Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 13: Intermediate awakening enters the scene, Su Gu kills crazily

"Nearly all the prey that can make me want to fight have been killed."

Sugu calmly walked around the urban area of ​​the fallen city and said calmly.

It has been five minutes since he found the alien race in the starry sky here.

It is estimated that the aliens have been killed by the students. The examiners waiting outside should start to send more powerful aliens to the fallen city.

"Brother, why are you still hanging out here?"

Just when Sugu was bored, a deep bass came from the trash cans on both sides of the sidewalk.

Su Guxun looked around and saw that the lid of the black trash can was opened from the inside, and a dirty head popped out of it.

Sugu looked at the human head growing out of the trash can, and for a moment he didn't know what expression to put on his face.

Is this some new type of alien race in the stars?

"Classmate, what kind of cosplay are you doing?"

Sugu looked at each other, his mind filled with questions.

At this moment, the other party also had doubts written all over his face.

"Aren't you going to hide?"

Sugu asked in confusion: "Hide? What are you hiding from?"

"It's going to be an hour soon, and the aliens who have awakened to the intermediate level are about to enter. Didn't your teacher tell you to hide at this time?"

"So, why should I hide?"

The head sticking out of the trash can looked at Sugu as if looking at an idiot.

"Are you stupid? The quality of the weapons you are holding is so poor. It can be understood at a glance that you are lucky not to have met a powerful alien race, so you can survive until now."

"Then you should cherish this hard-earned luck now. The aliens who will enter the field next will be more powerful. It is impossible for the top 300 people in the city to kill them alone."

"That's why I just kindly reminded you to hide and survive as long as you can. You must know that survival time is also considered as a test score. As long as you find the perfect hiding place, you can get a lot of test scores."

After hearing this, Sugu looked at the man hiding in the trash can and his face twitched.

Sure enough, today's students are going crazy for the college entrance examination.

"So hiding in the trash can is your survival strategy?"

After hearing Sugu's words, the man thought he was praising him. He looked proud and said proudly:

"Yes, the rotten garbage in this bucket can perfectly mask the smell of my body. Those star aliens with a keen sense of smell will not be able to detect me by smell."

"And look." The man escaped into the bucket again, and then a pair of eyes appeared on the non-recyclable garbage sign on the trash can.

"I also put a lot of effort into modifying the barrel so that I can observe the surrounding situation more easily. If I find danger, I can immediately carry the barrel and run away."

As he spoke, the trash can moved upwards, with two legs extending from the bottom of the bucket.

Sugu's expression was a little complicated. He was a talented person.

"What's your name, classmate?"

"Geng Yeshan."

"My name is Sugu."

After Geng Yeshan introduced his Gou Ming Suit, he suddenly looked at Sugu warily.

"I'm warning you, in the college entrance examination, candidates are strictly prohibited from attacking candidates. If you find someone who needs to be dealt with strictly, don't even think about attacking me."

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Sugu shook his head and prepared to go to a higher ground to look for monsters.

And the man suddenly said: "Brother, wait a minute, help me put the lid on."

Sugu: "..."

Not long after Su Gu left, a red, huge scorpion-shaped alien slowly crawled towards Geng Ye Mountain.

Its tail spines and two iron pincers were red and black, flashing with a deadly light.

"What's going on? It's actually a blood scorpion demon." Geng Yeshan, who was in the trash can, pressed his hands on his survival watch with an extremely uncomfortable expression on his face.

The eyes of this alien race in the starry sky can be used as thermal imaging.

He was in the trash can, there was no way to hide, he must have been discovered.

"Let's grab the bucket and run away first. If it doesn't work, press the survival watch immediately."

Just when Geng Yeshan was about to run away with the bucket, the Blood Scorpion Demon suddenly stopped and grinned in the other direction.

Geng Yeshan also looked in that direction, and then he was stunned.

"Sugu, why are you still here? Hurry up and take a walk."

"This one is considered powerful even among the mid-level ones. Little Karami like our two little ones can't even do it together."

But Sugu didn't pay attention to the other party at this moment. He looked serious and walked forward slowly with a pair of daggers.

Although he was walking very slowly, he could vaguely see the afterimage behind him.

His body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind the blood scorpion demon. The pincers, head, body, and poisonous tail of the blood scorpion demon were divided into four sections in an instant.

Geng Yeshan opened his mouth wide, it turned out that he was a master.

The clown turned out to be myself.

Then he seemed to remember something, and shouted to Su Guyuan's retreating back: "Thank you, master, I can gain survival points for a while again."


Sugu did not continue the pleasantries. Now that the mid-level aliens have begun to be released, he is going to kill monsters.

"Kill the mid-level alien blood scorpion demon, and your college entrance examination score will be +21."

