Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 1 Useless superpowers? I quietly get stronger by breathing!

"Yesterday it was confirmed that the alien gates that appeared within half a light year of the solar system are the ruins of the Dark Ages.

The alien race in the starry sky has not launched a large-scale attack. Please citizens and friends, please do not listen to rumors, let alone spread them. "

"In the Lunar Federation, the theft of the Ross family's Soul Realm Kung Fu has been solved, and the suspect will be executed in three days."

"Recently, three free-spirited warriors were born on Mars. Let us congratulate these three human elites who can physically cross the star sea. They are..."

"In the Asian 'Summer' region of the Earth Federation, the annual college entrance examination is about to begin. The number of people applying for the martial arts exam this time exceeds previous years. The number of students taking the martial arts exam is already more than twice that of the students taking the liberal arts exam."


Earth Federation, Region: Xia.

Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School, the classroom of the literary test class.

Sugu sat by the window, looking at the plastic runway outside in a daze.

Recalling the social news he saw this morning, he still felt a sense of magic even though it had been more than ten years since he time traveled.

The technological level of this world is at least three centuries ahead of the previous world. Humanity has long since begun to colonize the solar system, targeting the stars and the sea.

But when exploring the universe, humans discovered their natural enemies, the aliens in the stars. After a hundred years of fighting, the aliens were finally driven out of the solar system a hundred light years away.

Although that tragic dark age left an indelible shadow on the human race, in the process of defeating natural enemies, humans also discovered inexhaustible wealth.

Martial arts! Ability!

"Super powers..."

The fantasy in the novel of his previous life has now come true, and Sugu still feels unreal about his awakening of supernatural powers.

And maybe because he is a time traveler, he has some special abilities...

"Su Yiyi is pretending to be serious again. You have to take the martial arts test for your superpower? It's a useless superpower that can't even be rated. When you are divided into classes, the martial arts test class won't accept you. You can only come to us. Literary Examination Class. Are you still harboring illusions?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you are ranked first in the literary examination. In this world, what determines everything is force. You will be a clerk all your life, don't think about changing your destiny."

"The one of yours that can slightly increase your learning speed can also be called a superpower? Don't kid yourself, okay? You are just an ordinary person without superpowers."

While Sugu was looking at the screen, the classmate sitting in front of him made an unfriendly mocking sound.

But Sugu didn't care about this. As a person who had traveled through so many years, how could he care about these children whose mental age was so much worse than his own?

He turned his head, showed a kind smile to those people, and then said lightly:

"I understand you."

Those people were stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of medicine Sugu had taken wrongly.

"As classmates in the same class, you have worked hard for three years to avoid being eliminated from this key class for the literary test."

"In the past three years, although I was in the liberal arts class, I have been preparing for the martial arts exam. Even so, I have always ranked first in the school in all my courses for three years. You can only compete for second place."

"Besides these, I'm taller and more handsome than you. I just put myself in your shoes and thought about it. If I were you, it would be hard not to be jealous."

Sugu said sincerely: "So, I understand you very much."

When Sugu said a word, these people's faces turned red.

Later, their entire faces turned the color of pig liver.


Just when these people were ready to curse,

Ta Ta Ta...

The high heels made a crisp sound as they stepped on the floor.

The good brother next to Sugu, Ma Mingjie, poked Sugu with his elbow.

"The weekly class is here."

Sugu and the classmates who had just argued turned to look at the books on the desk, and the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

A middle-aged woman with short hair and glasses walked into the classroom. This was Zhou Li, the head teacher of the liberal arts examination class.

She coughed lightly first, and then erased the word "one" written on the classroom blackboard, "Eleven days to the college entrance examination."

"There are only the last ten days left for this exam that will determine our fate to a large extent."

"Have you all finished your review? Can you guarantee that you will be able to enter the key points in two months?"

The classroom was quiet, as if in confession.

After Teacher Zhou looked around for a week, she nodded. Suddenly she seemed to remember something, and looked at Su Gu hesitantly and said:

"Sugu, are you still preparing for the martial arts test?"

After being called on by the teacher, Su Gu stood up politely and replied: "That's right, Teacher Zhou. I'm taking the martial arts test!"

Teacher Zhou's face fell into hesitation again. She usually acted vigorously and resolutely, which was very rare.

"Your superpower can only increase your learning speed and concentration, but it has no combat ability at all.

On the A to F scale, you can't even get an F, which is a subpar ability.

Without superpowers, it's impossible for you to pass the martial arts exam. "

After a while, she still said these negative words to the student.

With Su Gu's ability in literary examinations, he could easily choose any of the key universities.

Why bother with the martial arts test?

As a teacher, she really couldn't bear to see such a good talent take detours.

After Teacher Zhou said this, someone whispered.

"Is this considered a superpower?"

This sounded particularly harsh in the quiet classroom, and immediately caused a small chuckle.

Ma Mingjie was angry, and when he was about to refute, Su Gu stopped him by holding his shoulder with his hand.

In the face of these ridicules, his face remained calm, unperturbed by praise or criticism.

"The human world was saved by warriors, and now it is decided by warriors."

"Don't take the martial arts exam, don't become a warrior, just take the simple literary exam. To be honest, such a life is boring enough to see the end at a glance."

"I, Su Gu, will never choose such a life."

Su Gu said this sentence calmly.

The ridicule disappeared.

In the literary exam class, no one, including the teacher, said that the literary exam was not as good as the martial arts exam.

Because this is the fact.

In the dark age, it was the warriors who saved mankind in the face of the alien races in the starry sky. Naturally, the status of warriors among humans has become increasingly lofty.

Many things in society will be much easier to solve if there is a powerful warrior behind them.

To be in a high position among human beings, one must have reached a certain level of martial arts cultivation before he or she can sit on it.

This is even stipulated in the law.

Then, do these students in the liberal arts class not want to take the martial arts exam? Of course they do!

But their abilities are too poor, E-level, F-level, what's the point of going? When they were divided into classes after awakening their abilities in the first year of high school, they were not selected, so they could only come to the liberal arts exam class.

During this period, these people did not try their best through other means, but as time passed, the resistance from teachers, friends, and family, as well as the cases they found gradually taught them a truth.

It is important for people to know themselves.

And now three years have passed, and in the entire liberal arts exam class, only Su Gu has not given up.

Just like he is now, standing out in the class like a crane among chickens.

In the crowd, the classmate who mocked Su Gu quietly lowered his head.

Just as Su Gu just said, the hostility of these people comes from jealousy in their hearts.

They are jealous of Su Gu's courage and persistence.

Teacher Zhou looked at Su Gu with a complicated expression, and then said: "Sit down and listen to the class first, and come to my office after class."

Teacher Zhou began to write down the next exercises on the blackboard. Then, the students under the podium began to write furiously.

Su Gu also looked at the exercises on the blackboard with a leisurely expression. He had already solved the problem in his mind.

Now he was teaching Ma Mingjie next to him while breathing evenly and seriously.

Of course, he participated in the martial arts exam not only with his passion, Su Gu naturally had his own support.

Feeling the contraction of his lungs, a voice that only he could hear rang in his mind.

[Complete a breath], [C-level gun fighting technique: Pin-shaped burst shooting] experience +1, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

[Complete a breath], [C-level assassin step: instant step] experience +1, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

[Complete a breath], [C-level combat skill Qingfeng Yistab] experience +1, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]


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