Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 2 I am going to take an exam, not to be executed!

This is Su Gu's ability. As long as he breathes, he can increase the experience points of a skill he has already mastered.

In other words, as long as Su Gu is alive, he will become stronger.

But the tricky thing about this ability is that only when Su Gu focuses on improving a skill, will he give priority to adding points to that skill with every breath.

If you let the ability run freely, it is very likely that after a day of hard work, the proficiency of combat skills will not be improved much, but you will feel that some mathematical formulas and literary poems have been stuffed into your mind for no reason.

When Su Gu just awakened this ability in the first year of high school, he didn't learn much combat skills. Every day, his mind was full of crazy +1s in Chinese, mathematics, and the federal common language.

This made Su Gu, who was determined to become a powerful warrior after traveling here, feel that his mind was not clean.

But now it's different.

It has been three years since Su Gu awakened his ability. In the three years of continuous improvement in martial arts experience day and night, he has improved all the combat skills available in the entire school to a state of perfect mastery.

This is his biggest reliance for signing up for the martial arts exam!


As the bell rang, the get out of class was over.

"Even if the get out of class is over, come back and read after going to the toilet. Maybe in ten days, this can help you avoid ten years of detours."

After finishing the lecture, teacher Zhou Li gave another instruction.

Then she said: "Su Gu, come with me to the office."

Su Gu stood up and followed Zhou Li to the office in small steps.

Zhou Li sat on a wooden chair, holding a glass cup of strong tea and looking at Su Gu, sighed and said:

"In fact, to become a warrior, you don't have to take the martial arts exam."

"Nowadays, there are already martial arts training schools for adults in society. You can pass the literary exam and then try to become a warrior."

Zhou Li tried to persuade him in the end.

"Teacher Zhou, do you think those training institutions that don't even have the skills of the Xunwo Realm can teach people who are warriors?"

Su Gu said calmly.

After the body is tempered to a certain extent in the self-cultivation realm, the skills are needed to lead the warrior on the next path.

The martial arts, which are held by the noble families of the major planets, are secrets that are not passed on.

In addition, warriors can break the limits of the human body. Some strong people can even cross the starry sea without the help of any equipment.

It is unimaginable how much resources are needed to train an ordinary person to be like this.

Those schools in society that don't even have martial arts are simply gyms that charge IQ taxes.

"Those noble families will not accept people of unknown origin, let alone give them martial arts."

"As an ordinary person, the only chance to become a strong person is to be admitted to the martial arts university supported by the Earth Federal Government! In this way, I can get more resources and investment."

"Only in this way can I obtain the martial arts and become a warrior."

Zhou Li sighed and said, "But the martial arts exam is different from the literary exam. There is only one question in the past years, fighting with the aliens in the starry sky captured by humans!"

"This is life-threatening, and there have been deaths in the past years."

Seeing that Su Gu's expression was still unmoved, Zhou Li understood and handed the two notes that had been prepared long ago to Su Gu.

"This is for you."

Su Gu looked at the two slips of paper and was stunned for a moment.

One was a request for leave, and the other one... turned out to be a loan license for the school's martial arts equipment!

The basic equipment for training martial arts students, Su Gu, as a student in the literature class, usually has no chance to use it.

"Since you are determined to prepare for the martial arts exam, it is not appropriate to continue in our literature class. You can't go to the martial arts class, so I'll just ask for leave for you. As for the equipment issue, I'll ask the school leaders for instructions."

Knowing that the other party was running for his own affairs, Su Gu said gratefully: "Thank you, teacher!"

Zhou Li smiled and waved her hand and said: "Prepare well."

Then she said with a complicated expression: "Don't force yourself in the examination room. If you encounter something wrong, find a way to retreat immediately."

Su Gu thanked his head teacher again, and then walked out of the office with a complicated expression.

"Although I know that the head teacher is worried about me, the way she looks at me feels like... looking at a death row prisoner who is about to be hanged."

Su Gu touched his nose helplessly.

"No wonder, the shadow left by the alien race in the starry sky on ordinary people is too deep. Now the cinema is full of horror movies of this theme, and many people grew up listening to horror stories about this."

"For someone like me who has no lethal superpowers, facing those natural enemies of mankind, I guess in the eyes of Teacher Zhou, it is just seeking death."

Su Gu almost wanted to sigh to the sky.

He was also helpless.

Although he could gain experience points with every breath, he didn't know any combat skills at all in the first year of high school. In the early stage, every time he added points, he added points to Chinese, math and English.

