Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 131 S-level combat skills! Liang Yi Ding Hai!

The expression on Yak's face was as gloomy as water.

Who is he? Yak Patton, the next patriarch of the famous Mars Heavy Armor family. He has S-level supernatural powers and is a top-level genius who is born to stand above mortals.

It is his exclusive right to stand still and let his opponent attack, and watch his opponent's defense break down bit by bit because the attack is completely ineffective.

But now, someone is actually in front of him, asking him to do this!

An uncontrollable anger surged in his heart.

"You will regret it."

Yak stretched out his hand and wiped the blood off his face. Then the giant axe in his hand danced, and three water tornadoes rose around him. The entire Mirror Lake began to sway because of his movements.

The entire lake surface was full of waves, like the sea surface that was about to set off a storm. There was only one place that looked extremely discordant, and that was where Su Gu was standing.

Within a radius of ten meters with him, the water surface was as quiet as smoothed rice paper. No matter how fierce the storm outside was, there was not a single wave in this area, not even a ripple.

This extremely peaceful corner, in contrast to the storm outside that seemed to be destroying the world, constructed a very tense picture.


The peaceful picture was completely broken with the roar of Yak Patton. The three tornadoes surrounding him intertwined and turned into a water dragon.

Yak took off on the dragon and rushed towards Su Gu.

A-level combat skills, Dragon Roar Axe!

Su Gu stood in place, facing the action rushing towards him, his face was calm and he did not dodge or avoid.

Everyone in the audience widened their eyes. With the experience of the last time, they all covered their ears in advance.

Whether it was the fans who supported Yak Patton on Mars or the fans of Brother Wushen, they were extremely nervous. They were ready to welcome the earth-shaking collision that was about to happen.

But they were all wrong.

When the water dragon hit the domain where the Almighty God of War was, it was completely melted like a candle burning at a high speed. There was no sound in the whole process, only strange silence.

The violent water flow contained in the water dragon was completely eliminated. It turned into ordinary water, and turned into a water curtain flowing down.

The water curtain took Su Gu as the center of the circle, outlining the domain, which was a perfect circle.

And Yak Patton, who was standing on the head of the water dragon before, had fallen into this circle.

"I have nothing to do in recent days, so I upgraded the Tai Chi Zhou Yuan Jin that defeated your brother to an S-level combat skill."

"I haven't thought of a name yet, but now I have a clue. Let's call it 'Liang Yi Ding Hai'!"

Su Gu looked at Yak who was struggling hard in the air, and said calmly.

At this moment, Yak struggled hard, and he felt like he was trapped in a quagmire. Any strength he used was constantly swallowed by this domain.

A bad feeling emerged in his heart.

S-level combat skill, Liang Yi Ding Hai.

A defensive counterattack combat skill that devours all the power attacking itself in the field and controls it for itself.

Su Gu raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Yak's heart.

The killing power of the giant axe, the impact of the water dragon, the waves of the turbulent lake, and the power generated by Yak's constant struggle in Liang Yi Ding Hai.

At this moment, it turned into a point as big as a fingertip and poured directly into his heart.


Yak was blasted back and his body bounced up and down on the lake like a stone skipping on the water.

Then, as if he lost consciousness, he sank directly to the bottom of the lake.

The people in the audience were speechless for a long time watching such a scene.

"Another S-level combat skill?"

"I have nothing to do recently, so I upgraded my combat skills?"

Since when did S-level combat skills become common goods that can be wholesaled at will. This is a magical skill that can increase the chance of entering the Soul Shaping Realm after learning it.

"Brother Wushen is awesome!" The fans of the Almighty Wushen finally couldn't hold back and shouted loudly.

"Where are those Martians who questioned Brother Wushen just now? Speak up, I haven't heard you speak for a long time!"

"Please, please say that again, that invincible S-level superpower!"

"Just now I actually questioned Brother Wushen for a moment, I'm sorry, I'm guilty."

Compared to the excitement of the fans of the Almighty Wushen, the Martians who had been shouting just now could no longer make any sound.

What kind of warrior is this? His existence itself is a foul!


Yak struggled to get up from the water. At this moment, the water under his feet was stained red with blood.

His giant axe was thrown over by Su Gu, and at the same time, there was a sentence.

"What a strong turtle shell, it's really interesting. It seems that it's right not to attack your weakness."

Su Gu's words made Yak's eyelids jump.

"Weak point?" Anderson asked, "This guy who is as strong as a lump of iron also has a weak point?"

"Agrius' heel." Schiller on the side said calmly, "According to legend, Agrippa soaked in the water of the Styx and gained an indestructible body. But his mother held his ankle to prevent him from being washed away by the Styx. So his ankle is the most vulnerable part of his body."

"And there must be the same weak point on Yak's body, but it may not be in the ankle."

"What's the point of just bluffing!" Yak roared, "If you really saw through my weakness, why didn't you attack just now?"

"It's so boring to finally meet a stronger turtle shell, and you don't think of a way to break it." Su Gu said calmly.

"Stop pretending, I know you are just bluffing! What's the use of S-level combat skills? You can't end me. I haven't lost yet!"

"I am invincible in a head-on confrontation!"

Yak's exasperated words amused the fans of Brother Wushen, who laughed disdainfully.

"You Martians are really hard-mouthed. You've been beaten like this, and you can't shut your mouth."

"Brother Wushen, ignore him, we can grind him to death soon."

After hearing these words, the Martians who supported Yak were gloomy. Although these people's words were unpleasant to hear, they really couldn't find a reason to refute.

Yak Patton, the pride of the Martians, now facing the almighty God of War, his own people can't find a way to win.

This made them feel extremely frustrated and depressed.

At this moment, Su Gu said something that made everyone dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's have a head-on confrontation." Su Gu said with a smile, and then he added.

"One move will determine the winner. If I don't kill you with the next punch, I will lose."

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