Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 121: Incomplete fighting skills, the secret of Hassan's family!

The video about the battle analysis between the Almighty God of War and Kagura Hassan has ended.

But now, just as Anderson and Schiller expected, the last sentence said by the two people has caused an uproar in the comment section of the entire video.

There are already 9999 arguments in the comment section, all of which are about which version of Black Friday is stronger.

The most praised comment reads:

"The first half of the video of the Blue Moon Wolf is quite good, but I really don't agree with the conclusion drawn in the end."

"I am an old user of the God of War's home, a die-hard fan of Brother God of War, so I naturally can't oppose praising Brother God of War."

"But don't praise without thinking, otherwise people outside the circle will think we are a bunch of idiots."

"The Hassan family is a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and Black Friday is already their family-protecting fighting skill. You said that something like this can surpass their hundred-year inheritance just by Brother God of War taking a few glances. Is it possible?"

After this comment, there were a lot of comments that agreed.

"Yes, I agree with the above point of view. The most important thing is that Wushen finally defeated Kagura Hassan. He was extremely powerful, powerful enough to crush Kagura, and it had little to do with his fighting skills."

"In fact, we can also see that Kagura Hassan's control over Black Friday is not perfect. At the end of the battle, he was backfired by his own fighting skills and turned into pus."


There are also some comments that support the video's point of view, but the number is pitifully small, and most of them are labeled as brain-dead fans and martial arts blind.

Such a large-scale discussion was naturally known to the producers of this video, Schiller and Anderson.

After scanning the comment area, the two looked at each other, and their expressions were a little embarrassed.

In fact, their own rational analysis and the conclusions they came to were also very different from what these fans said.

The reason why they expressed such a point of view in the video was, as they said, because of intuition.

Born in the Stark family of the top ten families, they have seen too many powerful fighting skills. It is precisely because of this experience that they have developed this intuition to distinguish the quality of similar fighting skills.

This intuition is usually always successful, but only this time, even they themselves began to doubt, is this judgment really correct?

"I should have deleted this clip earlier, and it brought bad luck to the boss." Schiller said with a wry smile.

The two used Ke Yuya's account to post this video, and they were afraid that this incident would affect the reputation of the ID of Cang Yue Wolf.

"The boss will definitely not care about this kind of thing." Anderson shrugged and said:

"After the boss came back from watching this battle, the first thing she did was to go to the family and summarize and report the information about the Almighty God of War. How can she care about these now?"

"The family had intended to recruit this Almighty God of War before, and this time it is estimated that the price will be raised."

"And this time, it is very likely that not only our Stark family will take action..."

Just as Anderson and Schiller were chatting, a notification sound suddenly came from their mobile phones. The two frowned and looked at the new message, and then their faces changed at the same time.

"Which families are so fast?!"

The two of them exclaimed at the same time, and then they opened their phones together and looked at the news that quickly became a hot search.


Among the ten major families,

The Vladimir family, the lord of the Ice Domain, promised that as long as the Almighty Martial God was willing to come forward and swear allegiance, they were willing to pay any resources for the Almighty Martial God to practice to the Free and Easy Realm!

The Medici family, the richest of the ten families, expressed their hope to have a private contact with the Almighty Martial God. As long as they had a one-way contact, their family was willing to give the Almighty Martial God enough wealth for three generations to enjoy wealth and honor.

The Mohist family, who pursued martial arts with all their heart and practiced asceticism, expressed their hope to discuss and exchange martial arts with the Almighty Martial God.


Looking at the conditions proposed above, even Anderson and Schiller couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Three families have already offered their prices, what about our family?" Anderson murmured.

Soon he got the news.

The price offered by the Stark family is that they are willing to provide the Almighty Martial God with all the resources to cultivate to the Free and Easy Realm, and at the same time, he does not need to swear allegiance to Stark.

