Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1459: The Surrender of the Four Gods

The Gods of Waves looked at each other, their faces were pale and blue, and they were in great entanglement.

After all, they had been gods for tens of thousands of years. Although they were weaker in the past, no one dared to climb over their heads and become their masters.

But now, Nalante made such a request.

It was not that Nalante was not strong enough, but they had never thought that there would be such a day.

So, the Gods of Waves all fell silent.

Nalante was not in a hurry. He knew that he had to give them enough time to think, so he pointed at the armrest of the throne and waited slowly.

Time passed unknowingly, and soon it was half an hour later.

During this period, Nalante did not speak, and the gods did not speak either. In addition to silent thinking, the only communication was eye contact.

Finally, Nalante felt that the time he gave was almost up.

In half an hour, what should be figured out can definitely be figured out.

If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out even if you give more time.

So Nalante stopped tapping his fingers and clapped his hands.

"Okay, gods, I think I've given you enough time."

"So, can you tell me what you'll choose next?"

Hearing Nalante's words, the four Gods of Waves were shocked, knowing that the final decision was coming.

"It seems that none of you want to be the first to stand up and express your opinions, so let me choose. God of Waves, why don't you go first!" Nalante saw that none of them wanted to take the initiative to express their opinions, so he started to call names directly.

The God of Waves's expression changed for a while, took a deep breath, and then asked Nalante: "Nalante, before answering, can I ask a question?"

"God of Waves, ask it!" Nalante nodded.

The God of Waves did not delay and immediately asked: "Nalante, I want to ask you, when you say submit to you, do you mean submit to you as a slave or servant, or submit to you as your subordinate!"

This inquiry by the God of Waves was definitely not redundant.

Although they all work for Levis, in the eyes of these gods, there is still a big difference between slaves and ordinary subordinates.

In their eyes, slaves are equivalent to eunuchs in previous lives, without any autonomy, and the emperor has the final say on life and death.

Subordinates are different, with their own complete personality. Although they also work for the monarch, the monarch can drive him or kill him, but he must never insult him.

Nalan Te saw the thoughts of the God of Waves and smiled slightly, saying, "You are all gods after all. Although I, Nalan Te, am not weak, I will never use gods as slaves."

"So, if you really submit to me, I, Nalan Te, will naturally not treat you unfairly, and I will guarantee that you will have greater improvement in the future."

"Of course, if you still have the intention of rebellion after submitting to me, then I, Nalan Te, will definitely not be soft-hearted, and I guarantee that you will regret not choosing to die today!"

After hearing Nalan Te's answer, the gods did not hesitate any more, "Nalan Te, I, the God of Waves, am willing to submit to you!"

For the God of Waves, he was no longer prepared to consider the consequences of his rebellious heart.

Since the Dark Demon God has already begun to invade, it is uncertain how long he can survive next.

As long as Nalan Te does not use them as slaves, they don't mind having more adults above them. After all, when facing the Dark Demon God, this adult will at least help them resist one or two.

Seeing that the God of Waves was so straightforward, the God of Ice and several other gods naturally did not hesitate.

"Nalante, I, the God of Ice, am willing to submit to you!"

"I, the God of Wind, am willing to submit to you!"

"I, the God of War, am willing to submit to you!"

"Very good, I can tell you that you made a wise choice, and you will be grateful for your choice today!" Nalante was very satisfied with the answers of several people.

"Yes, Lord Nalante!"

At this moment, the God of Waves and the God of Ice were very sensible and immediately changed their names.

"Okay, since you are all willing to surrender, I will follow you to inspect your four God Continents, and at the same time, I will concentrate your God Continents on the Flame Continent."

"This time, the invasion of the Dark Demon God will sweep across the entire God World just like tens of thousands of years ago."

"However, the strength of the God World at that time was strong, but the strength of the God World now cannot be compared with that time."

