Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 11 Mastering the Assassin's Combat Skills, It Turns Out This Is the Hidden Boss

In a deserted industrial area, two men and one woman were shuttled through it at high speed.

"Hurry up. When I was investigating, the group of red skeletons I discovered was not far away."

"Red Skull is the alien race with the highest kill score within one hour of the college entrance examination. If the three of us work together to kill this group, we will be far ahead of others."

The leader, Zheng Di, said excitedly to his companions behind.

This team is the team that Zheng Di invited Sugu to follow them before the college entrance examination started to try to survive.

"Do you think we can kill the Red Skeletons with just us?" Wu Yi said hesitantly:

"Not only can those things fly, but their shells are very strong. The most important thing is that the corrosive gas they spit out during flight is so disgusting."

"So let's team up with Xiao Qiao." Zheng Di smiled and looked at the only girl among the three. She was holding a laser gun and remained silent.

"With Xiao Qiao, a long-range warrior here, we just need to protect her and let her use long-range means to crack the shell of that thing."

The three of them were moving quickly while arranging tactics verbally.

"Someone got there first." Xiao Qiao, who has a C-level eagle eye, noticed something strange and suddenly said.

"How many people are there in the other party? There are so many red skeletons that the three of us can't eat. We can consider cooperating with the other party."

Zheng Di, who was positioned by the assassin, acted as a scout and rushed over first, asking casually.

"There is only one person on the other side." Xiao Qiao replied.

"It's Sugu." Zheng Di was stunned for a moment when he saw the figure clearly.

"It's this kid again." Wu Yi frowned and said, "He was surrounded by a group of red skulls. This kid's college entrance examination is over."

At this moment, Sugu was outside an abandoned factory, surrounded by more than twenty red skeletons.

Those floating red skulls, half as tall as a man, let out weird laughter, floating up and down in the air, spitting out green gas from their mouths.

The green gas is highly corrosive. Once it touches the skin, it will cause unbearable pain and make it impossible to fight.

Now Sugu is surrounded by green gas and has no way out. This is a situation that no candidate wants to face, which is why Wu Yi is so sure that his college entrance examination is over.

Zheng Di was suddenly stunned for a moment, then frowned and said anxiously:

"What is Sugu doing? Hurry up and press the survival watch."

At this moment, Sugu's eyes were filled with fighting spirit. He pulled out the dagger, danced it casually, and then looked at the red skull closest to him.

He didn't expect that his behavior would render the three people watching speechless.

"Does he know the characteristics of the red skull? The gases surrounding him are highly corrosive."

"No matter how fast the assassin is, he will definitely be injured once he passes through those green gas areas."

"Furthermore, the body of the Red Skull is extremely strong. It is difficult for an assassin to kill him with one strike. Faced with the siege of so many Red Skeletons, he will definitely get into a fight. What on earth did he think when he chose a dagger as a weapon?"

Zheng Di complained.

As a person determined to follow the path of an assassin, he is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this martial arts direction.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to find someone to form a team.

"Xiao Qiao, let's find a way to save his life later. Saving other people's lives will also get extra points." Wu Yi said calmly.

Xiao Qiao also nodded, took out the laser gun, and prepared to kill the red skeleton at the critical moment.

Sugu calmly ran towards the red skull he was staring at, twirling and waving the dagger in the air.

"There are a lot of unnecessary movements." Zheng Di complained in his heart, but the next moment, his eyes widened.

Sugu's figure suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared one meter away from the red skull, and then his right arm pierced the skull's eye socket at a speed that was invisible to the human eye.


After the sound of glass breaking, the red skull seemed to have lost all power. The thick green fog around it disappeared and fell to the ground.

"He shattered the power core of Red Skull." Xiao Qiao said with his mouth wide open.

The Red Skull can float in the air and spit out corrosive gases because of the power core hidden in its head. This thing is also its heart. If it breaks, it means the end of life.

"Is it a coincidence? He must be very lucky." Wu Yi murmured.

The power core is only as big as a fingernail, and the core position of each red skeleton is not fixed. It can even adjust its position at will and at any time. It is difficult for anyone to hit it accurately with one blow.

This is also the reason why the three of them want to build tactics with the long-range warrior Xiao Qiao as the core.

But they soon learned this was no coincidence.

After Sugu killed one, he immediately rushed towards the other red skeleton, and still shattered the power core with one blow.

However, this time the dagger was inserted from the direction of the mandible.

The next one is from the ear piercing, the next one is from the mouth...

Sugu's dagger only shoots once at a time, but each blow will definitely take away the life of a red skeleton.

The mouths of Zheng Di, Wu Yi, and Xiao Qiao are wide open. Is this really a group of red skulls that they may not be able to defeat even if they work together?

Why does it feel like Sugu killing these things is like strolling in his own back garden?

"Could it be that he, like me, has the ability to strengthen his eyesight?" Xiao Qiao murmured.

"His ability just speeds up his learning and concentration." Zheng Di, who was from the same school, said with difficulty: "It seems that he just used the basic ability of an assassin, which is to locate by sound."

"Locate by sound? You mean, he can identify the position by relying on the subtle sound produced by the floating power core of the size of a fingernail? How is this possible?" Wu Yi said in a lost voice.

"And the laughter of the red skeleton group is deliberately made to avoid this situation." Xiao Qiao's voice was also a little dry.

Zheng Di shook his head bitterly. No matter how unbelievable it was, this was the only possibility.

Soon, the three people found something even more incredible.

Those red skeletons were hiding in the green corrosive fog, but every time Su Gu attacked, he did not cause any damage to himself.

