Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 117 Black Soul Sound-binding Knife!

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In the arena, the conversation between Sugu and Kagura reached the ears of the audience word by word.

Because the amount of information in this passage is too great, many people’s brains are short-circuited after listening to it.

"Are you kidding me, the Almighty God of Martial Arts? Can you still learn and sell skills like this right now?"

Someone slowly said this sentence, and then a group of people looked at each other. The people present were all warriors from the Seeking Me Realm, but when faced with such a basic question, no one could answer it.

"It stands to reason that this is impossible. Kung Fu is the foundation of a warrior's practice. Changing one's Kung Fu at will is shaking one's foundation. It can go astray and become possessed, or completely destroy one's kung fu."

Immediately, someone pointed at Sugu who was still standing on the field and said, "Then tell me, what is going on here with the Almighty Martial God now?"

"This..." The man was immediately speechless.

"What's so confusing about this? Martial God Brother uses random weapons, and when switching back and forth between different martial arts professions, doesn't he also use the technique of changing the frequency band of soul power fluctuations? Maybe his technique itself is extremely good at change and imitation ah."

"Can changing the soul power fluctuations be the same thing? The current situation is that the Almighty Martial God imitates the Hassan family's martial arts, and even the assassins from the Hassan family cannot recognize it. And he really relies on this imitation, Increased resistance to Lost Soul Curse."


In the auditorium in the arena, these warriors had a heated discussion.

Even the attention paid to this battle itself began to decline. What the Almighty Martial God is doing now refreshes the martial arts views of all the warriors present.

"You can change the frequency band of soul power fluctuations at will, and you can even imitate other people's skills. Boss, is there really such a thing in this world?" Schiller looked at Keyuya and asked in confusion.

Before watching the battle of the Almighty Martial God, if someone raised this kind of question, he would just treat it as some kind of urban legend or Internet rumor.

But now, everything is different.

"At least in the known history of mankind, there has never been such a technique."

Keyua stared at the back of the Almighty Martial God and said slowly: "I even think that even if there is this kind of skill, it is not something that normal people can control. Such people must have profound attainments in all martial arts professions and understand , The talent is peerless, and the body is able to adapt to the changes in the soul power attributes, so that the body will not explode when the skills change. "

"No matter what the outcome of this next battle is, it will be remembered by history because of the existence of the Almighty God of War."

This last sentence shocked Anderson and Schiller on the side.

They had already set their estimate of the impact of this technique very high, but the boss's words still exceeded their imagination.

Their gazes towards the Almighty Martial God became extremely complicated. Admiration, envy, jealousy... and a touch of pity.

After this battle is over, the identity of the Almighty Martial God will most likely arouse the curiosity of those big figures who are truly in power among humans.

If it really attracts the attention of those top forces, searching for the whereabouts of the Almighty Martial God will no longer be a trivial matter for juniors like them. It will also be a real blessing and disaster for the Almighty Martial God himself.

The Kagura in the arena frantically played the Lost Soul Curse.

He wanted to prove that his judgment was wrong in all of this. How could a person who had only met him a few times learn the skills that his family had inherited for many years?

In the eyes of Sugu, who had acquired the Hassan family's skills, the previously invisible magic sound was now visible to the naked eye.

The terrifying demonic sound turned into venomous snakes visible to the naked eye, trying to wrap around his body.

Seeing this, Sugu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and you could vaguely feel that he was a little excited, like a child who got a toy.

By running the "Hell Demon Sound Technique", his soul power turned into a black barrier, easily separating those poisonous demon sound snakes.

In this battle, the combat technique that brought Sugu many troubles was now easily cracked.

"Sure enough, the seven days of hard training in the Thousand-story Pagoda was worth it." He said calmly in his heart.

Kagura's eyes reflected Sugu's calm look. The hand he held the Soul-Eating Knife with too much force caused veins to pop out.

As an assassin, the most important thing is to remain calm at any time.

But at this moment, the anger in Kagura's heart could not be suppressed.

He began soaking his body with special medicine every day when he was three years old. At the age of five, he underwent body piercing to transform his body, making his body more suitable for inheriting the skills. You must learn to control this body that is neither human nor ghost before the age of twelve, otherwise all the suffering you have suffered before will be in vain, and you will be abandoned by your family.

After suffering so much inhuman treatment, Kagura successfully inherited the "Hell Demonic Sound Technique" at the age of sixteen. From then on he had his own surname, Hassan.

Kagura didn't know how the Almighty Martial God did it, but the technique he was running now was undoubtedly the clan-suppressing technique of the Hassan family!

I have endured so much to get something, why can you get it so easily!

"Do you think you are sure to win?" Kagura in the arena said to Sugu with a roaring voice: "In order to inherit the "Hell Demonic Sound Technique", I have sacrificed so much. Do you think you can defeat him using the same technique? me!"

The black soul power entangled in Kagura's arms, and the holes in his body expanded at the same time, making screams!

The sound almost turned into an entity, wrapping around the body of the Soul-Eating Knife.

A-level combat skill, Black Soul Winding Sound Knife.

He charged in Sugu's direction.

But this time, the expression on Sugu's face was extremely dull.


The two collided with a muffled sound, but after just one round of fighting, Kagura's body flew backwards.

Kagura's eyes were staring at the ceiling, his mind was buzzing crazily, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. Obviously using the same technique, it is obvious that I have been studying this way for a longer time.

Why is there such a gap.

Anderson in the audience looked at Kagura's face with some sympathy.

The most terrifying thing about the Almighty Martial God is not his changeable moves, but his analysis of his opponent's combat skills. The longer you fight him, the more thoroughly your fighting habits will be analyzed.

The Lost Soul Curse has expired, and the Almighty Martial God no longer needs to devote his energy to resist the effect of the curse. Now the balance of the battle between the two sides has been completely unbalanced.

"I do not believe!"

Kagura stood up with a roar, and when he looked at Sugu, his eyes widened.

At this moment, the broken sword held between the fingers of the Almighty Martial God was entwined with black soul power. What the Almighty Martial God is using now is the combat technique he just used.

Black Soul Sound-twirling Knife.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Kagura roared, the dignity in his heart driving him to use the same combat skills again.

The two black sharp blades roared like living creatures.

Kagura stepped forward, he didn't believe he would lose!

The two figures passed each other and faced each other on a broken stone pillar.


A blood flower bloomed from Kagura's chest. His heart was almost cut open in the fight just now.

Kagura turned her head and looked at the Almighty God of War behind her, with an expression full of unwillingness and resentment.

"If we still can't come up with anything interesting, this battle can be over." Sugu said calmly.

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