Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 118 S-level combat skills, Black Friday

"If you still can't come up with something interesting, this battle can be over."

Su Gu's confident and flamboyant words resounded throughout the arena.

At this moment, such a scene finally drew the attention of the audience who were still discussing the skills back.

No one expected that the situation would take a sharp turn for the worse in such a short time.

Kagura, who was born in a famous assassin family and had just had the upper hand, had his heart almost cut open in such a short time.

For a moment, no one would say anything.


Sau Rui fell off the commentary chair.

The expression on his face was as if he had just been forced to swallow a whole box of canned herrings, full of despair.

One hundred thousand federal coins! Why is his mouth so cheap?

Sau Rui turned his head and looked at Ma Mingjie sitting next to him in a flattering way. He hoped that the other party would let him go.

And the fat man showed the smile that a capitalist should have, as expected.

Sau Rui was even more desperate.

"Hahaha..." In the arena, Kagura Hassan, whose heart was almost dug out by Sugu, laughed strangely.

He relied on his own magical muscle control ability to stop the bleeding of the wound for a short time.

"Want to see something new? Almighty God of War, you asked for it." Kagura roared in his throat, like a beast forced into a desperate situation, issuing a final warning.

"You like to learn, then I will show you something you will never learn."

His soul power gushed out crazily, and the black soul power condensed and did not disperse, as if a black mist surrounded Kagura.

Then Kagura stood on tiptoe, like a dark witch praying to the gods, dancing a weird dance in the black mist.

As he moved, the black soul power passed through the holes in his body, as if some kind of wonderful resonance had occurred.

No sound was made, but everyone in the same space with him felt a strong sense of discomfort.

It was like an invisible hand reaching into the darkest side of a person's heart, digging out the dirty and filthy things in it.

The extreme desire that once flashed by was infinitely magnified at this moment.

Murder, self-mutilation, lust, violence...

For a moment, the entire audience became extremely agitated.


In the martial arts dojo, it seemed that some kind of alarm was triggered, and a piercing sound came to everyone's ears. With this noise that was enough to pierce the eardrum, the restlessness in the audience was temporarily suppressed.

"Fuck, what just happened? The fact that my girlfriend dumped me last year is playing in my mind like a movie."

"What a weird move, what is Kagura Hassan doing?"

The ordinary audience in the audience made a discussion. What just happened was so weird that they didn't know why they were caught.

"It can't be that." Anderson looked at the situation on the field and swallowed his saliva.

"The only combat skill that can create such a momentum in the Hassan family is that one." Schiller said softly: "S-level combat skill, Black Friday."

Saury jumped up directly, and the ups and downs of life made his face red like a piece of pig liver.

"What Kagura is using now is the move that their predecessors in the Hassan family used to give a fatal blow to the overlord-level star alien race."

"It is a great combat skill that has left a name in human history!"

Being able to learn such a combat skill, I am afraid that Kagura's status in the Hassan family is much higher than everyone present guessed.

Saury was extremely excited, and his wallet was saved.

"Compared to A-level combat skills, the power of S-level combat skills has undergone a qualitative change. If the almighty martial god cannot produce the same level of power, he will die here today!"

S-level combat skills?

These four words caused a commotion in the audience.

This level of combat skills can actually be seen in the brave stage? Even in the elite stage, it is rare to see someone use such a killer weapon.

"This Kagura should not have fully mastered this combat skill, otherwise the power would not have spread to the audience." Ke Yuya commented calmly.

At the same time, she stared at the back of the Almighty God of War with great vigor.

Only combat skills of the same level can defeat S-level combat skills head-on. If the Almighty God of War wants to win, he has to show some real stuff.

She may be able to get a glimpse of the true face of the God of War through this battle.

Su Gu's eyes were closed tightly, and he felt that several strange forces were tearing him apart. All kinds of emotions in his heart were infinitely magnified.

Rage, ecstasy, loss, sadness...

It seemed that his soul began to split, and each of them was fighting internally.

Those fans who supported Brother Wushen looked at this scene with some distressed expressions on their faces.

Just the overflowing power almost made the audience in the entire audience go crazy. And Brother Wushen, who faced this power, was afraid that the pressure he would bear would exceed their imagination.

Su Gu's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of bloodshot. It was not easy for him to break free from the control of emotions by willpower.

His eyes were fixed on the dancing Kagura, and the expression on his face was intriguing.

Suddenly he moved.

The black soul power of the almighty God of War scattered and turned into black mist, and at the same time, like Kagura, he performed a weird dance.


Brother God of War is copying the Hassan family's clan fighting skills on the spot!

Everyone opened their eyes wide. If they hadn't witnessed this scene with their own eyes, they couldn't imagine such a scene in their dreams.

"Can a copied skill do this?" someone murmured.

Each S-level combat skill has a corresponding unique skill. Otherwise, it would be impossible to use it.

Brother Wushen once again refreshed everyone's cognition.

"It's still a little different." Someone said in a deep voice.

Although they look similar, Brother Wushen's movements are less weird and crazy than Kagura, and more sacred. The black mist surrounding him is also more condensed.

The black mist around the Almighty Martial God is intertwined, forming a pattern that looks like an ancient totem.

"No one really thinks that the Almighty Martial God can challenge the assassin family's family combat skills with hundreds of years of history!" Sao Rui clenched his fingers and roared.

He didn't believe that the Almighty Martial God could turn the tables after using this combat skill that has left a name in human history!

Ke Yuya looked solemn. Although the Almighty Martial God used an S-level combat skill, this situation was far beyond her expectations.

"The time has come."

The whole dance contained in the Black Friday combat skill is not just to control the opponent.

More importantly, it is to accumulate strength for oneself.

The black soul smoke entangled the two people in the arena.

Sugu and Kagura both put on a similar black soul armor, and their terrifying appearance seemed like warriors chosen by the devil.

"Ah, ah!" Kagura's eyes left a line of blood and tears. He looked at Sugu, who looked normal, and his face was ferocious.

He rushed towards Sugu like crazy.

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