"Did you make a mistake about Su Gu's ability? He actually has a defensive ability like petrified skin?" Wu Yi said with a frown.

Zheng Di did not speak. He had already seen how Su Gu did it, but as an assassin, he was deeply impressed by the other party's skills and had no time to pay attention to Wu Yi.

"Look carefully at the boy named Su Gu. Every time before he attacks, he will use his two daggers to combine with the current wind direction and make some unnecessary movements." Xiao Qiao said softly.

Wu Yi thought for a while, widened her eyes and said in disbelief:

"You mean, Su Gu is deliberately disturbing the airflow, tearing open the hole in the corrosive mist, and creating an opportunity for himself to attack?! Is this really a fighting skill that our peers can master?"

Zheng Di said softly: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would think it is completely impossible. In terms of fighting skills alone, Su Gu has surpassed my teacher."

No matter how clever Su Gu is in using the airflow, this kind of behavior of taking millet from the fire has only one chance. As long as that attack does not penetrate the power core of the red skull, Su Gu's hand will be corroded by strong acid.

If you don't attack, it's fine. Once you attack, it's either you or I. This is called an assassin.

At this moment, Zheng Di had a strong desire to fight.

After the college entrance examination, he would find Su Gu to learn from him no matter what. Even if he loses, fighting with such an assassin master will definitely benefit him a lot.

"Look, those red skeletons are actively besieging Su Gu." Xiao Qiao said.

After experiencing continuous casualties, those red skeletons finally realized the strength of the opponent they were facing, and began to rush towards Su Gu at the same time.

Such a scene made the three people feel heartbroken.

Facing the siege, Su Gu couldn't continue to use his magical skills.

Su Gu seemed to have really run out of tricks, standing there stupidly, not knowing what he was doing.

Xiao Qiao picked up the laser gun in her hand, and she would shoot and save people immediately if there was anything wrong.

When more than a dozen red skeletons rushed towards him, Su Gu suddenly laughed.

"It's the same as I thought. Only this kind of battle that makes me a little stressed can promote my own breakthrough."

At this moment, a new voice sounded in his mind.

[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Wind Dance Slash] experience +200, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Wind Dance Slash] experience +200, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]


[C-level heavy armor combat skill: Wind Dance Slash, proficiency has been improved. ]

[Current combat skill proficiency is, mastery]

At this moment, Su Gu lowered his center of gravity, closed his eyes, and the whole person spun on the spot like a tornado.

The wind tore through the thick acid mist.

The dagger moved up and down with his arm, either stabbing or slashing, and every time he made a move, he ended a red skeleton.

Twenty red skeletons were instantly ended by him.

"What kind of combat skill is this? There is absolutely no school in our Hangzhou that has included such an assassin combat skill." Wu Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"If there is such an effective fighting skill, why didn't he use it just now? Did he just realize it in the battle?" Xiao Qiao murmured to himself.

Zheng Di's face darkened, and then he said: "This is a C-level fighting skill, Feng Wu Zhan, the assassin fighting skill of our school."

The other two widened their eyes and looked at Zheng Di in disbelief.

They have seen Feng Wu Zhan before. Isn't the power of Feng Wu Zhan that the strange wind sound is emitted when the blade is swung to confuse the opponent?

The effect is not like this.

"He may have mastered this fighting skill." Zheng Di said with difficulty.

The teacher who taught him fighting skills is just so-so in terms of proficiency. In terms of proficiency in this fighting skill alone, Su Gu has reached the level of a school teacher.

He can already go to school and teach fighting skills to martial arts students!

So, Su Gu is the hidden boss in the school.

Zheng Di felt a little bitter in his heart, and he silently gave up the plan to challenge Su Gu. The gap in strength is too big. If he fights against him, he will be defeated in seconds without learning anything.

They are students of the same grade, but he is not even qualified to challenge him.

Xiao Qiao and Wu Yi widened their eyes. Born in the key class of martial arts high school, they are self-proclaimed elites, but their average proficiency in combat skills is only slightly accomplished.

The highest level of the combat skills they specialize in is perfect mastery.

And Su Gu used an offensive combat skill casually, which actually opened up a realm for them.

"You two know such a powerful person, why don't you invite him to our team?" Xiao Qiao said resentfully: "This kind of big guy, we follow him to pick up leaks, maybe our scores can be much higher."

"I invited him, but seeing that Wu Yi was very opposed, the big guy turned her down."

Zheng Di looked at Wu Yi, who was confused.

What does it have to do with me?

Su Gu is a superpower waste, isn't he from the same school as him, didn't you tell me.

And if this kid didn't say it, who would know that this is a big guy.

He is too good at acting and pretending.

It would be fine if he didn't say it, but he still brought a gun and a knife to confuse people during the college entrance examination. And in order to pretend, he didn't use weapons made of black gold, but used fine steel.

If we hadn't happened to run into him today, we would still be in the dark.

Is this the big guy's way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but Wu Yi was too lazy to explain anything.

The big guy has too many routines, and my heart is so tired.

I was so heartbroken when I didn't hug the big guy's thick legs.

After killing the monster, Su Gu left the venue immediately.

Although he sensed that he was being stared at from other directions while fighting. But he didn't expect that the scene of his battle would have such a big impact on those people.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Isn't it to become famous to participate in the martial arts exam!

At this moment, Su Gu felt the assassin's combat skills that he had newly realized in the battle, and the whole person was in an excited state.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, when facing the enemy, it is more conducive to breakthrough to give yourself some pressure."

Su Gu held the two daggers in his hands and continued to look for new enemies according to his own ideas.

But he didn't know that the fact that he killed the alien race efficiently and the score rose rapidly had attracted the attention of teachers from outside.

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