Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 111 Beast King Fist, Mastering S-level combat skills!

Teacher Lan Qing stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Nothing can be hidden from you, a keen little guy."

"During this period, you went to the Star Air Force Brigade, but you didn't have time to complete the basic school courses. The school needs to complete a certain number of hours of basic courses to graduate. Cheng Ziwen is helping you solve this problem."

"But although the class hours are waived, you still have to understand the content of the basic courses. After all, these are related to the martial arts realm and combat skills level, and are related to the path you will take in the future."

"And Yin Jun and I came here to tell you the theoretical knowledge framework that you need to learn in the next year of school. For specific details, you can check the school textbooks to learn by yourself, or understand them by yourself through fighting."

Directly end the school's basic courses through the back door, allowing students to learn knowledge through self-study in battle. Such an outrageous thing was actually said by the old man who can represent the official attitude of the school.

Not only that, he didn't even avoid others at all, and looked as if it was a matter of course.

For a genius who has reached a certain level, locking him in a classroom with ordinary students to study is actually a waste of his time and restricts his development.

For this kind of genius, the best teaching plan is to pull him out of the ordinary people early, and then give him enough stage and space.

The genius will grow into a towering tree.

When Su Gu knew that he didn't have to waste time on boring courses, he smiled and felt much better.

Ma Mingjie scratched his head and left here very tactfully. What he was going to say next was obviously too much for him, a loser who barely broke through the realm of seeking me.

"Please give me some advice, seniors." Su Gu said.

Instructor Lan Qing nodded and said:

"First, the realm."

"The realm of self-cultivation, polishing your own body, preparing for the introduction of soul power to learn the exercises, you have already passed this realm."

"Then the realm of seeking self, which you are in now, focuses on the excavation of your own potential. At the same time, this realm is extremely important, it is a link between the past and the future, and it is the key to lay the foundation for future practice."

"The more you accumulate in this realm, the stronger the soul fire you will ignite in the future when you enter the realm of soul shaping."

"Physical strength, mental toughness, martial arts understanding, combat skills, supernatural powers... These are the key points of your future practice. Even students in our Starry Sky Martial Arts University, if they can enter the realm of soul shaping before graduation, they can be considered excellent graduates." Instructor Lan Qing said with a smile.

"I am like this with your current principal." General Yin touched the tiger whiskers on his face and said with a face full of reminiscence.

"What is the next realm?" Su Gu asked with a longing look, his eyes shining.

"That is the realm of freedom."

"The body crosses the sea of ​​stars, and the world is free." Teacher Lan Qing said with a smile: "If you reach this realm, you will be an elite in the entire human society, and no force can ignore your existence."

"With your qualifications, I believe you can definitely reach this step. But for you now, this is too far away."

The few people skimmed over this topic and did not elaborate.

Su Gu showed a little yearning on his face, but then he regained his composure. Just as Teacher Lan Qing said, he would reach this realm sooner or later, and what he had to do now was to take every step well.

"I want to ask a question, what is the basis for dividing the level of combat skills? What is the difference between A-level, B-level, and C-level combat skills? What does S-level combat skills look like? Why haven't I seen it even in the Thousand Layers Tower of Martial Arts?"

Hearing these questions asked by Su Gu, Lan Qing showed a little surprise on his face. Has this child thought so deeply about combat skills?

Before he could say anything, General Yin said, "The classification of combat skills is very simple, and they are divided according to the upper limit of combat skills."

"Those B-level and C-level combat skills will never reach the realm of mastering the art."

"As for S-level combat skills..."

At that moment, General Yin's aura was slightly restrained, and then the environment around him became distorted.

In a trance, Su Gu heard the low roar of some monster, and felt the power contained in the owner of the voice. Even Su Gu couldn't help but tighten his muscles.

At this moment, the environment returned to normal. Lan Qing and General Yin appeared in front of him again, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"When an A-level combat skill reaches the state of perfection, it will be automatically promoted to an S-level combat skill. However, to achieve this condition, it is not just about improving proficiency. It is necessary to perfectly integrate combat skills with skills. And the same A-level combat skill, in the hands of people who have learned different skills, will be promoted to S-level combat skills differently."

"You and I are also predestined. The A-level combat skill "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword" that you practice is the lower-level combat skill of my S-level combat skill "Beast King Fist". If you practice the same skills as me, I can pass on this "Beast King Fist" to you now."

At this point, General Yin looked at Su Gu with a bit of regret.

"After the freshman competition, you did not worship any mentor, and the skills you practiced were self-understood. It can be said that you have to explore the road ahead by yourself, and the difficulty of you obtaining S-level combat skills is much greater than that of others."

With Su Gu's qualifications and the fate of practicing "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword", he is undoubtedly the best successor.

It's a pity that he is destined to go his own way and has no destiny with him.

"Although you are not my student, I can't give you much help in improving your combat skills, but I will send you some basic information later. This will save you the time of searching and sorting out by yourself." Lan Qing said to Su gently. Gu said.

At this moment, Sugu's expression became extremely strange. He felt that his "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" became extremely restless after General Zai Yin demonstrated the "Beast King Fist". Suppressing the throbbing feeling in his heart, he politely replied:


Then he said goodbye to the two seniors and returned to the dormitory with Ma Mingjie.

As soon as he returned, he went straight into the underground training room. Ma Mingjie was not surprised by this and shrugged indifferently.

In the basement, Sugu kept recalling the time when General Yin activated the "Beast King Fist".

His "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" began to operate, and gradually, a beast shadow emerged behind him.


With a terrifying punch, Sugu even felt that the entire training room began to shake.

[S-level combat skill, Beast King Fist, has been mastered. 】

"Is this the true effectiveness of the upgraded "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong"?"

Sugu whispered.

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