Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 122 What does the Almighty God of War have to do with me, Su Gu!

The dagger symbol interwoven with musical notes appeared in a dark web area that accepted assassination missions.

Many people frowned when they saw this thing.

After nearly a hundred years, the clan emblem of the secret assassination family Hassan appeared again.

Is it because of the almighty martial god? It's so pitiful. Being targeted by this family that makes a living by killing people, I'm afraid that even if you join one of the top ten families, you will have to live in fear every day.

No one doubts the authenticity of this thing. According to the established rules, it is the right of the clan leader to use the clan emblem to post and receive jobs on the dark web.

Even if there are brainless guys who want to die, they don't have the courage to provoke the assassination family that has been passed down for a hundred years on this matter.

Soon, the Hassan family posted a notice on the bulletin board of the dark web.

Some idle people glanced at it and laughed.

It was indeed because of the almighty martial god.

Then he took another careful look, and his eyes widened.


Am I dreaming?

He rubbed his eyes and read it again.

"Almighty God of War, we hope to use your talent and ability to reproduce our lost fighting skills."

"As a reward, the Hassan family is willing to worship you as the Holy Son. After a hundred years of the current patriarch, you will have the right to mobilize the entire family."

He read it carefully, word by word, and confirmed it again and again with the Hassan family emblem, and finally confirmed that he was not wrong.

"Is the Hassan family crazy?"

For a very special family like the Hassan family, which is not bound by blood. The succession of the next patriarch position is less intrigue and more bloody than that of ordinary families.

This is the first time in hundreds of years that such a situation has occurred. As long as an outsider nods in agreement, he can inherit the position of patriarch without paying any conditions.

"I'm afraid that this kind of thing is not something that the clan leader can decide. It even requires the unanimous consent of the elders of the Hassan family."

"Why? Combat skills? Could it be..."

"Damn, this is really big news! I can't help it, I'll post it on WeChat Moments!"


No one expected that a dark web that accepts assassination missions would become popular because of this incident.

It even became a hot search!

It even topped the hot search list!

The matter about the almighty martial arts god's combat skills was once again brought up and heated up. Among them, the analysis video of the Martial God's House was naturally the first to be affected.

Every comment below it began to suffer crazy whipping.

"Those who say that Brother Wushen's fighting skills are not as good as Kagura's. Hassan's family personally certified that Brother Wushen could become the young patriarch of such an assassin family just because of that fighting skill."

"Brother, how many days have passed, stop whipping the corpse! Do you think such an outrageous thing can be thought of by a normal person like me? I can only say that the most magical place in the world is reality."

"It's really outrageous. I have never seen such a thing in my life."

"Don't talk about your life. This kind of thing is probably the first time in history."


Four of the ten major families have extended olive branches to the Almighty Martial God, and the conditions they offer are more generous than one another.

And the Hassan family is even more incredible. It can be said that as long as the Almighty Martial God shows up and nods, they will be able to have their own assassination corps in the future!

On the Internet, some people have begun to argue about which side the Almighty Martial God will join next.

But after waiting for several days, the Almighty Martial God has not appeared.

"What is Brother Wushen doing? Why doesn't he come out?"

Someone posted a question in confusion.

They don't understand. Isn't it normal to sell the learned martial arts to the emperor's family?

What a good opportunity now, why not come out?

For a while, rumors spread everywhere.

At the same time, the copying skills and the ability to reproduce S-level combat skills demonstrated by the Almighty Martial God have long attracted the interest of those martial arts universities.

In reality, papers on this kind of skills have begun to emerge continuously.

The most outrageous and popular one is "On whether the Almighty Martial God is a martial arts spirit born in the virtual spirit world"

The paper states that the Almighty Martial God may not be a living person at all!

There are too many heroes of the dark ages in the virtual spirit world, and the predecessors on the road of martial arts have uploaded their personal wills digitally. Some wills are still well preserved, and in a certain area of ​​the virtual spirit world, they have become martial arts inheritance waiting for the destined person.

And the personalities of some predecessors have collapsed into fragments due to the turmoil in the spirit world.

Among them, the Almighty Martial God is most likely a virtual person composed of countless personality fragments under a myriad of coincidences. Relying on the personal memories of these predecessors, he can reproduce the skills of others.

At the same time, this also explains why the Almighty Martial God did not even respond to these families, let alone meet them in person under such generous conditions. And why his fighting style and methods are so changeable.

Such an article full of speculation and little argument was actually believed by many people after it was sent out. As a result, it received a lot of forwardings and caused a certain impact.

"How could Brother Wushen be fake? Isn't this pure slander!"

"You can't beat Brother Wushen, so you come here to disgust people, right?"

"Oh? You said he is a real person, you should show evidence."

Soon, another discussion about whether the Almighty Martial God is a real person was set off.

In order to prevent their fans from becoming cyber dummies, the fans of Brother Wushen are arguing with a group of people who like to have fun.

A bloody storm has started again on the Internet.

The mastermind behind all these storms is happily eating noodles with his good brother Ma Mingjie in the cafeteria of Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

"Eat hard, brothers, I'll pay for your meals these days." Ma Mingjie patted his chest generously.

He got 100,000 federal coins from Saorui, and he was in a surprisingly good mood. He took the initiative to treat Su Gu to several meals.

And Su Gu ignored him, eating noodles wholeheartedly, and from time to time he took out his mobile phone to refill noodles and add a few more toppings.

This starving ghost looked like he was reincarnated, and he was choking at Ma Mingjie.

"Are you not moved by the things on the Internet?" The fat man asked curiously.

This is something that ordinary people can't ask for in their entire lives, or become the young patriarch of a powerful family as long as you nod your head.

Who can refuse?

Su Gu glanced at the fat man, swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and said slowly: "I practice martial arts because I like it, not to sell myself for a good price."


"What does the matter of the Almighty Martial God have to do with me, Su Gu."

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