Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 135 Being sprayed in front of others, being blown in front of others; a novel experience

Mars, the renovated Patton family.

In a spacious room with all kinds of honors hanging on the walls and cabinets. Yak fell on the sofa and kept pouring alcohol into his mouth.

The projector directly in front played the analysis video made by Cang Yue Wolf. As he watched the video, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When the conscious body came out of the martial arts dojo, Yak has been like this. His expression was languid, and he drank to relieve his sorrow.

Da da da.

A figure as big as a hill walked over quickly. Seeing his brother in the room, he sighed slightly. Then the projector playing the analytical video was thrown directly out of the window.

"Brother, why are you doing this? You just got defeated once. The road to martial arts is long, and we may not have no chance in the future." Bartley tried to persuade his brother Yak.

"And the Almighty Martial God finally used a move that was almost self-inflicted to destroy your superpower. The gap between you and him is not as big as imagined."

But Yak seemed not to hear what his brother said. He took another sip of wine down his throat and said flatly:

"You do not understand."

Looking at his brother's appearance, Bartlett punched the table with hatred. Finally he sighed and left the room.

And when he left, the smile on Yak's face became even bitterer. He raised his right hand and caressed his waist and sides.

Have the opportunity? small differences?

In the smoke screen shrouded in water vapor, the Almighty God of War was seriously injured and dying of Yake, leaving only his last breath. He took out the fragment of the circumferential shield that he had been holding in his hand and hit his position.

And here is the Achilles heel of his powers.

The S-class superpower that Yake is proud of has long been noticed by the Almighty Martial God. He didn't even know when it was discovered.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, Yak didn't stand a chance. The fight was like this simply because the Almighty Martial God wanted to experiment with his abilities, so he acted like a monkey.

Thinking of this, he took another big gulp of wine down his throat, hoping to use the alcohol to wash away the frustration in his heart.


After learning what his eldest son looked like, Ferdy, the contemporary head of the Patton family, let out a long sigh. "How can he inherit the title of head of the family like this?"

Of his two sons, the eldest son Yake is much more talented in martial arts than the second son Bartley. But when it comes to the character between the two of them, Yak is more than a step behind Bartlet.

"Is it really wrong to use the few remaining resources of the family to push Yake's A-level abilities to S-level?" Ferdy showed a wry smile.

"But if those things are given to Bartlett, the B-level powers will never be upgraded to S-level. I can't be the next head of the Patton family and only have A-level powers."

"Damn it, I didn't expect that in the peaceful era, the resources for evolution would be exhausted."


When Sugu took off the X device on his head, he felt a swelling and pain throughout his body.

"As expected, with my current physical strength, using the 'Martial Arts State' is still too much."

"Even if the conscious body uses it once, it will suffer such backlash, let alone using it in reality."

Sugu said softly. He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the feeling of being omnipotent in that state.

Then he licked his lips and said, "But fighting in a battle like this, where you can squander your potential without reservation, is really unforgettable."

"Thanks to the fact that my opponent this time is timid enough and the bastard is tough enough."

Sugu leaned on the bed, and for the next time, he prepared to silently review the details of this battle.

And just when Sugu was ready to reflect on himself and sum up his experience. A burst of warm cheers poured directly into his ears.

what happened?

He immediately opened his eyes, feeling suspicious.

In this space city, the people stationed there are all federal soldiers. His first impression of the environment here was that of unsmiling solemnity.

What's happening now?

Sugu stood up and opened the door to his room, ready to see what was going on.

As soon as he opened the door, he ran into Ma Mingjie, who was coming towards him. When the fat man saw Sugu coming out, he couldn't help but pull his sleeves and pull him out.

"Fat man, what are you doing!" Sugu asked aloud as he followed quickly.

"Brother Su, do you know? In this space city, even the use of electricity is restricted, and there is no need to think about connecting to the normal network." The fat man said in a mean tone:

"Using the X device to enter the virtual spiritual world and watching the battles is one of the few entertainment items for the soldiers stationed here."

"Guess who is the most popular right now?"

While the two were talking, they had arrived at an open-air square. In the center of the square, on a white curtain, it was the battle that Sugu had just played.

"Those who can reach the elite level will always have the shadow of some aristocratic families, and there are very few commoners, and the Almighty Martial God is the exception among the exceptions. He rejected the public invitations from the top ten families, and no one knows who he is. This Here, most soldiers with civilian backgrounds see him as the most friendly," Ma Mingjie said softly in Sugu's ear.

There are not only soldiers gathered here, but also students from other schools. They took out all the lighting equipment they had and piled them in the center, sharing their treasured beers.

They are all fans of the Almighty Martial God, and they are discussing the battle just now.

After seeing Sugu and Ma Mingjie coming, these soldiers also pulled them to join the discussion.

After taking a sip of a bottle of wine, Sugu was infected by the atmosphere. He just happened to be preparing to review the game, so he stood up and expressed his views on the Almighty Martial God's battle.

"From a combat perspective, there must have been at least three mistakes. The first time was due to Jacques Patton's superpowers, which could be detected immediately. The first time the two of them fought, they ate so little The loss is completely avoidable.”

"The second is the combat skill of one style and two rituals that can determine the sea. In my opinion..."

At this moment, Ma Mingjie quietly poked Sugu, who was chatting. Sugu was stunned for a moment at first, and then he saw a group of people staring at him unkindly.

"Do you think your hindsight analysis here will show that you understand it well?" Someone in the crowd said this in a nonchalant way.

Start a group directly.

Soon some very angry people came up to join the group.

"You are a freshman, and no one will say anything to you if you don't understand high-end combat. Why don't you study with an open mind? Don't show off your understanding casually."

"Sometimes I really don't understand. People like Brother Wushen who are worthy of leaving their names in the history of martial arts always have people who can't figure out their identity and jump out to point fingers."


After a moment of silence, Sugu sat down and continued to drink his beer.

Silently watching the person who just sprayed him blow his vest.

This is really a rare and novel experience.


After the simple party was over, when no one was around, Ma Mingjie looked at Su Gu with a wicked smile and said, "Brother Su, what do you mean? Are you so sought after?"

Sugu rubbed his chin, thought for a moment and said, "Looking at them, I'm quite happy."

His words stunned Ma Mingjie for a moment. According to his understanding of Sugu, this person doesn't like to be in the limelight.

Sugu looked at the monotonous space city without a trace of color and said softly: "These soldiers are stationed here for mankind. If my battle can bring fun to them, I would be deeply honored."

After listening to Sugu's words, Ma Mingjie shrugged helplessly.

The two walked side by side, the fat man talking to himself, while Sugu was silent. In fact, there are still some words that he has not said.

He really didn't like martial arts being used for entertainment. But he didn't even hope that what he had learned would really come in handy one day.

Sugu looked silently at the boundless starry sky and the place where he stood. But if it can always be so peaceful, why build this space city?

He shook his head gently, stopped thinking about it, and quickly went back to practice.


Three days later, all remaining members of the Martial Arts University arrived.

The Space City Military District issued an order to gather students from all schools together to give a basic explanation of the next actions.

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