Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 109 Did I tell you to leave?

Su Gu's thoughts were still on his own skills at the moment.

He had just finished creating his skills and had not had time to test them, but the seven-day time limit of the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower had already ended.

"The only thing we know now is that the Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong can perfectly imitate other skills, but it is not clear what specific effect it can have in battle."

"We have to go back and study it carefully."

Just as Su Gu was concentrating on thinking, a black shadow blocked his way, and Kuang Zhen's cold voice came over.

"Junior brother Su Gu, I miss you so much after not seeing you for seven days."

Looking at the person who blocked his way, Su Gu, who was thinking about his skills, was pulled back to reality.

His eyes swept over the man with a scar on his face who suddenly appeared in front of him. After a second of stunnedness, a confused expression appeared on his face.

"Who... are you?"

After seven days of continuous hard training, Su Gu's mind was full of combat skills and skills. He really didn't have the energy to deliberately remember Kuang Zhen, who he had only met once.

And this expression of ignoring and not caring about you, without any pretense, pierced Kuang Zhen's chest like a spike.

These days, Kuang Zhen couldn't even eat because Su Gu had lost face in front of the principal and Lan Qing.

He treated Su Gu as an imaginary enemy every day and tried every way to defeat him in his mind.

As a result, the opponent he had been talking about for so many days didn't remember him at all!

Kuang Zhen clenched his fist tightly, and the fist bone made a crackling sound because of the force.

"Su Gu, this is your senior Kuang Zhen, how did you meet him before entering the Thousand Layer Pagoda?" Yu Cunxiao hurried over and stood beside the two of them.

At this moment, his head was sweating.

As the vice president of the student union, he had the responsibility to prevent bloodshed from happening on campus outside the fighting field.

But the current situation... He was a little worried that if he didn't handle it well, he would be beaten next.

"Brother Su, this guy is itching for a fight, and he came to you just to get beaten." Ma Mingjie, who had been silent, said in a mean way.

Yu Cunxiao's eyes turned red after hearing this, and he glared at Ma Mingjie fiercely, wishing he could slap him right now!

Then he took another step back, afraid of being hurt by the aftermath of the battle.

"Fatty, you have broken through."

And Su Gu had no intention of taking action first, just looked at his good brother and praised: "You treat me to dinner, let's celebrate."

"Fuck, I will pay for you to celebrate your breakthrough, and I will treat you to dinner if I break through. This is not the way you take advantage of others."

"I can't help it. I used my credits to buy a lot of things for my retreat, and I'm really short of money recently."


Kuang Zhen's face turned purple because of anger.

I stood in front of you and picked a fight with you, but you ignored me and quarreled with your friends.

How much do you look down on me!

Kuang Zhen's body was full of soul power, and he almost couldn't help but fight right here.

Feeling the other party's soul power, Su Gu cast his eyes on Kuang Zhen, glanced at him, and then looked at Yu Cunxiao beside him. Then he said:

"I remember that the school has a school rule that prohibits fighting outside the fighting field. If you want to fight, I'll play with you somewhere else."

After hearing this, Yu Cunxiao looked at Su Gu with great gratitude.

"No need to be so troublesome." Kuang Zhen said with a smile.

He swore that he must teach this arrogant freshman a lesson today!

Kuang Zhen stretched out his hand and said with a gloomy face: "Let's hold each other's hands and wrestle with each other with soul power to see who can use soul power to invade the other's body until one side is tortured and begs for mercy."

Everyone practices different skills, and the attributes of soul power are also different. If the bodies of different people are forcibly injected with soul power produced by different skills, they will produce rejection reactions and unbearable pain.

Ma Mingjie snorted after hearing this:

"You are really shameless. As a senior, you have practiced in Xunwo Realm for several years longer than us, so your soul power reserve must be greater than ours."

"Besides, my brother just came out of the Thousand Layers Tower and hasn't had time to rest. If you really have the guts, fight him in the martial arts hall next to him!"

Kuang Zhen ignored Ma Mingjie's provocation at all, his eyes were always on Su Gu.

"Why, are you scared?"

After hearing the other party's provocation, Su Gu smiled slightly.

It was really a coincidence. Just when I was thinking about how to test the power of "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong", someone rushed forward to be a guinea pig.

"Come on."

Su Gu calmly stretched out his hand, and Kuang Zhen slapped it hard, making a "pop" sound.

When he held Su Gu's hand, a grim smile appeared on his face. Then he used his soul power without reservation and rushed towards Su Gu's body.

Facing the enemy's invasion, Su Gu's soul power was shattered by Kuang Zhen before he could organize a defense.

His soul power went straight into Su Gu's body.

As expected.

After seven days of practicing in the high gravity zone, Su Gu's soul power was almost exhausted.

In addition, he had just entered the realm of seeking me, so his soul power was not as good as mine, and he had no experience in soul power wrestling.

It was right to compare with him.

Next, you will taste the pain caused by the invasion of alien soul power!

Kuang Zhen thought wildly in his heart.

He raised his eyes and stared at Su Gu's face with a comfortable look. He wanted to appreciate the next face that dared to ignore him, because the rejection reaction was so painful that it twisted!

Five seconds,

My soul power has invaded your body. I guess you have already felt the pain.

Twenty seconds,

Heh, you have a strong will. I want to see how long your calm face can last!


One minute later,

Damn, what's going on!

With such a large amount of alien soul power invading, even if the willpower is extremely firm and the expression on the face remains unchanged, the body will definitely have some instinctive reactions such as twitching and twisting.

How come this guy is fine.

Kuang Zhen moved his eyes from Su Gu's face down and looked at the hands of the two people holding each other. My soul power was indeed injected into his body through the holding palms.

Another minute later,

Cold sweat gradually dripped from Kuang Zhen's face.

He injected soul power into the other person's body, but it was like a drop in the ocean.

Instead of being in agony due to rejection, Su Gu seemed to be more energetic. Even the soul power defense that was in disarray before is now in good shape.

Could it be that the technique he practices is exactly the same as mine? So he can perfectly absorb the soul power I inject?

Impossible, I checked it before coming. Isn't the technique Su Gu practices called "Wan Xiang Tian Yuan Gong"?

Just when Kuang Zhen was distracted by his random thoughts, a ray of Su Gu's soul power luckily entered his body.


It was as if the pain of a red-hot iron was imprinted on his flesh, attacking Kuang Zhen's body, and he couldn't help but scream.

Why is it so painful!

It hurts much more than the invasion of ordinary alien soul power. Damn it, could it be that the technique he practices is my nemesis?

Kuang Zhen no longer dared to slack off, and tried hard to deal with Su Gu's soul attack.

Damn, what kind of skill is this! Why is it so weird!

Su Gu raised the corners of his mouth, and a faint smile hung on his face.

It seems that his skills can imitate the supernatural soul power that invades the body, so as to absorb it and make it his own. In actual combat, this technique can be used to reduce the damage of some attacks, and it is estimated to be effective for heavy use.

At the same time, it can also be used to adjust the soul power attributes that are more targeted and restrained according to the different opponents, so as to double the damage.

Su Gu did not end this tug-of-war, and slowly experimented with his abilities.

In this process, the expression on Kuang Zhen's face gradually changed to fear.

"I, I won't compete! This battle is a draw." This crazy soul power competition consumption made his tone tremble.

He tried hard to pull his hand back.

But at this moment, Su Gu's hand, which had been soft all along, suddenly clamped him tightly like an iron clamp.

"Did I tell you to leave?"

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