Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 133: Burning Lake! What on earth is that?


Sugu waved his right arm, but before it collided with the enemy, the friction between the powerful force and the surrounding air made a sound like thunder.

At this moment, a strong sense of fear completely invaded Jacques Patton's heart.

Out of instinct, he gave up his attack on the Almighty Martial God and improvised a strategy, holding the giant ax across his chest to protect his heart.


When Sugu's fist collided with the giant axe, the huge energy accumulated in his body was released without reservation.

The powerful shock wave, with Sugu as the center, pushed the water in Jinghu Lake outward. At the same time, the terrifying energy turned the liquid into water vapor.

The entire battlefield became filled with smoke under this blow.

"The one-move agreement has been completed." Sao Rui's voice sounded. He was shocked by the nameless fist of the Almighty Martial God, and his tone of voice was trembling.

"According to the verbal agreement between the two warriors in the arena, as long as the Almighty Martial God fails to do this move"

"Of course, if the Almighty Martial God chooses to go back on his word and continue the attack in the end, then no one can say anything. After all, in battle, it is stupid to abide by the agreement with the enemy."

Saori's voice echoed in the audience through the suspended sound-transmitting robot.

But at this moment, no one wanted to pay attention to what he said.

Everyone's eyes were on the arena, and they didn't dare to blink, waiting for the outcome of this battle.

The water vapor in the venue slowly dissipated, and the audience looked at what the previously beautiful Mirror Lake looked like now. They couldn't help but hissed and gasped.

The water in the Mirror Lake had been evaporated dry by the punch of the Almighty Martial God, leaving only some small pieces of water silicon the size of a palm.

The lake turned into a swamp under the power of this punch.

Anyone who looks at this kind of power will feel a chill rising from the soles of their feet toward Tianling Gai.

"Maybe?" Those Martians who supported Jacques Patton struggled to say this at this moment.

They no longer expect Yak to be able to defeat the Almighty Martial God with his own fighting power. This kind of monster is not something that ordinary people can match.

But maybe Yak received this punch from the front and still had a breath?

After all, this is an S-level ability, Agthios.

When the entire water vapor dissipates completely, the entire venue is completely visible to the audience.

Looking at Yak's appearance, the Martian was completely silent.

Akpaton's extremely exaggerated battle ax was shattered into pieces like a lollipop dropped on the ground.

And his whole body looked even more miserable, with a big hole directly opened from his chest to his lower abdomen.

After suffering such an injury, no one can continue to speak harshly and survive.

The Almighty God of War does what he says.

He really used just one punch to finish off the S-class superpower, Yak Patton!

At this moment, the fans of Almighty God of War were flushed with excitement, but they had not made a sound yet. They were waiting for the last moment.

Finally, the system's announcement sounded.

The winner, the Almighty God of War!

"Ah, ahhh!!"

Everyone stood up and screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Brother Wushen is awesome!"

After venting their emotions, these colleagues enthusiastically exchanged their views and had bursts of discussion.

"Damn, that Jacques Patton pretended to be so powerful when he first appeared on the scene. Now he seems to be just a weakling."

"What S-level power? In front of the truly invincible God of War, everything is just a piece of garbage that can be torn into pieces at will!"

"Why don't you watch Brother Wu Shen's battle? Just take a nap and you will be victorious when you wake up."


Defeating an arrogant enemy makes people happy, and defeating the opponent with a crushing attitude is even more exciting.

In an area of ​​the auditorium, led by a chubby figure, they fell into a carnival.

But those who are still in the audience today are not only fans of these almighty martial arts gods, but also some scholars who are obsessed with studying martial arts.

They looked at the scene in the arena, swallowed hard, and tried to calm down the complicated emotions in their hearts.

"What was that last blow?" someone asked in a whisper.

This sentence may be the question in the minds of all those who watched this battle.

Soon, these people came up with their own opinions and began to argue and discuss.

"This is a move I made after the perfect combination of supernatural powers and combat skills. Ordinary S-level combat skills cannot cause this kind of damage."

"It doesn't look like it. That blow looks like pure soul power turned into energy for impact. It's said to be a superpower, but there's nothing special about it. It's said to be a combat skill, but the technique is too rough. This is The power is simply incredible.”

"Is it possible that the Almighty Martial God made a temporary breakthrough in this battle? Now he is a warrior in the Soul Shaping Realm. Doesn't this meet the requirements?"

"If there is a temporary breakthrough, the system's mechanism will be triggered to force the conscious body to return to the physical body. Otherwise, there will be problems if there is a breakthrough in the spiritual world.

I feel that this combat skill provides evidence for the hypothesis that the Almighty God of War may be a collection of consciousnesses in the spiritual world..."


After Sugu went offline, the audience in the audience were still arguing over what his final blow was.

The voices of those people became louder and louder, and conflicts gradually arose. Many people made fights in the arena on the spot. Whoever wins will listen.

At this moment, Anderson and Schiller pondered for a long time, but still had no idea about that move.

Finally, the two gave up thinking and turned their eyes to Ke Yuya.

"Boss, please tell me. Our brains combined are not enough."

Faced with the questioning of her subordinates, Ke Yuya rarely responded.

She put her hands on the guardrail, her eyes were deep, and her brows were tightly locked.


Suddenly, her hand knocked on the guardrail and said, "It seems that there is only this possibility!"

After saying this, she ignored her two subordinates and went offline directly.

Schiller and Anderson were stunned by this situation, and they looked at each other at a loss.

The three of them had watched the battle of the Almighty God of War so many times, and it was the first time that Ke Yuya left in a hurry without explaining anything.

Did the last move of the Almighty God of War make their boss so out of control?

This situation aroused their curiosity even more.

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