"So, it is definitely not as easy to resist the invasion of the Dark Demon God as it was back then, and your God Continents are concentrated on the Flame Continent. We will protect the safety of your God Continent to the greatest extent." Nalante nodded with satisfaction and continued to speak to the few people.

"Yes, Lord Nalante!"

Since the God of Waves and the others agreed, they did not hesitate.

So, Nalante prepared the Void Flying Boat that day and set off on the journey to the God of Waves' several God Continents.

Of course, this time he also brought the Storm Knights and the Lightning Legion.

It was not to protect himself, but it would be too low for a great man like him to come here without some soldiers.

The first place he went to was the continent of the God of Waves.

The continent of the God of Waves was not far from the continent of Fire, and it took less than ten days to reach it.

As the Void Flying Boat descended, a wave of waves was set off in the Holy City of the Waves Continent.

At first, they didn't know that their gods were also on the void flying boat, and they thought that there were foreign enemies invading.

The teams of soldiers of the Wave Legion responsible for guarding the Holy City of Waves gathered under the void flying boat with uneasiness on their faces, and took a defensive posture.

Fortunately, the first one to get off the flying boat was the God of Waves.

When the face of the God of Waves appeared in front of these soldiers of the Wave Legion, all the soldiers finally felt relieved.

"It's the Lord God! Greetings to the Lord God!"

"Greetings to the Lord God, welcome the Lord God's triumphant return!"

When the God of Waves heard the triumphant return mentioned by his subordinates, there was a moment of unnaturalness on his face.

But this unnaturalness was quickly covered up.

At this time, the high priest of the God of Waves and the remaining gods hurried over.

"Greetings to the Lord!"

"Greetings to the Lord God!"

"Get up!" The God of Waves raised his hand.

The high priest of the waves and the envoy of God stood up upon hearing this, and immediately took a few steps forward.

"Lord God, is this the rumored Void Flying Boat? Did you get this Void Flying Boat from the Flame Continent?"

The envoy of the God of Waves asked curiously.

"This Void Flying Boat is not mine!" The God of Waves shook his head.

"Uh!" The subordinate was stunned upon hearing this.

"Listen carefully, you two, there will be important guests arriving on the Void Flying Boat later. You should return to the temple immediately to prepare for the reception, and notify all important officials and priests in the city to be present and waiting!" The God of Waves simply did not explain, but gave instructions to the two.

"Yes, Lord God!" Although they felt that their Lord God of Waves behaved a little strangely today.

But for the instructions of the God, the two did not dare to neglect them. They said goodbye and immediately hurried back to the temple.

At this time, Nalan Te had also walked down the Void Flying Boat surrounded by the God of Ice and the God of Gale.

Seeing this, the God of Waves immediately stepped forward and said, "Lord Nalante, this is my Holy City of Waves. The temple is located behind the Holy City. Please follow me!"

"Okay!" Nalante nodded and followed the God of Waves into the Holy City.

On the way, Nalante looked at the Holy City of Waves.

The layout of the Holy City of Waves is actually not much different from that of the Holy City of Flame.

After all, the strength of these foreign gods is almost the same, and the distance is not far, so there must not be too many cultural barriers.

When Nalante and others arrived at the temple, they saw that the red carpet had been laid on the square of the temple.

The red carpet extended all the way to the temple.

Waiting for everyone to land on the square together, the High Priest of Waves and the God Messenger who had been ordered to come back to greet them had been waiting for a long time.

When they saw their own gods and so many gods guarding a young man, they all looked at the young man in surprise.

What surprised them even more was that after the group of people landed, they originally thought that their god should walk in front, or express respect for the guests and walk side by side with him.

But this did not happen at this time. Instead, their Lord God of Waves suddenly bent down and made a very respectful gesture to the young man in the center.

After waiting for the young man to nod and walk along the red carpet, their Lord God of Waves fell behind and followed behind.

And such a performance did not look like the master of this temple at all, but more like a subordinate welcoming his lord back to the castle.

