Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 112 The identity of the God of War?

After practicing the Beast King Fist a few more times, Su Gu returned to his room to rest. He lay on the bed for a whole day and night.

For seven days, the high-intensity practice in the gravity zone almost without sleep was still too exhausting. When fighting against Kuang Zhen, he could still rely on absorbing soul power to hold on. When he returned to the dormitory, he couldn't stop feeling tired.

When Su Gu opened his eyes again, his mobile phone on the bedside kept vibrating.

He clicked on the screen of the mobile phone and looked at the prompt message on it, his eyes widened and he was no longer sleepy.

"Is this a pie in the sky?"

The mobile phone prompted that a large amount of valuable credits had been deposited into his account.

The amount was so large that it was enough to offset the deficit caused by the precious materials he bought with credits when studying for the Thousand Layers Tower of Martial Arts.

Su Gu raised his eyebrows slightly, and after a little thought, he understood who to ask about this matter.

Then he found Ma Mingjie's contact page and sent him a message.

"Fatty, what happened to that credit?"

Soon, Ma Mingjie sent a proud voice message.

"Brother Su, have you forgotten that I am the president of the Almighty Martial God Support Club?"

When Su Gu heard the name of the club, his expression twitched a little.

Then, the fat man sent him a list of his activities during this period.

First, he used the money earned from the profits of the Martial God's House as the principal to exchange credits with members of the Almighty Martial God Support Club, and then used the credits to exchange materials with the contacts he had accumulated at the end of the freshman competition. Then, he used the surplus materials to win over members of the Martial God Support Club...

This guy didn't know when he had such a good relationship with Yu Cunxiao, the vice president of the Student Union. With his help, these operations were almost green-lighted in the school.

The dead fat man is almost setting up a company in the school.


Su Gu sent him a stunned expression package.

"But why are you giving me this money? You don't owe me any money."

"Don't, Brother Su." The fat man said with a smile: "In the future, when the business landscape develops, there must be a powerful warrior behind the big businessmen. This is the unspoken rule of the world. My father suffered a lot in this matter."

"I can't follow my father's old path. I have to hold on to your thigh in this life. I have no confidence in other things, but I have never been afraid of anyone when it comes to making money."

After listening to this, Su Gu smiled and said:

"Okay, good thing. I will feel more at ease when I cheat you in the future."

"Even if I am a capitalist who hangs the lamp in the future, I have to say now that you are a real dog."


After the two chatted with each other for a while, Ma Mingjie suddenly said mysteriously:

"Brother Su, when are you going to log in?"

Su Gu was stunned. Although he did have the idea of ​​logging into the virtual spirit world, this was the first time that this fat man who was not interested in martial arts urged him to log in.

"What's wrong?" He keenly noticed that something was wrong.

"Brother Su, after all, I am the webmaster of the website Wushen Home and the president of Wushen Support Club." Ma Mingjie said with a smile:

"Now I have told the freshmen in our school that I have used my identity as the first iron fan of Brother Wushen to get some internal tickets for the battle of the Almighty Wushen. You don't have to queue up and squeeze, you can watch it directly."

"In the future, our club will build a team, that is, when Wushen is on the battle, we will rely on supporting Wushen to increase the cohesion of the club."

"I also extorted a lot of credits from these people because of this. I can't just take money and do nothing, Brother Su, don't you think so?"

Su Gu's face twitched.

"As long as you are happy."


Su Gu ordered a bowl of hot porridge mixed with nutrient solution for himself. After the warm liquid food went down his stomach, his body felt much better.

The fat guy is not a good person. It's his business to be hunted down when the matter is exposed in the future.

He still has to play the matches he should play.

After sending a message to Fatty, Su Gu put on his X-device and his entire consciousness sank into the virtual spirit world.

"The Almighty God of War is here."

The people on Mars reacted the fastest to Su Gu's appearance.

Since Bartelle was crushed, many elite-level Martian strongmen have wanted to challenge the Almighty God of War.

But none of the challenge letters they sent to their mailboxes have been opened. These people were scratching their heads in anxiety.

"Hurry, hurry, those who want to challenge the Almighty God of War, start matching quickly, and we will snipe him together."

"The Martians were crushed by the Earthlings, and we absolutely cannot tolerate this, so hurry up."


The size of the entire viewing venue of the Almighty God of War has exceeded that of the general elite segment. But even so, it was completely crowded in less than three seconds.

Even Sao Rui, the commentator, saw such a scene for the first time and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

In terms of the appeal generated by the battle, I'm afraid that in the entire brave rank, no one can be the opponent of the almighty martial god.

Then he seemed to remember a nightmare, holding the hat on his head and looking around. Seeing that the fat man who had caused permanent hair loss on his head did not come, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

And at the moment when he relaxed his vigilance, he suddenly felt a chill in his head, and a fleshy hand took away his hat.

A mean voice sounded from behind.

"Sao Rui, you actually did this to save some electricity in the martial arts arena."

"Honestly, I'm so moved that I almost cried."

The original fluorescent green hair that was dyed by the showy bag is gone, and now it has become a bald head that is bright enough to reflect the light of the arena searchlight.

Looking at Ma Mingjie's face, Sao Rui's expression turned pale and green.

"Brother Sao Rui, tell me if the Almighty Martial God can still win this time? I want to make a bet with you." Ma Mingjie said with a smile.

This sentence in the commentary booth immediately caused a burst of laughter.

"Don't bet all day long. I am a serious martial arts live commentator. Doing so will lead the children astray." Sao Rui said bitterly: "Please pay more attention to our protagonist, the warrior who will fight next."

The words are rough but the truth is true. These people in the audience know who the protagonist is.

They focused their attention on the Almighty Martial God, who has been silent and has never interacted with his fans.

At this moment, Su Gu was doing basic warm-up activities while matching. He was no longer surprised by the noisy environment.

The audience in the audience looked at the calm Almighty Martial God and his poker face set by the system.

Someone couldn't help but say:

"You said it's been so long, does anyone know the real identity of the Almighty Martial God?"

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