Such superpowers, of course, can't be compared with those superpowers that can be reborn immediately after obtaining them.

In terms of perception, it is even worse than F-level superpowers.

"It's different now. I've been working hard day and night for three years! I've learned and perfected all the fighting skills of the entire school's martial arts exam class."

"Those basic steps, knife skills, sword skills... I've improved them to the point where there's nothing more to improve."

"Even my physical strength, after my hard work day and night, and the tiny effect of the plug-in, is now as strong as that of a physical enhancement type of psychic."

"Now, even if I don't have any offensive powers, I must be the top candidate in the province!"

Sugu said calmly and confidently in his heart.

He borrowed two pairs of gravity bracelets with a license to borrow martial arts equipment, and directly adjusted the gravity threshold of the bracelets to the highest value.

After enduring three times the gravity, Sugu's breathing stagnated slightly, but then returned to normal.

"The biggest problem now is that I have been in the liberal arts test class for the past three years and have not had the opportunity to practice. I never know how strong I am."

"Take this opportunity to practice martial arts well when I get home later. I also want to find out what my current level is."

Sugu said with a fiery face.

At this moment, a familiar figure walked towards him, and he was stunned for a moment when he looked at the silly-looking fat man Sugu.

It was his deskmate Ma Mingjie.

"Aren't you going to prepare for the college entrance examination?"

"I'm just like you, preparing to take the martial arts exam."

Sugu was stunned for a moment.


Ma Mingjie's superpower is E-level, which is no better than Sugu. Why does he still need to take the martial arts test?

"I can do special moves."

"What special abilities do you have?"

"My father donated a building to Xingkong Martial Arts University."

"This is an S-level power. How rich is my dad? It's really scary."

Sugu sighed with emotion.

Starry Sky Martial Arts University, the top university in the Chinese region of the Earth Federation, is also one of Sugu's target universities.

Ma Mingjie's father, Ma Cai, is the richest man in Hangzhou and is considered a rich man in the country.

However, as the rich second generation, Ma Mingjie and Sugu did not have the plot in a cliché novel. The relationship between the two can be said to be irreversible.

Ma Mingjie took off a watch-like thing from his wrist and handed it over: "So I went to take the exam just to go through the motions. I kept these things of no use, so I gave them to you."

Sugu's expression changed slightly as he looked at that thing.

"Is this an energy shield?"

The energy shield is a product of martial arts technology. It can project a half-human high-energy force field shield that is strong enough to withstand direct submachine gun fire. It is light and strong.

The martial arts exam does not prohibit students from preparing their own weapons. After all, martial artists need a lot of resources. If you can get good things based on your background, it is also your own ability.

As for fairness?

Warriors are warriors, and warriors go to the battlefield. There is no fairness in the battlefield.

This thing is already a military product and is not accessible to ordinary people like Sugu.

"I can't have this thing." Sugu pushed the shield away.

"Take it, I don't want my brother to die in the examination room." Ma Mingjie said seriously.

Sugu's face twitched, good fellow, the head teacher is like this, and so are you. I am going to take an exam, not a death row prisoner!

He looked at the energy shield and felt more and more like "eat something good before I die".

"There's really no need for this." Sugu sighed. He looked at what Ma Mingjie wanted to say and stopped him:

"Brother, if you really want to give me something, then change it to another one."

"I lack a high-quality combat skill. After all, ours is a comprehensive high school, not a martial arts high school that selects martial artists and takes martial arts exams.

The combat skills are only C level at most, so I need a powerful offensive combat skill. "

When all your abilities are extremely balanced, outstanding expertise is extremely important. Sugu understands this very well.

That’s why I shamelessly asked my brother for it.

Ma Mingjie looked troubled.

"What? You can't get this?"

Sugu looked puzzled. Considering how rich his Ma family was, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

"No, just ask me to give you combat skills. What type of combat skills do you want? My family is a trench, but there is no way my dad can get a lot of A-level combat skills collections that we don't practice at all."

Ma Mingjie said truthfully.

Generally, warriors will have their own tendencies when it comes to choosing combat skills. For example, those who are good at using firearms will choose combat skills related to gun fighting.

Those who are good at daggers will choose dexterity and assassin-type combat skills.

But Sugu just said that he wanted combat skills, and the fat man Ma Mingjie suddenly couldn't do it.

Sugu also understood what his problem was. After thinking about it for a while, he said honestly: "Whatever."

Ma Mingjie felt like he was going crazy.

"Can this be done casually?"

"I'm really casual..."

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