Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 132 Life and death crisis, the last fight!

When Su Gu and Ya Ke finished their conversation, the expressions on the faces of everyone in the audience became dull.

"What does Brother Wu Shen mean by this? Is he trying a new tactic? Deliberately deceive Ya Ke, let him relax his vigilance, and then deliberately win with one strike?"

"In the current situation, Brother Wu Shen is in a big advantage. Is it necessary to do such a low-level operation? I feel like he is serious."

"You don't have a good heart, you can't be Brother Wu Shen's fan..."

"Brother, can't you give us fans a little stable happiness? It's obviously a sure win, why do you have to do this?"


Compared to the crazy complaints of the fans of the Almighty Wu Shen, those Martians who support Ya Ke have already opened champagne in advance.

"Damn, brothers, luck has come!"

"The Almighty God of War probably drank too much last night, and dared to do this."

"Killing Ake Patton with one move, this guy probably took the wrong medicine before waking up."

"It's really crazy, but I feel we have won."


The faces of these people are full of excitement. No wonder they are like this. Just looking at this battle, anyone with a little bit of rationality knows that this condition is simply impossible to achieve.

A-level combat skills are used in combination, and S-level combat skills are bombarded head-on. The Almighty God of War himself has used so many outrageous and even incredible combat skills. But they can't put an end to Ake, just seriously injuring him.

Now suddenly say that you want to decide the outcome with one move? If you can't kill, you will admit defeat?

This is almost the same as admitting defeat in advance.

When someone with the body of Achilles wants to survive, who can kill him with one blow?

However, the audience in the stands thought so, and Ake's eyes also flashed with strange light at this time.

He knew very well that if he continued to fight the Almighty God, he would lose 80%.

This verbal agreement was his chance to turn defeat into victory!

Next, should he avoid the attack of the Almighty God by pulling? Or directly confront him?

If it was just one move, even if the next attack of the Almighty God was ten times stronger than the previous Liang Yi Ding Hai. He was absolutely confident that he could survive.

"It is better to avoid the attack by dodging and pulling. This is the safest way."

"And even if the Almighty God regrets it later and chooses to continue attacking after one move, I can still step down in this battle." Yake thought to himself.

Just when everyone was thinking about various things and choosing their own attitudes for the last blow.

Suddenly someone pointed at the battlefield and screamed.

"Look, water!"

At this moment on the Mirror Lake, bubbles after bubbles floated up from the deepest bottom of the water, blooming on the water surface.

At first, there were only three or two bubbles. Gradually, the whole lake began to jump.

The whole mirror lake seemed to be boiling?

People quickly locked their eyes on the only person who could do this, the Almighty Martial God.

"Is this caused by the Almighty Martial God's ability?" Someone murmured.

What exactly is the Almighty Martial God's ability? It has always been a hot topic of discussion about Brother Martial God.

Everyone is curious about his ability that has never been exposed, and now naturally thinks about this angle.

"Is the Almighty Martial God's ability related to fire?" Anderson frowned.

And looking at the abnormal movement he caused, among the A-level abilities, I am afraid it is also an extremely powerful one. There is even a high probability that it is an S-level ability like Yak!

"Is this the Almighty Martial God's reliance?" He whispered: "Want to rely on the ability to kill Yak in one move?"

"No, that's not right!" Ke Yuya on the side suddenly lost his voice and said: "This is not a superpower at all!"

Soon, not only Ke Yuya, but everyone noticed the abnormality of the Almighty Martial God.

At this moment, Su Gu's hair danced wildly without wind, and the powerful soul power condensed around his body into a visible beam of light, bursting up.

Then, a cut suddenly appeared on his chest, and blood dripped from it. Then the thigh, then the right arm...

Although he had not been attacked, the body of the Almighty God of War began to crack like porcelain that had been hit.

"Yak did it?" Schiller murmured.

"Does that loser deserve it!" Ke Yuya said coldly.

She stared at the situation in the arena, and in an instant, tens of thousands of thoughts flashed in her mind.

She could vaguely guess what the Almighty God of War was doing, but could this skill still be called a combat skill? Damn, using soul power so recklessly, isn't he afraid that he will be completely obsessed and never wake up again?

At this moment, Su Gu's eyes were clear and his heart was full of excitement.

Sure enough, it was not easy to meet a tough guy. It would be a pity not to try out the trick I have been thinking about.

Yak, who was locked in Su Gu's eyes, began to sweat coldly on his indestructible body. A long-lost feeling began to emerge from the depths of his heart.


Damn it, why do I feel fear!

Since I completed the upgrade of my superpowers in the forbidden area of ​​the clan, I have never been injured again!

Now my instinct tells me that I might really die with the next punch?

Are you kidding me, I am a genius with S-level superpowers!

Yak roared in his heart, desperately denying his inner instinct as a warrior. But no matter how he struggled, his trembling legs betrayed him.

He hit his knees with the handle of the giant axe, trying to suppress his loss of composure. But the fear of facing death cannot be eliminated by this kind of pain.

Suddenly, he froze. He felt that he had been firmly locked in the eyes of his opponent.

The body of Agrus could no longer bring him a sense of security. At this moment, Yak Patton was like a desperate and vicious gambler.

"Damn it, I can't wait any longer. I have to kill him first before he has completed his combat skills preparation!"

Yak made a decisive decision and gave up the original delaying and pulling tactics. He bit his lip and spit out a mouthful of blood to make himself sober for a moment.

Then, he raised his battle axe and rushed to Su Gu, making the last sound of this battle.

"A-level combat skill, Giant Elephant Shaking Heaven Axe!"

We must interrupt his combat skill, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

Yake shouted in his heart. At the same time, the giant axe was about to cut Su Gu's neck.

And at this moment, the God of War swung his fist!

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