Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 16 Recreating the tactics of the heroes of the Dark Ages, praise from the military examiner

At this moment, a bear-like creature with scarlet eyes slowly walked out in front of Su Gu.

It was hairless and its whole body was shining with metallic luster. Just looking at it, you could tell that it was extremely strong. When it walked into Su Gu's sight, it stood up on its two legs, and its huge body of four meters stood in front of Su Gu, like a monster.


A fierce and majestic roar came from the mouth of this beast. Just by relying on the pressure of the sound, some glass in the ruins was shattered.

Then the monster narrowed its scarlet eyes slightly, staring at Su Gu ten meters away, and its two calves slightly bent down, as if ready to pounce at any time.

Mayor Liu Chenghui looked at the two daggers in Su Gu's hand, which were shining with metallic luster, and frowned slightly and said:

"Su Gu is now facing a mid-level King Kong Terror Bear. This species is extremely hard all over. The hardness of the mid-level King Kong Terror Bear's body is definitely stronger than the fine steel daggers in Su Gu's hand. Now he has no means to break the King Kong Terror Bear's defense."

"But fortunately, the King Kong Terror Bear is not fast. As an assassin, Su Gu has the advantage of speed. The best choice now is to avoid its edge."

The mayor's analysis made the principals present nod secretly, and no one felt ashamed of this choice.

This is not running away. Everyone has enemies that they are not good at facing. Playing to their strengths and avoiding weaknesses is also an important strategy in the martial arts exam.

In the live broadcast, Su Gu had a smile on his lips, and the two daggers in his hands turned like butterflies. Looking at the monster in front of him, the fighting spirit emerged in his eyes.

Having just advanced the proficiency of instant step to mastery, he needs a strong enough opponent to measure his own strength.

Watching Su Gu's choice in the live broadcast, people in the viewing room were talking about it.

"Why doesn't he retreat? The toy knife in his hand is not enough to scrape the skin of the bear's feet."

"Did he apply nerve poison on his dagger and stab the bear's eyes directly to defeat the enemy with one blow?"

"The value of this poison is more expensive than a pair of black and gold daggers. It shouldn't be possible."

A group of martial arts high school principals were whispering about Su Gu's winning method, but they talked for a long time without any results.

Lu Yuanmin clenched his fists tightly, his face full of tension. Mayor Liu Chenghui also frowned slightly, not quite understanding why Su Gu made such a choice.

Is he stupid?

The only examiner with a military medal present was the one with a more interested look on his face.

Su Gu moved his position with a small jump step and twisted his neck. Then he held the daggers and rushed straight to the bear.

The assassin and the bear were head-on?

Is he crazy? !

This sentence echoed in everyone's mind at this moment.

But what happened the next moment made these people doubt their lives.

After Su Gu shortened the distance between him and the terror bear to less than one meter, his figure disappeared instantly and went around the back of the terror bear.

Then a 20-centimeter wound appeared on the back of the terror bear. The terror bear roared and turned around, slapping hard in the direction of the pain.

But Su Gu used its waving arm to move again in the air, and this time appeared in front of the terror bear, and there was also a 20-centimeter wound on the neck of the terror bear.

The terror bear roared again, but it was still useless.

Then the side of the calf, and then the gap between the ribs was penetrated, and one eye was blinded by the dagger...

The roar of the terror bear gradually turned into a wail.

One wound is only a minor injury, but the accumulation of wounds will eventually be fatal.

He wanted to escape painfully, but Su Gu was sticking to him like a ghost, and no matter how he tried to get rid of Su Gu, it was useless.

Finally, the bear fell to the ground with serious injuries and dying thirty seconds after meeting Su Gu.

Su Gu then slowly inserted the dagger directly into its eyes and destroyed its brain.

"Kill the alien King Kong bear of the starry sky, and the college entrance examination score is +23."

"The current score of the examinee Su Gu is 789 points, ranking 10th."

Su Gu listened to the prompt sound from the survival watch, nodded with satisfaction, and then left quickly to find the next prey.

Looking at the live broadcast, the entire viewing room fell into a long silence.

Every time Su Gu made a move, it would inevitably cause damage to the bear. But he was not greedy for the knife. Sometimes he chose to give up when there was a chance to cause greater damage. This is the character of an assassin.

In this battle, Su Gu's combat quality even surpassed many high school martial arts teachers.