The Almighty Martial God only has to do one thing, which is to marry a woman from the Stark family. As for who this woman is, the Stark family also expressed their willingness to respect the opinion of the Almighty Martial God.

This condition is undoubtedly the most generous among the ten families. Many people read this news and kept brushing emoticons of envy and jealousy in the comment area.

Resources, wealth, beauties...

As long as the Almighty Martial God shows up and nods, these things that ordinary people pursue all their lives will be at his fingertips.

In the comment area below the hot search, people with IPs displayed on different planets began to discuss in the federal common language.

"This is the first time I've seen people from the top ten families offer such conditions to win over a warrior. I've seen so much."

"These resources are enough to win over warriors in the Soul Shaping Realm. It's hard to imagine that they are used to bribe warriors in the Seeking Myself Realm."

"You're stupid, it's really because the Seeking Myself Realm is worth such an investment. First, the accumulation and performance of this realm can best show the potential of warriors. Second, the geniuses in this realm are not too old, and they can be slowly won over and their loyalty cultivated."

"I guess what the Stark family has given is already the limit given by the top ten. I don't think Brother Martial God has anything to hesitate about under such conditions. It won't be long before we can see Brother Martial God's true face."

Just as these people were discussing enthusiastically and looking forward to Brother Martial God's appearance, a piece of more bombshell news also related to the Almighty Martial God detonated the Internet.

The popularity after this piece of news appeared directly overshadowed the recruitment of Almighty Martial God by ten companies.


Hassan's house,

Kagura Hassan walked out of the healing tank filled with nutrient solution. After so many days, the look on his face was still as golden as paper.

The forced use of combat skills that he had not fully mastered made his body extremely weak.

"Clan leader, I'm sorry I lost."

Behind his body, an old man with a goatee slowly appeared. He didn't use any combat skills to hide his figure, but just standing there made people subconsciously ignore his existence.

"You are already aware of my presence. It seems that you have almost recovered." The old man stroked his goatee and looked at Kagura with his aquiline eyes.

Kagura stared at the old man, his eyes and pupils trembling slightly, as if he was suppressing something.

After a moment, he slammed the table angrily and said: "Chief, those damn guys on the Internet are making fun of our clan's combat skills at will!"

In the past few days, he had been staying in his room to recuperate, and the issue he was most concerned about was naturally the condition of the opponent who defeated him.

When he saw the video displayed on the homepage of the website related to the Almighty Martial God, which arbitrarily ridiculed and belittled their family's combat skills, he could no longer suppress the anger and humiliation in his heart.

"Hassan's name has been shamed because of my actions. I ask the patriarch to allow me, Kagura Hassan, to risk everything I have to assassinate the Almighty Martial God!"

"No matter whether the assassination is successful or not, the family's shame must be washed away with blood! Whether the blood belongs to the Almighty Martial God or mine!"

The old man with the goatee watched quietly as Kagura finished speaking. Looking at his excited look, he slowly said:

"What if I told you that the video was right?"

Kagura Hassan opened his mouth wide, as if his whole body was struck by lightning.

“What if I told you that our family’s legacy of Black Friday itself is incomplete?”

"The ancestor of the Hassan family was a great warrior, but if we really want to reproduce the combat skills he created, the conditions are too difficult. So much so that it is simply impossible. The great combat skills he created, those disciples cannot One person can truly inherit.”

"The most favored and most talented young disciple among them really couldn't bear the loss of his combat skills, so he simply experimented with his senior brothers and used clever methods to change it."

"What a result, our ancestor of the Hassan family commented before he died," a sad look appeared on the old man's face.

"I'm just trying to imitate others."

Kagura lowered her head silently without saying a word.

"It is the long-cherished wish of our entire family to bring the real Black Friday back to the world. Now I see hope in that boy."

"Take a look at what I just ordered to post on the Internet about the Hassan family's response to the Almighty God of War. You can go and take a look. That is the family's attitude towards this."

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