Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 113: No one in the arena is normal

"It's been so long, does anyone know the real identity of the Almighty Martial God?"

The person who asked this question was a Martian who had just found out the ID of the Almighty Martial God.

His question made people in a certain area of ​​the audience a little mute.

"Yeah, who is the Almighty Martial God in reality? The quality of his battles is so high, but he hasn't revealed anything until now."

Many people looked at each other, with all kinds of emotions on their faces.

Generally speaking, a warrior who has fought to this extent in the arena has a unique fighting style. His identity can be seen at a glance, and the poker face set by the system has no effect at all.

But the Almighty Martial God is a weirdo.

Let alone his identity, no one can tell what his martial arts profession is.

"Boss, who is this person? Haven't those people in the family found out yet?" Anderson looked at Ke Yuya next to him and couldn't help asking.

The Stark family was the first among the ten major families to notice this rising star and want to win him over. As for the identity of the Almighty Martial God, he was naturally most concerned.

Ke Yuya shook his head and said calmly: "The family has sent three waves of personnel to screen and compare the Almighty Martial God's combat videos on a large scale. But his combat style is too varied, or he has no combat style at all. The family members have not been able to determine the target so far."

"Maybe up to now, there is no warrior who can make the Almighty Martial God use his full strength. Maybe he used his own S-level combat skills, maybe there are clues."

S-level combat skills.

Anderson's expression was complicated. Can this kind of combat skills be mastered just by saying it? He has just touched the edge of entering the house, and he dare not even think about evolving into an S-level combat skill.

Boss, are you sure that the Almighty Martial God has mastered it now?

"The opponent of the Almighty Martial God this time has come out." Ke Yuya whispered.

A burst of scarlet light shone on the arena, and a man with bandages wrapped all over his body walked out of the red light.

His appearance inexplicably added a hint of blood to the entire arena.

Su Gu looked up at his opponent, and there was a little curiosity in his eyes.

The opponents he met before were more burly than each other, and they looked like they could capture tigers and leopards alive.

In comparison, the guy in front of him, whose limbs were as thin as a stick, looked particularly strange.

He had nothing to do with the word strong. His whole body was wrapped in bandages, and he had a temperament of a serious illness that made people feel that he had just run out of the hospital.

Such a person fights the Almighty God of War?

Many people in the audience couldn't help but whisper.

Su Gu didn't despise his opponent because of his appearance, but he was very curious about how such a person practiced.

At this moment, the sight of the "bandage man" pierced over like a steel needle. He looked at Su Gu and said excitedly:

"Almighty God of War?"

Powerful strength, fierce fighting skills, unique fighting style. Nowadays, no one in the Brave Division does not know the ID "Almighty Martial God".

The face of the "Bandage Man" wrapped in white bandages showed a personalized smile, as if he was a hunter satisfied with his prey.

Then he began to manually remove the bandages on his body.

When the circles of white bandages fell, everyone, including Su Gu, felt a psychological discomfort when looking at his appearance.

How did this person survive until now?

The skin of the "Bandage Man" seemed to have never been exposed to sunlight, and the paleness revealed a kind of green that only corpses have.

What is even more terrifying is the dense holes on his body, like a wasp's nest.

Those holes of different sizes that run through the whole body are controlled by the "Bandage Man" with some tiny muscles on his body. Each hole seems to be some unknown creature parasitic on the human body, opening and closing its mouth.

Many viewers with poor psychological endurance vomited on the spot when they saw the appearance of the "Bandage Man". Some people were even forced to leave the martial arts arena because of their unstable mental fluctuations.

"He is Hassan."

Sao Rui, who was quite knowledgeable, looked at the man in the arena and spoke with difficulty.

When he pointed out the identity of this person, everyone felt a chill from the soles of their feet to their heads.

Hassan, this surname engraved in human history, makes people love and hate it.

This family that only produces top assassins does not use blood as a bond. Only those children who have endured their anti-human practice methods and have not died will be given the surname Hassan.

In order to maintain the continuation of their family's skills, they kill a large number of homeless orphans every year, which makes the entire human society despise them. There have even been powerful people in the top ten families in history who have issued encirclement and suppression orders against them.

But no one can deny that they have successfully assassinated king-level aliens many times in history, and even killed a hegemon-level alien.

"Kagura Hassan, this is my name."

"My record is close to the elite level. If I kill you, I will meet the promotion requirements."

Kagura looked at Sugu and smiled creepily.

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant. When he spoke, the holes in his lungs contracted and vibrated, making a few disturbing noises.

The martial arts dojo's protection system was immediately activated, shielding the sound and warning Kagura at the same time.

This disturbing sound has been judged as an attack.

Su Gu smiled slightly, not affected at all. He still started to randomly select weapons and battlefields as usual.

The weapon selection was completed, the black gold sword with supernatural power.

A black long sword appeared in Su Gu's hand, and he looked at the sword in his hand with a slightly dissatisfied look.

This micro-expression on his face was immediately captured and put on the big screen in the arena as a close-up.

"It seems that our martial god is not very satisfied with the selected weapon." Sao Rui smiled and commented: "Indeed, facing the extreme assassins of the Hassan family head-on, the black gold sword is too mediocre. Compared with the black gold sword, I am more optimistic about..."

Looking at what happened in the arena, Sao Rui's face was dull and suddenly he couldn't speak.

Su Gu placed the long sword in his hand on his knees, and then a fierce knee strike hit it. Melee weapons without soul power can't withstand his power.

After a crisp sound, the black gold sword broke into several pieces.

Seeing this scene, everyone's mind was full of question marks.

What is the Almighty God of War doing? How could someone destroy his own weapon before the battle?

"Is he... crazy?"

In the audience, someone couldn't help but murmur. So far, no one can understand what the Almighty God of War means by this operation.

Su Gu looked at the fragments of the black gold sword that he had smashed into pieces, and then began to find two relatively intact fragments to pinch on his fingers.

Then the two sharp broken sword fragments spun in Su Gu's hands like a fingertip gyroscope. The sharp sword tip seemed to turn into a black silk.

Such an action made people tremble with fear. This is a broken sword without a handle. Isn't he afraid of cutting off his fingers before the fight?

Su Gu clenched his hands tightly, and the people staring at his hands felt that this time seemed to pinch their hearts.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw that the two broken swords were still perfectly held by his fingers, without hurting himself at all.

Then Su Gu seemed to show a satisfied smile, looking at Hassan, and showing a gesture of invitation.

"Is he preparing to use the two broken swords as weapons to challenge Hassan?" Someone swallowed his saliva. Even the dumbest people could understand what the Almighty God of War wanted to do after seeing this action.

"This is the Hassan family that has left a name in human history. I can only say that it is worthy of being the Almighty God of War. Every time, it can do something that we dare not even think of." Looking at this scene, Anderson couldn't help but say.

"I, I... As a commentator, I can't comment on anything."

"I can only say that those who have the opportunity to watch this battle and are determined to follow the path of warriors, you must not learn the fighting methods of the next two people."

"No one in the arena now is a normal person."

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