Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 120 The difference in combat skills!

A large part of the Almighty Martial God's fans are ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts.

Before the battle began, these people left the viewing area early because they were afraid of being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

They were anxiously waiting for the outcome of this battle. Because of their existence, the battle, which was originally shocking, quickly became more popular in the online world.

Like a pebble thrown into a lake, the ripples began to spread outside the circle.

"Purchase a first-hand video of Brother Wu Shen's battle at a high price (ps: it must be treated harmlessly to ensure that the sonic combat skills will not cause harm to ordinary people."

"What are you people arguing about? You have ranked it at the top of several social media apps."

"Hassan's family? Copy other people's skills? Can they also learn S-level combat skills instantly?

Brother, although I have never practiced martial arts, I am not a fool. "

"These are all true, brother. There is a website called Martial God's Home, which has uploaded combat videos from the narration perspective. You can go and take a look."


Amid the rising popularity, the demand for video analysis has reached its peak.

There are already many fans on the website of Martial God House with the ID @Cang Yue Zhi Lang.

Amid everyone's expectations, Schiller and Anderson were also working overtime to catch up on the tasks assigned to them by their boss.

After staying up all night, the two finally analyzed the battle and sent it to Stark University's internal group chat to share it.

With Keyua's consent, this video was transferred to Cang Yue Wolf's account.

"Holy crap, Big Brother Canglang is finally here!"

Soon this news began to spread in the Martial God House.

Because of the good reputation accumulated from several analysis videos, even before Wushen Home came to promote it, the number of views of the new video began to increase.

Fans of Almighty God of War can’t wait to click on this new video.

"There is no doubt that both sides of the battle are top-notch assassins. Whether it is the pace between offense and defense, the choice of weapon angle for surprise attack, or the reaction under high pressure, there is something worth talking about. ”

As soon as the video started, the battle video opened directly. Schiller and Anderson began to analyze frame by frame, every offensive and defensive reaction of the two sides.

This video style, which cuts straight to the point and quickly cuts to the subject, received a lot of praise in the video barrage.

In the early stage, the Almighty Martial God was almost always on the defensive due to the combat skill "Curse of Lost Souls".

As a top assassin, Kagura puts a lot of pressure on her. Every attack is directed towards the critical point without holding anything back. Faced with such strong pressure, Brother Wushen could easily resolve the attack every time.

He was clearly at a disadvantage, but every movement of his body and every battle decision he made carried a sense of ease.

Under the delicate explanations of Anderson and Schiller, many people were fascinated to watch.

"As expected of Brother Martial God. If I were suppressed like this, I wouldn't be able to withstand it for three seconds."

"Let's stop patting ourselves on the back. Brother Wushen is fighting against a descendant of the Hassan family. This kind of killing machine only looks clumsy in the context of Brother Wushen. It's useful to fight people like us." Second?"

There were people talking and laughing in the barrage, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

At this time, the early attack and defense analysis has been completed, and the video screen begins to switch.

"Out of curiosity about Hassan, a family that has left its mark on history, I wanted to test the power of their signature combat technique, the Song of Lost Souls."

"So I intercepted the complete recording of "The Lost Soul Curse" from the battle video, and then asked the first ordinary student in our school to help us with a little help."

The video began to show the physical condition report form of this ordinary student. The data in the table shows that this ordinary student whose name is mosaicd can be considered a top student in some top universities based on his basic abilities on paper.

And it was this kind of person who actually lost consciousness in an instant when faced with a degraded version of the "Lost Soul Curse" extracted from the battle video.

The electroencephalogram spectrometer attached to his temple showed his mental state.

This junior seemed to have been injected with some kind of mental inhibitor, and his brain wave fluctuations became weak at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This experiment was stopped immediately after less than three minutes. Although it is a degraded version of "The Lost Soul Curse", if you listen to it for a long time, it may still cause brain death."

"Even in a conscious state, if you get hit, you probably won't feel better after you wake up."

"It's impossible for an all-powerful God of War in a head-on confrontation not to know this, but even so, he still dares to give up all defenses and actively let himself fall into the "Lost Soul Curse"."

"It can only be said that the Almighty Martial God may be much crazier than we imagined."

"Of course he achieved sufficient results in the end."

In the video, the battle video starts to play, and the Almighty God of War wakes up and uses the "Hell Demonic Sound Technique" to completely break the "Lost Soul Curse".

With the end of this experiment, and the last picture.

There was a large wave of 666 in the barrage.

"In a terrain like the Ghost Cave of the Underworld, which can easily create echoes, the power of "Lost Soul Curse" is doubled. Fighting against this kind of combat technique head-on, Brother Martial God is really a lunatic."

"High risk, high reward, taking advantage of the situation. As an assassin, Brother Wushen can also beat Kagura."

The video directly skipped the fact that the almighty Wushen copied Kagura's skills, and no one asked about it.

This matter is too bizarre, and it is not something that can be explained clearly in an analytical video. It is estimated that there will be many experts who will write papers to study this matter.

The battle video began to pull back and began to show the two strong men in the arena, using S-level combat skills to fight.

Seeing this, these people couldn't help but straighten their backs, because this is the real highlight.

In the part where the black mist-like soul power is emitted to accumulate energy, Schiller used software to separate the two warriors.

"Although the two's fighting skills look the same, a careful analysis can still reveal the difference."

"Kagura Hassan's body is different from that of an ordinary person. His black mist passes through his body more and interacts with the user. On the Almighty Martial God's side, it is a completely different situation."

Slow down the flow of the Almighty Martial God's black mist, and you can see that the black mist seems to flow irregularly, but in fact it is squeezed and condensed every time. The black soul power becomes more condensed over time.

In the end, the black mist began to form a faint pattern. It looks like a skull.

"There is no evidence to prove that what I said is right. This conclusion is just one-sided. Believe it or not, it all depends on your judgment."

The voice-over in the video is quite hesitant. It seems that he expected that what he said next would set off a big rhythm, so he talked a lot about stacking armor for himself.

Then he slowly opened his mouth:

"I feel that the version of Black Friday used by the Almighty Martial God is more advanced than the one used by Kagura Hassan."

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