"What do you want? I've already said that this is a draw."

Kuang Zhen stared at Su Gu's eyes, but compared to his previous strong expression, his expression now seemed a little fierce and restrained.

"But, I don't intend to draw with you."

Su Gu said with a smile on his face and a sincere face.

As he spoke, his soul power had begun to push the invasion in the opposite direction.

Instantly, Kuang Zhen's face turned red like a pig liver, and the severe pain made his upper body begin to twist and twitch like a spasm.

He shook his arms frantically, trying to pull his right hand out of Su Gu, but no matter what he did, he couldn't break free.

In order to maintain his face, Kuang Zhen didn't shout out out of control like he just did, and bit his lips tightly. The red lower lip turned white at this time, and a trace of blood was separated from his teeth.

"I, I give up!"

After a moment, Kuang Zhen said this sentence with difficulty.

But Su Gu seemed to have not heard it, and still pushed the soul power back into his body.

The intense pain made Kuang Zhen's face red like a pig's liver. He squeezed out a sentence from his mouth word by word: "I have already admitted defeat, what are you still doing!"

Su Gu's face was calm, and he said in a tone of reasoning with a child: "But senior, didn't you say before this fight that this soul power fight will not end until one side begs for mercy?"

"You can admit defeat, but you have to beg me."

"I...your mother!"

After hearing this, Kuang Zhen's expression became extremely ferocious. He looked at Su Gu with eyes that seemed to want to eat him alive.

And facing this kind of eyes, Su Gu's strategy was also very simple, continue to increase the output.

"Ah, ah ah!!"

Soon, Kuang Zhen lost the energy to curse Su Gu, and could only scream.

Looking at the current situation, Yu Cunxiao on the side was sweating. He was afraid that if he continued like this, Kuang Zhen would be directly disabled.

So he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Student Su, you see he wants to admit defeat."

After hearing his words, Su Gu did not react at all, as if he did not want to pay attention to him at all.

Seeing this, Yu Cunxiao continued: "Junior brother, forgive others when you can."

Su Gu glanced at him lightly and said calmly:

"Senior Yu, I usually give people face. But if someone throws the face I give to the ground, then don't ask me for it again."

After hearing this, the expression on Yu Cunxiao's face froze for a moment.

He can sit in the position of vice president of the student union. Maybe his cultivation talent is not the top, but his emotional intelligence must be qualified.

Su Gu's words are not only about Kuang Zhen, but also about him, Yu Cunxiao.

Kuang Zhen took the initiative to come to find trouble, and Su Gu considered him and took the initiative to propose a fight in the martial arts arena. The other party did not owe him, Yu Cunxiao, anything at all.

This sentence can be completely translated as, don't be shameless after giving face.

"Senior." Ma Mingjie ran over and hugged Yu Cunxiao's shoulders with a smile.

"Actually, what you said before was quite right. My brother is really a good person. His only hobby in this life is martial arts practice, and he is always kind to others."

"But a good temper is never equated with being easy to bully."

"If someone insists on asking for a beating, he doesn't mind slapping him in the face."

After hearing this, Yu Cunxiao's expression was stiff. He glanced at Kuang Zhen, whose body was almost twisted into a knot because of pain.

Finally, he sighed softly, turned his head away, and pretended that he didn't see anything.

Su Gu calmly looked at the guy crying and wailing in his hand.

The fat man was right. People like this who ask for a beating again and again must be beaten until they are painful!

Otherwise, if he comes again and again, it will be too troublesome to deal with.

Feeling the fluctuations and relaxation of Kuang Zhen's soul power, Su Gu's soul power became domineering and fierce, and the violent power drove straight in.


Kuang Zhen let out the most shrill scream and fell to his knees.

"Let me go, I beg you to let me go!" He finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried for mercy.

After hearing this, Su Gu stopped humiliating the other party.

Feeling that the grip that had been clamping him like an iron clamp had loosened for a moment, Kuang Zhen pulled his hand away like lightning, gasping for breath as if a drowning man had finally landed on land.

Anger, unwillingness, fear, relief...

Multiple emotions intertwined in his heart, but no matter how complicated and uncomfortable his emotions were, he didn't dare to turn his face to Su Gu.

The only good news now is that my current ugly appearance has not been seen by important people, so it won't affect my reputation. Kuang Zhen comforted himself in his heart.

And at this moment, Su Gu turned his head slightly to the right front, and after a moment, he said:

"Mr. Lan, and General Yin, how long are you going to watch here?"

As soon as this sentence fell, Kuang Zhen's body shook violently. He and the other two people who were here with him turned their gazes in the direction Su Gu was looking at.

There was no one there, was he playing a trick on them?

At this moment, the scenery in the void began to distort slightly. It was as if a transparent curtain was torn off, and the figures of General Yin and his mentor Lan Qing walked out from it.

General Yin stared at Su Gu, his expression was a little stiff. He was hiding on the side, but was seen through by a junior, and in front of his teacher. This made him feel a little embarrassed, but he was too embarrassed to get angry, so he could only ask: "How did you detect it?"

"It's just a coincidence. General Yin must not be an assassin, and he brought Instructor Lan Qing so close, which gave me the opportunity." Su Gu said humbly.

General Yin was quite pleased with his words, and his stiff expression softened a lot.

And Instructor Lan Qing looked at Su Gu with a little more appreciation.

Even if Yin Jun is not an assassin, the gap between Su Gu and him is there.

Being able to do this kind of thing, it seems that he has undergone a complete transformation in these seven days.

What's more valuable is that even with such gains, his state of mind does not seem to be affected. He still handles things in a relaxed manner, without arrogance or impatience.

"It seems that you have not wasted these seven days."

"I also want to thank you for your advice to me before I entered the Thousand Layer Pagoda." Su Gu saluted and said seriously.

Watching the interaction between Su Gu and the two seniors, Kuang Zhen's face, which was already pale due to pain, became even uglier.

His ugly appearance of losing to Su Gu was seen by this legendary mentor and senior?

Kuang Zhen bit his lips with his teeth, and a few drops of blood separated from his teeth.

"Two seniors, I will take my leave first."

He greeted them, then stood up with difficulty, and with the help of Yu Cunxiao, he limped back the way he came.

"Brother Su, look at this guy, he looks like a dog." Ma Mingjie's unique mean tone sounded from behind.

Kuang Zhen's body staggered due to the stimulation, and he almost tripped to the ground.

He turned around and glared at the fat man, then looked at Su Gu who was standing next to Ma Mingjie, and finally turned his head and left in anger.


"Senior Yin, and Mr. Lan, what do you want to see me for?" After the two men left, Su Gu looked at the two seniors and said.

He didn't believe that these two had nothing to do and came to stare at him.

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