Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 130 Superposition of high-level combat skills!

When the power level reaches S level, the power owner will be improved in all aspects. The power it possesses cannot be matched by the powers below it.

I don’t know who started the precedent of naming these extraordinary powers after the names of mythological figures in the old world.

I have to say, it is quite appropriate.

“Agrius in ancient Greek legend is a human being who bathed in the Styx. Water and fire cannot invade his body, and swords and axes cannot hurt his body. Even the baptism of war cannot leave the slightest scar on his body.”

Saury’s calm voice resounded in this space.

“If Bartelle can become a genius heavy armor with a body far stronger than ordinary people.”

“Then Yak, who has the body of Agrivus, is a natural invincible heavy armor!”

At this moment, the emotions of those Martian audiences were ignited to the highest level.

"What a damn martial god, Yak, go and crush him!"

"This is the ability of the elite stage! It represents the small group of people with the most potential in today's human beings. It is not something that some eye-catching internet celebrities can come to touch!"

"The revenge of the Martians must be avenged by us Martians ourselves!"


The fans of Brother Wushen on the field pursed their lips with pale faces.

Next, do we really have to use our bodies to fight this monster head-on? The two punches that just hit the vital points directly could not break the defense. How can we fight this?

When they thought of Brother Wushen's shield being broken and now being unarmed. When they slightly entered his perspective, all these people felt a sense of suffocation.

"Boss, the layer of skin on Yak's body is really invincible, can't it be broken?" Anderson swallowed and asked.

As someone who has fought against the almighty martial god head-on, he understands the horror of this guy's power best. Just relying on the flesh, he is not inferior to the power-enhanced superpowers.

But this Yak actually relied on his body to absorb the punch of the Almighty God of War.

He is simply a monster.

"How can he not break the defense?" Ke Yuya said disdainfully: "Don't say that he is only in the Seeking My Realm now, and his supernatural power is far from being fully developed."

"Even the real Agrus died from Apollo's arrow in the myth."

She pondered for a moment and said: "According to my estimation, with the ability of a regular long-range warrior, continuous extreme bombardment of about twenty shots can break the defense."

As soon as these words came out, Anderson's face twitched wildly.

"Then what's the point of fighting."

When there is enough time, the long-range has the strongest instantaneous burst among all professions. Even so, it has to bombard more than twenty times without interruption.

How to fight the Almighty God of War?

At this moment, the mirror lake that was divided into two by Yak began to close quickly, and Su Gu floated up on the outermost waves.

Su Gu looked at Yak and rarely had a desire to fight. And Yak still had disdain in his eyes. They are all warriors of the same realm. He is not afraid of anyone in close combat.

"Come on, didn't I say that? Let me see the empty-handed style that defeated my brother." Ya Ke grinned and said, "Why are you still standing there?"

Su Gu did not respond to his provocation immediately. He stood where he was and moved his shoulders.

Then, without any premonition, he suddenly appeared in front of Ya Ke, and his right fist transformed into a black sword blade.

A-level combat skills, sword shadow fist!

Ya Ke showed a disdainful smile on his face, thinking that he could break my defense with a few A-level combat skills. He underestimated me too much.

And the next moment, his face changed.

Su Gu's fist was flashing with light. Light and darkness intertwined, and the sword shadow became more condensed.

A-level combat skills, sword shadow fist, superimposed A-level combat skills, light hand!

Surprise flashed across Ya Ke's face. Two A-level combat skills were superimposed?


The huge force hit Ya Ke's body, forcing him to groan. But then, a trace of ferocity flashed across his face.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Really?" Su Gu chuckled, retracted his right fist, and attacked again with his left fist.

A-level combat skills, Ghost God Unparalleled Power Method, superimposed A-level combat skills, Danyang Fist.

Fighting with both hands? And the two hands are using different superimposed A-level combat skills? !

Yak's face became a little dull, he had never encountered such a situation.

Boom! He was hit by a heavy artillery in the abdomen.

"Ugh." A mouthful of bile was directly vomited out by him.

A-level combat skills, the meaning of breaking silence. Superimposed A-level combat skills, Vajra Fist!

Su Gu did not give him time to breathe, and once again changed the superimposed high-level combat skills and blasted over.


Punch after punch, each punch is completely different, each punch has a different effect, tearing soul defense, internal destruction, weak point attack...

The expression on Yak's face changed completely. Damn, has this guy been practicing martial arts since his mother's womb!

"Ah!" He roared, took a few moves and forcibly pulled away.

Then he swung his battle axe and chopped it over.

There was no fear on Su Gu's face, and he also gathered his fists and attacked!

"Cover your ears!" Sao Rui, who had rich experience, shouted immediately to remind some of the audience.


As if they were hearing a hammer hitting a bronze bell, some audience members who didn't have time to cover their ears screamed.

The protection mechanism in the audience was triggered, weakening the spread of sound.

Dang, dang, dang!

One person held the fearless fist seal and punched at his opponent.

The other man relied on his invincible physique to vigorously swing the giant axe without giving in.

Su Gu suddenly ignored the attack of the giant axe and rushed forward directly. The axe, which was bigger than his head, was only a few centimeters away from his neck!

After dodging Yak's attack, Su Gu approached Yak. Boom! A Rising Dragon Fist hit Yak's chin directly.

Yak's body lost its center of gravity and began to lean back, and his chin made a creaking sound. That was his Achilles body. If it were someone else, he would have been punched in the head.

Yak tried hard to adjust his center of gravity. The corner of his eye caught Su Gu's next move. He subconsciously wanted to block it, but it was too late.


A whip kick hit Yak's face, and he flew backwards with the giant axe and body.

Hiss~ Yak's body retreated more than 20 meters before he was able to stabilize. Blood flowed down his ears and nose.

This was a hearty and quick attack. Everyone in the audience watched quietly. No one was willing to make a sound during this period.

When the continuous attack ended, a whispering sound was heard.

Did we see a ghost?

In a head-on confrontation, Yak, who had the body of Agrus, was directly defeated. This was already quite ridiculous.

What was that of the Almighty Martial God just now? How many A-level combat skills did he use at that moment? And why was his proficiency so high?

This is an A-level combat skill that ordinary people can use as a killer after practicing. He used it as a normal attack. This kind of thing is even more ridiculous than an S-level supernatural power.

"You should watch less of the battle of the Almighty Martial God, otherwise I will doubt my martial arts concept after watching too much." Schiller murmured.

Yak's blood dripped on the water of the Mirror Lake, and the blood cleared in the water. He looked at the Almighty God with a gloomy face and indignation.

Why didn't he pursue the victory? Did he look down on me?

At this moment, Su Gu stood in place, one hand behind his waist, and the other hand beckoned to Yake.

"Come on, didn't you say you wanted to see the empty-handed style? Come over and try it yourself."

Seeing this scene, many people swallowed their saliva. Is the Almighty God giving Yake a chance to attack him?

The situation just now was completely reversed at this moment.

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