Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 134 The four major professional soul power characteristics are melted into one!

This time, because of Ke Yuya's quick processing, the analysis video of the Cang Yue Wolf was updated in the first place.

And without any surprise, when the video was uploaded to the website of the God of War, the website's program automatically pinned it to the top.

After making several popular analysis videos, the ID of the Cang Yue Wolf has become extremely well-known.

There are even many people who are not fans of the Almighty God of War and regular users of the God of War. After learning that the Cang Yue Wolf has been updated, they will also use a visitor account to visit.

The existence of her account itself has already led to traffic to the website.

Soon, the number of views of the latest analysis video rose, and it didn't take long for it to reach tens of millions of people watching at the same time.

Barrage after barrage, refreshed on the video.

When you see the very beginning of the video, directly from the last blow of the Almighty God of War, the barrage is all good reviews.

No suspense, no riddles. This is what the audience wants to see and know most in the whole battle.

Soon, the familiar mechanical sound rang.

"I know that there are too many speculations and opinions about the last strike of the Almighty Martial God on the Internet.

There are some experts who have put forward very subtle views. But what I want to say is that these people are all wrong.

The reason is also absurd, and all of them have complicated the problem. The last strike of the Almighty Martial God is neither a superpower nor a combat skill."

The first paragraph at the beginning was shocking, and question marks began to appear on the screen.

"Are you joking, Boss Cang Yue Wolf?"

It is neither a combat skill nor a superpower.

In martial arts, is there a third means of attack? I have read few books, so don't fool me.

And Ke Yuya did not continue to explain in words, and directly released the fluctuation state of the soul power of the Almighty Martial God at the last strike, which was analyzed by the soul power spectrometer.

Because the state of the Almighty Martial God's soul power is too exaggerated, even if it is analyzed through the battle video, the credibility of the data is very high, and no one has questioned this aspect, and everyone is watching carefully.

"Such a chaotic fluctuation, is it a demon?" Soon, such a barrage floated by.

This sentence is the voice of many viewers.

It is too chaotic, and there is no pattern. According to normal experience, there is only one possibility for this kind of soul power fluctuation. That is, the skill is out of control and is about to go crazy.

But in the video, the eyes of the Almighty Martial God are clear and bright, and occasionally a sense of excitement can be felt.

Obviously this time, "common sense" is wrong again with the Almighty Martial God.

"This... Brother Wushen looks very sober, but how is this possible? It is not in line with common sense. The soul power is so chaotic that going crazy is considered light. Most people would have exploded and died long ago."

Accompanied by many doubts, those viewers with a spirit of curiosity carefully watched the fluctuations of soul power in this picture, not missing a peak or trough.

Finally, Ke Yuya's voice of prompting came out.

"Now tell me, what kind of martial arts profession can match the soul power fluctuation of the almighty martial god?"

When this sentence was said, the audience who had been watching the video calmly and had no time to post barrages became active again.

"Warrior", "Heavy Armor", "Assassin", "Long-range"...

The names of the four major martial arts professions kept floating in the video. The number of barrages for the four names was almost the same.

And at this moment, everyone came back to their senses. Then, a sense of horror rose from their hearts.

"Yes, it's just as you think." Ke Yuya said calmly:

"The assassin's soul power changes at high speed, the long-range warrior's soul power accumulates strength, and the warrior's stability is melted into one by him. Put it into the heavy and solid body."

"In the last blow, the Almighty Martial God did not use any combat skills, let alone his superpowers."

"What he did was to blend the most basic soul power characteristics and usage skills of each martial arts profession together."

When Ke Yuya said the answer that everyone had guessed in their hearts, those who watched the video felt a chill coming out.

No matter how harsh the conditions for learning S-level combat skills are, as long as the price is paid, there will always be someone who can learn it.

Even if S-level superpowers are rare, they will always appear with the human population.

They can accept that the Almighty Martial God used extremely powerful combat skills or superpowers. Or both.

But the truth of the matter went beyond their imagination. The existence of the Almighty Martial God was subverting some of the more basic and fundamental things in martial arts...

"So, the terrifying momentum that the Almighty Martial God finally burst out was just to adjust the state of soul power?"

"Then the punch that killed Ake Patton at the end was just his flat attack?" Someone said this in the barrage.

What an outrageous guess.

But it seems that this is the closest to the truth.

Many people swallowed hard, and the expressions on their faces became numb because of shock.

"Although the Almighty Martial God is very terrifying when he enters this state, it is obvious that this move is still in an unfinished state." Ke Yuya said again:

"When the Almighty Martial God entered the state at the end, the continuous injuries on his body like cracks are the best proof."

"I thought the pillar of soul power that soared into the sky was to intimidate the opponent. Now it seems that it is very likely that the Almighty Martial God himself cannot fully withstand this huge force and has to disperse some of his soul power."

"If Yak Patton was a little braver and chose to attack at this time, there might be a chance."

"But unfortunately, this waste has been frightened by the momentum of the Almighty Martial God at this time."

At this point, Ke Yuya's voice became full of disdain.

"Looking at the whole battle, he performed like a waste. Facing the Almighty Martial God, he didn't know his ability status, and didn't know how to pursue the victory after suffering a loss."

"When facing the S-level combat skills, he had no judgment and rushed forward rashly. At the last moment, his performance was even more of a disaster."

"To be honest, if the Patton family really gave him the position of the head of the family because of a mere S-level ability, then the family would really be desolate."

After saying this, the audience were dumbfounded.

The Patton family is a famous heavy armor family on Mars, how dare this guy just say that?

Is this something I can listen to?


After watching the entire replay video and hearing the last words of his boss, Anderson's face showed surprise.

"Boss... what is this?"

He could never have imagined that the boss, who usually had a bit of laziness on his face, would actually say such a thing.

"The boss seemed to have put himself into the perspective of the opponent of the Almighty God of War, so he was angry because of Yak's choice." Schiller said in a low voice.

Hearing this explanation, Anderson's eyes widened and his face showed an incredible look.

At this moment, Ke Yuya was sitting on the computer chair, fiddling with his two silver guns.

His face showed rare excitement.

"Almighty God of War, since you have reached the elite stage, it means that you can match me."


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