"Kill the mid-level alien spirit-eating wolf, and your college entrance examination score will be +17."

"Kill the mid-level alien wild beast, and your college entrance examination score will be +20."


With Sugu's terrifying killing efficiency, his ranking of more than 200 has improved again.

Outside the examination room, many candidates had finished their exams and were rescued from the examination room because of the deployment of the mid-level alien race.

But almost no one chose to leave immediately. They all chose to stay where they were and check the position of their classmates on the ranking list.

"That Zhong Pojian is really fierce. He has been occupying the first place since entering the examination room and has never come down."

"After all, this is the number one seed of Hangzhou City Martial Arts No. 1 High School this year. It is definitely strong. Didn't you see that the top 20 in our city are all occupied by this school?"

"The students of other martial arts high schools are all concentrated in the 20th to 100th place. The martial arts No. 1 High School is really strong."

Just when those students were chattering about the students of various schools on the ranking list, someone found Su Gu's name.

"Look, there is a student from a comprehensive high school, his upward momentum is so strong, he is about to rush into the top 100 in the city."

"A comprehensive high school martial arts exam entered the top 100? You must have seen the wrong school next to that person."

"No, that person is Su Gu, from Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School. I just saw him jump from 137th to 128th."

"How is it possible... Damn, it's true, it's too strong."

"Su Gu? I haven't heard of this name, he is a dark horse, does anyone know someone from Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School? Go ask around."

As a comprehensive high school, the strength of the students in their martial arts exam class at Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School is a cut above those students from martial arts high schools.

Now many people have come out, and those who are looking for information easily found the gathering place of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School candidates.

After learning about the purpose of these people's visit, these people were also very confused.

"Someone from our school is about to enter the top 100? Class leader Zheng Di is so fierce today."

"Ah? Not Zheng Di, but Su Gu? Brother, you must be kidding, this is the weirdo in our school."

"Damn, he actually entered the top 100? Are you kidding me?"

The students of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School took out their mobile phones to check the rankings, and after confirming Su Gu's position, the expressions on their faces were all full of dullness.

That student in the liberal arts class, holding a fine steel weapon, is now in the top 100 in the city, and the first in their school?

Why is this world so absurd?

"Weird? Is this the nickname you gave him?"

And those students who came to ask asked with a puzzled look.

Ma Mingjie, who was standing aside, finally couldn't help it at this moment, and said proudly: "Because Su Gu is in our liberal arts class, he didn't study martial arts for three years."

"How is this possible? If the liberal arts class can enter the top 100, we martial arts students will have no life?"

As soon as Ma Mingjie said this, he was immediately questioned.

But after this matter was confirmed by many parties, the expressions on their faces became dull in an instant.

Ma Mingjie was secretly happy when he saw these people.

Brother Su, since you can't come back now, these brothers will pretend for you first.

At this moment in the teacher's rest area, Sun Qiwen looked at the rapidly rising ranking of Su Gu on the leaderboard, and his face was slightly stiff.

Even if he was stubborn, he couldn't say that Zheng Di could not surpass Su Gu.

His beloved disciple Zheng Di was still hovering in the 200th place.

This year, the first place in the martial arts exam of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School could only be Su Gu.

Although his beloved disciple had successfully completed the goal set before the college entrance examination, Sun Qiwen couldn't be happy.

Looking at Su Gu's ranking, the more he looked, the more upset he became, so he simply turned off his phone.

Sun Qiwen sighed deeply. How could such a literary exam class produce such a strong martial arts exam monster?

He looked at Teacher Zhou Li not far away, with a complicated expression.

Could it be that the problem was with her?

Sun Qiwen rarely came to the teacher of the literature exam and said to her: "Excuse me, what subject do you teach?"

Zhou Li said: "History."

Sun Qiwen gritted his teeth and said: "Teacher Zhou, if you have a class next semester, can I go to audit it?"

Although it was an ordinary history class, Sun Qiwen always felt that there was some secret hidden in it, otherwise how could he teach a student like Su Gu.

Zhou Li immediately saw why Sun Qiwen came, and said with a strange look: "In fact, Su Gu rarely came to my class in the past three years."

Sun Qiwen was stunned: "Why?"

"I promised him that as long as he could get the first place in the whole school, he could prepare for the martial arts exam during my class time."

"He took the first place in the whole school for three years."

Sun Qiwen was speechless.


Find the enemy, fight, and kill the enemy.

After the mid-level awakening alien race entered the field,

Finally, after using a dagger to cut a mid-level iron stone wolf into meat paste, Su Gu heard the voice he had longed for.

[C-level assassin's step: Flash Step, proficiency has been improved.]

[Current combat skill proficiency is, mastered]

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