However, facing their own gods, the two did not dare to have any doubts or inquiries, so all doubts could only be suppressed in their hearts.

Of course, this suppressed doubt became even more uncontrollable when they arrived at the temple.

At this time, the temple was already well decorated.

Not only were there tables and chairs for guests to sit on, but there were also various delicacies and fruits.

What surprised them was that the young man, who was surrounded by his own God of Waves and other gods, did not choose to sit on the chairs on both sides after entering the temple.

Instead, he stepped directly onto the steps of the high platform under the guidance of his own Lord God of Waves.

Then he came to the throne of the high platform step by step.

"Lord Nalante, please sit down!"

Then, the God of Waves made a gesture of invitation to Nalante again.

Nalante was not hypocritical at the moment, and sat on the throne of the God of Waves.

"This... this..."

The high priest and the messenger of the God of Waves below were stunned at this moment.

Even suspected that he was dazzled.

The throne of his own god was given to others.

But when the God of Waves waited for Levis to sit down, he did not have any emotional fluctuations. After walking down the high platform, he asked his high priest, "Have the officials and priests come?"

"Lord God, I have sent people to summon them, and I believe they will arrive soon!" The high priest of waves replied in a low voice.

"Okay!" The God of Waves said nothing more, but stood in the hall under the platform and waited.

About half an hour later, all the officials and priests arrived.

After entering the temple, these priests and officials were as shocked as the High Priest of Waves and the messenger, not knowing what had happened.

The God of Waves did not explain at first, but waited until everyone was together before finally speaking.

"Since everyone is here, I will start the official announcement!"

"The first thing I need to announce is that the Dark Demon God has once again begun to invade our world of gods!"

"Ah, has the Dark Devil started to invade?"

"Oh my God, what should we do then?"

As the first piece of news was announced, the priests and officials in the field all showed expressions of fear.

Although they did not have the long history of the gods, they had not seen and felt the horror of the Dark Devil with their own eyes.

But from childhood to adulthood, they grew up describing the horror of the Dark Devil.

This was also a deliberate arrangement by the gods.

It was not to hope that the believers would play a role in destroying the Dark Devil in the future because of their hatred for the Dark Devil.

It was because of faith. If there was an existence that made everyone afraid, they would have to throw themselves into the arms of faith and contribute their faith more devoutly.

In this way, almost every month, the temple would publicize to the believers the evil deeds committed by the Dark Devil in the past.

Especially these priests and officials, they could come into contact with many records of the tragic invasion of the gods' world in the past, as well as the power of the Dark Devil.

Under such circumstances, the officials and priests' fear of the Dark Demon God was no less than that of the gods.

In fact, because they were weaker, their fear of the Dark Demon God far exceeded that of the gods.

After these officials and priests discussed for a while, the God of Waves raised his hand.

Seeing this, the hall returned to silence again.

"This news is unfortunate for our entire world of gods, because the invasion of the Dark Demon God foreshadows the coming of a catastrophe."

"However, you don't have to worry too much, because although the Dark Demon God is powerful, our world of gods is not completely defenseless!"

"And now, it is the second thing I am going to announce."

As he said, the God of Waves raised his arm towards Nalante.

"This is Lord Nalante. His powerful divine power far exceeds that of me, the God of Ice, the God of Wind, and the God of War!"

"And Lord Nalante killed several dark demons with his own hands a few days ago!"

"Therefore, with his protection, our God of Waves Continent will definitely be free from the invasion of the dark demons and the sweep of this catastrophe in the future!"

"And our God of Waves Continent will join Lord Nalante in the future!"

"You must remember this in the future, understand?"

The priests and officials finally understood why Nalante sat on the throne of God.

His strength was stronger than that of his Lord God and the other three gods.

And they naturally could not oppose the choice of their own gods, and even if they opposed, it would be useless.

So, the officials and priests said: "Remember, Lord God!"

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