Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 10 Actual Combat, Su Gu's Enlightenment

More than 2,000 examinees rushed into the Fallen City frantically. After passing the crowd at the entrance, they were like tributaries of rivers flowing into the sea and were accommodated by the city.

After Su Gu entered the Fallen City, countless shouts and killings were heard all around. They were all shouting that they had found prey and asked members of their team to come and hunt.

"Go to the main road of the city first, and then follow the main road all the way to the core of the city."

"Many star aliens have the habit of dividing territories. The more favorable the environment, the more likely it is to kill powerful star aliens."

"And the more powerful the alien, the higher the score you get after killing."

Su Gu had just adjusted his direction when he was blocked by a wolf-shaped creature with dark purple hair and steaming hot air on his body.

"Star aliens, spirit-eating wolves."

Su Gu, who ranked first in all subjects, immediately recalled the content of the compulsory course, "Alien General Knowledge".

This is a creature that looks almost the same as the native species of the earth - the wolf.

But it is much more difficult to deal with than a wolf. The teeth of the spirit-eating wolf are extremely sharp and can chew gold and stone. And it has a ferocious temperament. Once it identifies its prey, it will bite it tightly.

And the spirit-eating wolf is extremely strong and has excellent endurance. When they meet their prey, they often fight wantonly to kill time. In addition, the spirit-eating wolf is relatively common, and the score given after killing it is not very high.

So many candidates would rather take a detour when they meet it than fight to avoid wasting time.

But Su Gu obviously did not choose to retreat. He licked his lips and looked at the strange beast.

This is the first time in his two lives, including before the crossing, that he has faced creatures that want to kill each other.

Facing the upcoming battle and killing, Su Gu was not afraid, but felt the hot blood in his chest boiling slightly.


The spirit-eating wolf let out a low roar, its stomach was shriveled, and it looked at Su Gu greedily, obviously treating him as a delicious meal delivered to the door.

Then it suddenly pounced on Su Gu, opened its bloody mouth and bit towards his calf.

But Su Gu did not dodge, just stood there.

The Soul-Eating Wolf was about to close its mouth, and the canine's face showed human excitement. It seemed that it was a frightened human, and today it could have a good meal.


When it closed its mouth, it found that it had bitten nothing, and the human was gone.

Then the Soul-Eating Wolf felt a strong force, hitting its waist directly.

Su Gu appeared above it, and poured his elbow down hard, re-installing the C-level combat skill, [Thousand Jin Weight].

The lumbar vertebrae of the Soul-Eating Wolf were directly broken in half, and it died.

"Sure enough, what the book said is right, the lowest temperature and most vulnerable part of the Soul-Eating Wolf's body is the waist."

Su Gu said lightly.

"Kill the alien spirit-eating wolf of the starry sky, and the college entrance examination score +3."

"The candidate Su Gu's current score is 8 points, ranking 1823rd."

"The candidate ranked first now is Zhong Pojian, with 76 points."

A reminder sound came from the survival watch.

It was related to the college entrance examination, but Su Gu seemed to be oblivious to it at the moment. At this moment, he was immersed in the shock brought to him by another thing.

[Complete a breath], [C-level heavy armor combat skills: Thousand Jin Pendant] Experience +15, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

[Complete a breath], [C-level heavy armor combat skills: Thousand Jin Pendant] Experience +30, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]


[C-level heavy armor combat skills: Thousand Jin Pendant, proficiency has been improved. 】

[Current combat skill proficiency is, mastered]


"After the combat skill is fully mastered, the growth rate slows down noticeably. I thought I would have to wait until after college to break through the combat skill proficiency again."

Su Gu murmured:

"Sure enough, just as I guessed when I was practicing in the martial arts hall, I now have a clear understanding of various combat skills, but the problem is how to use them in actual combat."

"Only by using these in actual combat can I break my bottleneck and accelerate the growth of proficiency."

"I have an epiphany now!"

Su Gu felt the inspiration, experience, and knowledge of the combat skill of Qianjinzhu constantly increasing in his mind. The expression on his face gradually became excited.

"It's better to kill a star beast that really wants to kill you than to chop 10,000 human stakes in a martial arts hall. You can improve yourself more."

"But now we are in a civilized society and a society ruled by law. As a high school student, where can I get the opportunity to fight monsters for my life?"

"Look at it this way. This college entrance examination is not only an opportunity to change my own destiny, but also a great opportunity."

As a martial arts fanatic, Su Gu even put the college entrance examination behind him at this moment.

He only wants to do one thing now.

Fight monsters and level up.

Pulling out the long knife from his waist, he ran madly on the main road like a tiger out of the cage.

Such intense exercise naturally attracted the attention of the star aliens stationed on both sides of the road.

But as soon as they appeared, they were cut off by the flying knife light.

At the same time, the reminder sound on Su Gu's survival watch kept ringing.

"Kill the giant cat of the starry sky alien race, and the college entrance examination score will be +1."

"Kill the witch flower monster of the starry sky alien race, and the college entrance examination score will be +7."

"Kill the corpse-transformed evil dog of the starry sky alien race, and the college entrance examination score will be +3."


While he was constantly killing aliens in the starry sky, his ranking was also rising rapidly. He rose rapidly from outside the 1500th place to the top 900 now.

"It's not that simple. It's not that simple to just throw a few basic professional skills and kill a few monsters to speed up the improvement of combat proficiency."

The improvement in scores is certainly gratifying, but at this moment Su Gu is still thinking about the problems brought by his own abilities.

How can I improve combat proficiency faster?

"Let's put away the long sword and try it first."

Su Gu thought for a moment and put the long sword back into the sheath.

Now he has mastered the A-level combat skill Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword. The destructive power of the sword in his hands is much stronger than other weapons.

With this thing in hand, many small monsters are gone with a casual chop. It's really too safe.

It's really difficult to improve if you always stay in your comfort zone.

"Wait a few hours, when the military starts to release more powerful aliens into the fallen city, then use this thing."

"Before that, use the dagger to defend against the enemy."

"This is... exciting enough!"

After Su Gu made the decision, he immediately pulled out the dagger from his waist, one in front and one in the back, and began to look for the next wave of enemies.

At this moment, a group of floating, red human skulls flashed before his eyes.

These skulls were flying in the air, constantly spewing green gas. Su Gu's eyes lit up and he quickly rushed towards those monsters.

This is a group of red skeletons, and the red skeletons may be one of the aliens with the highest score after killing in the early stage of the college entrance examination!

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