power for the world of gods!"

"Of course, letting you stay is not unconditional."

"The only condition is that you must submit to me!"

Nalan Te smiled at the God of Waves and others.

Although his words were spoken in a very casual tone, the God of Waves and others did not dare to despise them at all. (End of this chapter)

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