Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 129 S-level superpower! Agrus!

"Yak Paton."

When the man on the other side gave his name, Su Gu's face immediately became a little strange.

"Is that Batelle your relative?"

"My younger brother."

"Want revenge?"

"I'm not as skilled as you, so I'll just be beaten. But I do want to meet you."

After a few simple chats, the two stopped their boring greetings. Su Gu, as usual, started to randomly select weapons.

But what people didn't expect was that the right to choose the battlefield was given to Yak.

"After reaching the elite stage, the right to choose the battlefield will be random, and it will no longer be determined by the winning streak." Sao Rui said.

Yak decided the battle venue immediately without thinking.

Battlefield: Mirror Lake.

The space where the two people in the arena were located changed in an instant.

The ground became a lake, clear and clean, with no end in sight, and the water surface clearly reflected the human figure. The gray ceiling also disappeared, and became a blue sky. The sea and the sky are the same color, so beautiful that it makes people lose their minds.

Su Gu and Yak stood on the surface of the water, and a beam of sunlight fell from the sky, just in the middle of the two.

It seemed to give the upcoming battle a certain sacred temperament.

"As a heavy armor, Yak actually chose this place to fight?" Schiller frowned and said: "In the battle in Mirror Lake, you have to distract yourself and attach part of your soul power to your feet at all times to be able to stand on the water."

"In addition, because the place you stand is on the water, it is difficult to use force like stepping on solid ground."

"This is hell for heavy armors that subdue opponents with strength and whose soul power control is not delicate enough."

"So Mirror Lake is generally a counterattack map for assassins or long-range warriors or heavy armors."

After listening, Anderson scratched his head, and he was also thinking about why this map was chosen.

"This is the elite stage." Ke Yuya said calmly.

This sentence made the two silent for a while.

Yes, how can a warrior who can reach this level be considered with normal people's thinking?

They immediately skipped this topic.

"What is the weapon of the Almighty God of War this time?"

All the audience were curious, looking at the wheel next to Su Gu, which gradually stopped spinning.

The wheel stopped spinning, and a light shield that could protect the chest fell down.

It was a round shield.

For a warrior with strength and agility, this is a good weapon choice against heavy armor. The shield is neither too big nor too small, which can protect oneself at critical moments and will not affect one's own combat output.

A good weapon choice for a favorable battlefield.

The fans of the Almighty God of War almost began to cheer for victory.

"In previous battles, Brother Wushen was at a great disadvantage in all aspects, but he could always turn the tables with his personal ability. I don't know how he lost this battle!"

Many people laughed.

And Sao Rui looked at this scene, just shook his head and sighed slightly.

Damn, relying on Brother Wushen's popularity, his career finally started to improve, but now it's going to fail again?

The audience had various thoughts, and the preparations for the battle between the two warriors were complete.

Su Gu equipped his own circular shield, while Yak held an exaggerated battle axe that was twice as big as his body. The axe head of the battle axe was submerged in the lake, like a lurking shark.

The battle began.

Su Gu launched the first attack, his figure disappeared, and he moved at high speed on the Mirror Lake, waiting for an opportunity to find the enemy's flaws.

The person moved at high speed on the Mirror Lake, and there was not a ripple on the surface of the water. The exquisite steps and powerful soul power control made all the viewers amazed.


Su Gu's heavy fist hit Yak's heart directly! Behind Yak, a three-meter-high wave rose.


The wave hit the lake again, making a loud noise. Yak himself lowered his head, looked at Su Gu who was attacking him, and said calmly:

"Are you tickling me?"

Su Gu frowned slightly.

He immediately retracted his fist and changed his move, hitting the same position with an inch punch. The lake water at the place where Yak was standing seemed to be boiling and began to jump.

Columns of water rushed up to the sky and surrounded the two people.

"Is that all?"

His heart was hit twice in succession, but he was still safe and sound, and even had a smile on his lips.

Seeing this scene, the fans of Brother Wushen, who were so enthusiastic just now, seemed to be poured with a bucket of cold water.

How could this happen?

They still remembered that Brother Wushen knocked Bartlet down with one punch, but why did the same heavy punch on the vital point have no effect when it came to Brother?

At this time, Yak raised his exaggeratedly large battle axe and chopped it straight at Su Gu at an unimaginable speed.

Su Gu subconsciously raised his shield to resist.


After taking this attack, the Almighty God of War was directly blasted into the bottom of the lake and disappeared.

"This..." Brother Wushen's fans all swallowed hard.

With this body, is he really a human?

Compared to the bewilderment of the fans of Brother Wushen, the Martians who had been suppressing their emotions began to cheer loudly.

"Ak Patton! Ak Patton!!"

The humiliation of being defeated by the Almighty God of War last time should be redeemed by the Martians themselves!

Yak carried the battle axe on his shoulder, walked around casually, and muttered:

"I like this battlefield very much, because usually when I fight with others, they can't resist for a few moves and will be directly chopped to pieces, which is very boring."

"But on the Mirror Lake, there is water to help relieve the force, and I can often withstand a few more axes."

Yak stopped, then raised the giant axe again and swung it down with force. The water of the Mirror Lake seemed to be broken and split into two.

Below the lake surface was Su Gu, who had just been hammered directly into the bottom of the lake by the strange force.

At this moment, the Zhouyuan shield on his right arm had become pieces of debris because of protecting the owner.

Su Gu's shirt was also torn by the strong wind from the giant axe, making him look a little embarrassed.

Looking at the appearance of the Almighty God of War, many fans couldn't help but cover their mouths. It was the first time they saw the Almighty God of War suffer a loss in a head-on collision.

Could it be that this battle was really the end of the winning streak?

"The strange power that can split the lake water with every combat skill, and the indestructible body displayed when facing the attack of the almighty martial god."

"These combined together are the superpowers of Ake Patton."

"S-level superpower, Agrius!"

Saury's voice echoed throughout the arena. When the S-level superpower named after the mythical figure was reported that day, the faces of the martial god's fans were completely shaken.

"Just now, I deliberately only chopped off your shield with the axe."

"Come on, let me see now, you defeated my brother Bartlett's empty-handed style!" Ake looked at Su Gu and said indifferently.

His eyes were full of confidence and publicity.

What kind of almighty martial god who was praised for his magical skills, in front of his S-level superpowers, are all scum!

Su Gu threw away the broken shield, and then tore open the clothes that were torn into strips. His sturdy body was imprinted on the water walls on both sides, with a different kind of charm.

He waved his right fist and said calmly:

"That's what I meant!"

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