Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 15: Entering the top ten, you said he studied for three years for the liberal arts exam?

Top ten? !

This made everyone's mouths slightly open. In their hearts, they had already given extremely high expectations to Su Gu, but the examiner's prediction still easily raised the position they had set in their hearts by a large margin.

No one doubted the examiner's judgment.

The military medals worn on his military uniform were convincing enough. This was the judgment of a soldier who retired from the battlefield and fought with the alien races in the starry sky and made military achievements.

"The students of the comprehensive high school entered the top ten in the city in the martial arts exam."

Lu Yuanmin's lips moved, muttering as if he was talking in his sleep.

At this moment, as the principal, he actually felt a sense of honor for his students.

"Who is the principal of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School?" Mayor Liu Chenghui asked calmly after drinking a cup of tea.

"It's me, it's me, Mayor Liu, I'm Lu Yuanmin."

Principal Lu squeezed into the circle of principals of martial arts high schools next to Mayor Liu with a smile on his face.

Under the envious and jealous gaze of the principal of the comprehensive high school who was in the outer circle like him before, he truly felt what it meant to be in high spirits.

Mayor Liu nodded and said: "Principal Lu, please tell my secretary about the deeds of this student named Su Gu who has worked hard in training for three years."

"It would be best if you can provide some videos, and our city will carry out some publicity for this student."

After hearing this, Lu Yuanmin's face suddenly froze.

Deeds? How would he know what deeds?

An hour ago, he also suggested that the head teacher Zhou Li stop Su Gu from taking the martial arts exam. He was confused about this matter.

As for the video materials, there is no video material. After all, Su Gu has never been to the school martial arts exam class in his three years of high school.

"Mayor Liu, I don't know much about how Su Gu, a student, prepared for the martial arts exam."

Liu Chenghui frowned. The martial arts exam is a top priority for any institution.

A student like Su Gu actually didn't know anything about it. Principal Lu in front of him was a little irresponsible.

"Then call all the teachers and class teachers in charge of the martial arts exam in your school. They should know about these things about the students they teach."

Lu Yuanmin's face flushed red, and after a moment he murmured: "I think these people may not have the video of Su Gu training for the martial arts exam."

Liu Chenghui's expression frowned deeply, and he said with some displeasure: "What's wrong with your Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School? How can such a talented student be treated so casually?"

Lu Yuanmin lowered his head, and after a moment he seemed to finally be unable to hold back, and shouted: "Mayor Liu, regarding the student Su Gu, he is actually not a student in the martial arts exam class in our school, he belongs to the literary exam class."

"His supernatural power does not have combat effectiveness. After our inspection, his supernatural power can only increase the speed of learning and concentration, and does not have any combat ability."

"So when Su Gu was divided into classes in the first year of high school, we assigned him to the literary exam class. He is a literary exam student."

Liu Chenghui's expression froze. He never thought that he would get such an answer.

And the others were even more dumbfounded.

"The top 100 in the whole city, you told me that this is a student in the literature exam class? Old Lu, are you kidding me?"

The principal of Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School finally couldn't hold it in anymore and asked directly.

It's amazing enough that a comprehensive high school student beat a group of martial arts high schools. Now you tell me that the student hasn't participated in the martial arts exam class for three years?

You are making up urban legends.

Lu Yuanmin sighed and nodded, "It's true. I was worried about the student's safety and planned to stop him from participating in the martial arts exam, but this... who would have thought of it."

The principals present, looking at Lu Yuanmin's sincere expression, knew that he was not lying.

Everyone felt a sense of absurdity.

These educators present have worked in their fields for at least ten years, but no one has seen such a situation.

A student who has been taking the literature exam for three years now beats a group of martial arts students. What's this?

Am I dreaming now? In fact, tomorrow is the day of the martial arts exam.

Some people couldn't help but pinch their thighs.

It wasn't until they felt pain that they realized it was true.

At this moment, including the mayor, everyone's eyes were once again focused on the rankings, looking at Su Gu's ranking.

While they were talking, this student had already ranked in the top 50 in the city.

Liu Chenghui murmured: "Such a student, actually has no ability to fight?"

His tone was half amazed and half regretful.

With such an ability, even if there is a decent C-level ability, maybe he can compete with Zhong Pojian.

When the time comes, the two of them will compete with each other and stimulate each other's potential. Maybe this year's provincial champion will appear in Hangzhou.

Thinking of this, Liu Chenghui sighed.

Hangzhou's economy is good, but the martial arts are sluggish. There has been no provincial martial arts champion for ten years.

If Su Gu really has a good ability, maybe it can change all this.

But the examiner who was born in a military family beside the mayor, the look in his eyes is more and more interested.

He stared at Su Gu's name on the leaderboard and said calmly, "I am getting more and more curious about this student now."

"Once he enters the top ten, he will be eligible for live broadcasting, so wait and see."

Su Gu didn't let him wait for long, and his ranking rose at a very stable rate.

"Su Gu, 20th place."

"Su Gu, 17th place."

"Su Gu, 14th place."

Su Gu, 10th place.

When he reached this rank, everyone's eyes turned from the ranking to the live broadcast area of ​​the 10th place.

At this moment, Su Gu's figure finally appeared in the eyes of the principals and the mayor through the small suspension machine used for live broadcast in the examination room.

The man in the live broadcast screen was as tall as a pine tree, with a face like a crown and a smile on his lips. He looked around and revealed a calmness unique to a strong man. It seemed that the place where he was at this moment was not the examination room that determined his life, but strolling in his own courtyard.

Is he Su Gu? What a handsome young man.

This was everyone's first impression of him.

Then, he set his eyes on Su Gu's weapon. They wanted to know what kind of martial arts profession such a dark horse that was rarely seen in a century in the martial arts examination was.

But at a glance, they were even more confused. A group of people surrounded Su Gu's live broadcast screen and discussed it seriously.

"Knife, double daggers, spear, why does he carry so many weapons? Is he a berserker, a warrior, or an assassin?"

"Look, his double daggers are still stained with the blood and flesh of the Star Alien, and the other two weapons are almost never used. He is undoubtedly an assassin. I guess he carries the other two weapons to confuse others."

Others looked and it was true.

"Young people nowadays are really ignorant. They have already taken the college entrance examination, but they still have to carry decorative and extra weapons to pretend to be amateurs. Do they like to play the pig and eat the tiger so much?" Someone shook his head and said.

"Look, this student named Su Gu is still using the obsolete fine steel as a weapon."

These people looked closely and it was true.

The expression on the face of Principal Lu Yuanmin suddenly became anxious. Now that the mid-level aliens are deployed, the hardness of many muscles is higher than fine steel.

Weapons of this material are not good enough.

He originally blamed Su Gu in his heart, but when he thought of the other party's orphan family, he held back.

"Su Gu, if you need money to buy weapons, why don't you apply for a loan?" Lu Yuanmin thought to himself.

At this moment, the principal of the Second Middle School next to him exclaimed:

"Su Gu encountered a King Kong Terror Bear!"

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