Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 119 The winner is decided and the storm begins!

With the blessing of S-level supernatural powers, Sugu and Kagura both seemed to have super speed. The entire Yinyu Ghost Cave was filled with the explosions caused by the collision between the two.

With each movement of the two, the black armor they wore emitted a sharp whistle, affecting the enemy's mind.

"If I watch these two monsters fight again, I'm afraid I'll have to see a psychiatrist." Someone in the audience blocked his ears and said.

Bang! Bang! Bang! !

One after another, the stone pillars were collapsed by the aftermath of the fight between the two. In this short period of time, all the stone pillars standing in the Yinyu Ghost Cave were completely demolished by the aftermath of the fight between the two.


The last collision made a shocking explosion. The Yinyu Ghost Cave was broken into a hole because of this collision. One of the two people fighting, his body was shattered like porcelain.

But what gushed out of his body was not blood and internal organs, but the black soul mist.

The outcome has been decided, but who is the winner?

At the last moment, everyone was concerned about only this question.

The black fog slowly began to dissipate, and a back figure appeared.

"It's the Almighty God of War!"

Someone screamed, did he win?

The audience continued to look for the figure of another warrior in the dissipating black fog.

But Kagura seemed to have disappeared, and they couldn't find her no matter what.

Until they saw a pool of flesh that had almost turned into pus. On the pool of flesh, there was an eye staring at the direction of the Almighty God of War.

Is this Kagura Hassan?

"Forcing yourself to use a vicious fighting skill that you haven't fully mastered, the final outcome is that after the fighting skill ends, the flesh and blood of your body will be completely dissolved."

"In this case, even if it occurs on the consciousness body, when Kagura returns to the real world, she will have to bear a heavy backlash." Ke Yuya commented calmly.

She did not restrain her voice, and her calm words echoed in the audience.

Her words made the audience feel a bone-chilling chill.

Is this the price of learning S-level supernatural powers?

But even at such a high price, Kagura Hassan still lost.

After losing to him,

they turned their attention to the Almighty Martial God.

At this moment, the black armor on Su Gu slowly dissipated, revealing his sturdy body. A little light shone on his body through the hole he made.

The winner,

the Almighty Martial God!

The prompt sound of the martial arts dojo system echoed throughout the venue, announcing the final victory.

Some people looked at his figure and couldn't help but open their mouths. In this battle, they had too many questions to ask.

What exactly is the skill that can copy the "Hell Demon Sound Skill"? How did he get this skill that has never appeared in human history? Did he understand it himself?

And Brother Wushen can't be from Hassan's family, so what's the matter with the same S-level fighting skills used in the final decisive blow?

There are even more people who took out their own little notebooks and wanted to ask for an autograph.

Now everyone can see that Brother Wushen is a figure who will definitely leave his name in the history of martial arts. If you get his autograph now, it may have a considerable collection value in the future.

Just when these people were eager to try.

The almighty Wushen went offline.

"Brother, don't leave, stay a little longer!"

"Brother Wushen, please stay a little longer and interact with us. Can I pay you money per second?"

"Brother Wushen, I am your fan! A true fan. My phone screensaver is all your battle pictures. Ask for an autograph!"


As Su Gu left, the audience, whether fans or rich brothers, wailed.

On the commentary desk, Sao Rui's face was pale and his mouth was wide open. He felt that he was hit by an S-level combat skill head-on, and his whole soul was about to fly out.

"Thank you, Brother Sao Rui, 100,000 federal coins, Brother Sao Rui is generous!"

Ma Mingjie smiled and patted his partner's shoulder, his face blooming with a smile brighter than flowers.

Facing the fat man's victory declaration, Sao Rui was like a castrated dog, his eyes dull and lifeless.


The fat man stopped provoking the other party, he patted Sao Rui's shoulder hard, and then he also logged off from the virtual spirit world.

He went to Su Gu to have a meal.

"What do you think now? Are you still thinking about challenging the Almighty God of War?" Schiller looked at Anderson's face and asked leisurely.

Since Anderson was defeated by the Almighty God of War, he has been secretly considering him as a target of challenge.

And now, he is watching this battle, a battle that has already involved S-level combat skills. He pursed his lips tightly and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a long while, Anderson slowly said, "If I challenge him now, it would be just a silly thing to make people laugh. But I am not as good as him now, but I may not be as good as him in the future!"

At this point, Anderson's face was filled with confidence.

"I am only a sophomore now, and I still have plenty of time! From now on, I will work hard to practice, and I may not be unable to fight him in the future. At that time, I will definitely let the Almighty God of War know what it means to not despise the poor young!"

After hearing this, Ke Yuya smiled. It is not terrible to be weaker than the opponent, but it is terrible to give up the pursuit.

She patted Anderson on the shoulder and said, "You sound like someone from our Stark family."

After hearing the boss's praise, Anderson's mouth corners rose. But the next second his face fell.

"But how do you know that the Almighty God of War must be older than you? Maybe he is also a freshman like me."

"Boss, it's impossible. There is no such monster."

Ke Yuya smiled and didn't dwell on this topic anymore. What she said just now was just a little feeling in her mind, and it couldn't be accurate.

She looked at the two people who followed her and said:

"Schiller and Anderson, you will make some analysis videos of this battle next."

"Focus on analyzing the confrontation of S-level combat skills and analyzing other people's S-level combat skills, which can train your vision."


After listening to the boss's words, Anderson and Schiller immediately replied in a deep voice.

Ke Yuya nodded, and after throwing the matter to her subordinates, her eyes became deep.

Imitating other people's skills, you can also copy other people's S-level combat skills. She has to report this matter to the family in person.

There must be more than one person who has similar ideas as her.

Soon, these people with different thoughts followed the crowd and left the fighting arena one after another.


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