Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 14: Soaring rankings, the mayor looks askance

In the VIP viewing room where the mayor, principals, and examiners are. There are eleven projection screens on the white walls.

Ten of them are live broadcasts of the top ten students in the exam room. Another projection screen shows the top 100 students in the exam room.

Now the principals of this city are standing behind the mayor, staring at the projection image of the first place Zhong Pojian.

Watching him cleanly and neatly solve a star alien, they exclaimed in admiration.

"The middle-level star alien King Kong Terror Bear was killed by Zhong Pojian with an axe. He is worthy of the B-level supernatural power multiplication."

"And as a heavy armor, his skills are also delicate enough, not just reckless."

"It is estimated that he will be the first place in our city this year, and there will be no other changes."

Mayor Liu Chenghui looked at Zhong Pojian's performance in the projection and nodded secretly.

Getting the first place in the city is nothing to him. There will be someone who will take this position every year. What is important is the ranking in the province.

Only when the students in his city can enter the top 30 in the province, can it be considered that the city under his jurisdiction has achieved results.

"This Zhong Pojian is conservatively estimated to be in the top 15 in the province, and can even challenge the top 10 in the province."

"It's a pity that the other nine members of our city are somewhat mediocre compared to Zhong Pojian."

Mayor Liu said in his heart.

In the viewing room, the principals of those comprehensive high schools have begun to leave one after another.

The mid-level star alien race joined the examination room, causing the students of their schools to withdraw from the examination room one after another. For many schools, this year's college entrance examination has ended.

It has lost the meaning for the principals to stay here, so they simply return to the students.

"Old Lu, why are you still here? Didn't you leave at this time in previous years?"

The principal of the second middle school, a brother school of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, patted Lu Yuanming on the shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"My students are very powerful this year." Lu Yuanmin looked at the projection screen and saw that Su Gu had already entered the top 100 rankings, and he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Students from a comprehensive school can achieve such results surrounded by a group of martial arts schools. This has never happened since the establishment of martial arts high schools, which only focus on martial arts practice in three years.

He has decided that in the next five years... no, ten years, the school's recruitment promotion website will have posters with Su Gu's name.

"You look so happy. Is it the student named Zheng Di you mentioned to me last time?" The principal of the second middle school curled his lips and said with some jealousy:

"He can survive for so long, and he is estimated to be in the top 200. It's really good. Your school has a genius."

Zheng Di?

Lu Yuanmin thought for a while before remembering who the other party was talking about, and then smiled and shook his head:

"Zheng Di's results are not bad, but he can only rank second in our school this year. Our school has a student who has entered the top 100 this year."

"Top 100? Are you kidding? We are a comprehensive high school. Those good martial arts seedlings have long been selected by martial arts high schools."

The principal of the second middle school widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

His voice was so loud that the principals of the comprehensive high school who were just about to leave heard it, and they all widened their eyes in disbelief.

The top 100 students of the comprehensive high school? How is this possible?

Many people left Zhong Pojian's live projection and began to focus on the rankings on the leaderboard.

"It really exists, 'Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, Su Gu, 634 points 100th'."

"How come I have never heard of the name of this student Su Gu? I should have heard of such a fierce student."

"It seems that this is a dark horse, too fierce. You know, the educational resources of our comprehensive high school are far inferior to those of the martial arts high school. He can actually break into the top 100."

"What kind of luck is Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School this year? There is such a student in the martial arts exam class."

Based on past experience, the top 200 college entrance examination scores have always been dominated by martial arts high schools, and comprehensive high schools have nothing to do with it.

The comprehensive high school students who can break the blockade and break into the top 200 are all outstanding people who can only be born occasionally in the past years.

This is not deliberately targeted, but determined by the source of students.

For those students who are determined to become martial artists, their first choice in junior high school is naturally a martial arts high school with better educational resources.

Students with more outstanding abilities will naturally be accepted by martial arts high schools.

The No. 1 martial arts high school where Zhong Pojian is located even has to check the parents' files before students enter the school. Those with martial artists as parents are given priority for admission.

Under such conditions, Su Gu's achievement is really too eye-catching.

"Congratulations, Principal Lu, your martial arts class actually produced such a student this year."

"Old Lu, you are really unkind. For three months, I led the students of our martial arts class to exchange with you, but I never saw the name Su Gu. You are really unkind, and you are still hiding your shortcomings." The principal of the second middle school said bitterly:

"Anyway, congratulations, after so many years, our comprehensive high school has finally raised its head."

Listening to the questioning mixed with these congratulations, Lu Yuanmin was speechless. It's not that he is not honest and hides his incompetence. He just found out that he has a student like Su Gu these two days.

He only found out that Su Gu is so powerful after looking at the rankings.

But at this time, there was no way to say this, so I could only accept these congratulations with a smile on my face.

Seeing the excitement among the principals of the comprehensive high schools sitting in the outer circle, Mayor Liu Chenghui and the principals of the martial arts high schools around him also became interested. Their eyes also focused on the rankings from Zhong Pojian's live video. superior.

"It's really rare. It's true. There are really students from comprehensive high schools who have broken into the top 100."

"It's amazing. Why aren't students like this in our martial arts high school? I'm going to ask the admissions office teacher about it later."

Compared to the excitement of the principals of comprehensive high schools, the principals of these martial arts high schools are much calmer.

It's just a hundred people, it can't change the world.

Mayor Liu Chenghui wrote down Su Gu's name and thought to himself: "Although the top 100 in the city is not outstanding in the province. But after all, he came from a comprehensive high school, which is a good gimmick."

"After the college entrance examination, we will focus on promoting Zhong Pojian's achievements and strength. And this student named Su Gu can promote his hard work, hard work, and unwillingness to admit defeat."

Just as Liu Chenghui was thinking about the publicity work after the college entrance examination, another exclamation came from behind him.

"Look, Sugu's ranking is still rising!"

At this moment, an exclamation came from behind him.

Liu Chenghui set his sights on the rankings again.

I saw, without looking at it for a while, that Sugu's ranking had risen to 96th.

Then came the 87th bit.

79 bits.

70 bits.

61 bits.


The expressions on the faces of the principals of the martial arts high schools gradually became serious.

After killing a foreigner, the warrior must take a rest no matter what, and then look for the next foreigner again.

This will cause his score to stagnate for a period of time, giving those behind him a chance to catch up.

But Sugu's score increased very steadily, which showed one thing. It was extremely easy for him to kill mid-level aliens, and he didn't even need any rest.

This shows one thing, Sugu's final position is not just in the top 100.

At this moment, the examiner wearing a green military uniform and a military medal on his chest said with stern eyes:

"With a very stable kill speed, he has the ability to break into the top ten."

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