Moreover, this massacre was carried out without any supernatural powers, purely using martial arts skills, which shocked the onlookers greatly.

In addition to these, there was another question lingering in the minds of these spectators. They thought quietly for a full thirty seconds, and finally someone couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter with the weapon in Su Gu's hand? Is it really made of fine steel? If it is made of just fine steel, how could it easily cause damage to the Terror Bear?"

"With the physical strength of the Terror Bear, even black gold is difficult to cut. How can fine steel cut through the flesh of the Terror Bear like cutting tofu?"

"I don't think it's fine steel. I think it may be a new material that looks similar to fine steel and was secretly developed by the military or the Earth Federation Government?"

This was the doubt in everyone's mind. Everyone, including Mayor Liu Chenghui, looked at the examiner in unison, hoping to get the answer from him.

The instructor completely ignored the principals' intentions. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on Sugu, who was moving quickly during the live broadcast, with undisguised and warm appreciation in his eyes.


Mayor Liu Chenghui on the side coughed slightly, and then whispered: "Instructor Zhou, could you please help us clear up our doubts?"

Instructor Zhou’s flaming eyes gradually extinguished, and then he said calmly:

"That weapon is just an ordinary fine steel product. As for why the fine steel can cut the flesh of the dire bear, it is also very simple."

"When cutting meat, if you cut along the muscle texture of the meat product, the loss consumed will be much less."

"This student named Sugu perfectly avoided the attack of the dire bear. At the same time, every attack followed the dire bear's muscles and dismembered it like a butcher dismembering a cow."

"This not only has a high killing efficiency, but will not even cause damage to the weapon. For a master like Sugu, stainless steel weapons will not affect his performance."

When these words were spoken, everyone suddenly realized, but after savoring it carefully for a moment, they immediately realized the horror in it.

To be able to do this, one must be familiar with the physical anatomy of the Vajra Bear. The time it takes to completely understand the muscle structure of another race is no shorter than the time it takes to practice a combat skill.

Moreover, among the alien races in the starry sky in the examination room, there are more than just Vajra Dire Bears. Their physical strength exceeds that of fine steel, and there are nearly a hundred species that are comparable to fine steel.

If Sugu used this method to kill most alien races, then it would be impossible for him to only understand the physical anatomy of one alien race.

Think about the stainless steel dagger in Sugu's hand, which was still intact after killing all the people in the top ten. For the first time, these principals felt a sense of awe from a student.

They remember that alien anatomy is part of the elective course. The average martial arts student is already hard enough in training, so where can he find the time to remember these things?

Examiner Zhou watched Sugu use the same method again to kill a life-eating tiger during the live broadcast, and the look of appreciation on his face became even stronger.

In the dark ages, when there were no better weapons, this was how the heroes of the past killed the aliens!

This student named Sugu recreated the heroic fighting methods of the dark ages!


Mayor Liu Chenghui coughed lightly again, and then said calmly to Sugu's principal, Lu Yuanmin: "What's going on with you? Why don't you prepare better weapons for Sugu?"

Although the warriors of the Dark Ages were very great, humans have been studying warrior weapons for many years, isn't it just to save future warriors from the suffering of the past?

In order to recreate the greatness of the warriors of the past, it makes it difficult for the current warriors. This kind of thing is simply putting the cart before the horse.

He, Liu Chenghui, would not agree.

Lu Yuanmin's face showed a look of embarrassment that he could not speak.

At this moment, Liu Chenghui’s secretary whispered in his ear:

"Mayor, Lu Yuanmin didn't agree with Sugu Wukao before, how could he provide him with weapons?"

"I just checked. These weapons from Sugu were applied to the government, and you also approved them."

Liu Chenghui was stunned for a moment, and then said to Lu Yuanmin again with a normal expression: "I won't do this next time."

Then he quietly dropped the topic.

Everyone looked at Sugu's performance in the live broadcast again.

Even if he reaches the top ten, Sugu's ranking is still improving steadily.

"Ninth place."

"Seventh place."

"the fifth place."


Until it reached second place.

Sugu was bathed in blood along the way, like a god of war who would never fall.

In front of him, only the last Zhong Pojian remained.

Now everyone is looking forward to who among them can win the first place.

The examiner said calmly: "It's almost time, and we can put in the high-level awakening starry sky aliens."

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