Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 17 High-level star aliens enter the scene, Su Gu encounters Zhong Pojian

In the examination room, there were originally more than 3,000 candidates, but now there are only less than 50 who still have the energy to kill monsters and get points. Almost all the students below 200 have withdrawn.

Among these 50 people, Su Gu's rise in the ranking list is like a firework rising into the sky, which has completely attracted the attention of those students who have completed the martial arts exam and left the Fallen City.

The name that stands high above and suppresses all the candidates, and the name of the comprehensive high school in front of the name prefix is ​​too eye-catching.

For a while, all the students outside the Fallen City were discussing this name.

"This... this is too fake. How could the students of the comprehensive high school suppress our martial arts high school?"

"Could it be that in order to make its own school rank more outstanding, Hangzhou No. 1 High School spent a lot of money to introduce students from martial arts schools in other provinces?"

"Yes, I think so. This student named Su Gu must have received a lot of benefits from their principal before agreeing to transfer his student status and take the college entrance examination in another place."

Those students of the martial arts high school who could not accept that they were suppressed by the students of the comprehensive high school began to spread unfounded rumors.

For a while, conspiracy theories were everywhere.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Su Gu has studied in our school for three years. He is a celebrity."

"Yes, and he studied in the liberal arts exam class. You are not only suppressed by the comprehensive high school, but also by the liberal arts exam students."

Faced with these conspiracy theories, alumni of the same school spoke up to defend them and produced evidence that Su Gu had been in school for three years.

The students of the martial arts class of Hangzhou No. 1 High School looked at Su Gu's ranking at this moment, and their faces were full of pride.

At first, they were a little jealous of Su Gu's ranking. But after seeing Su Gu's current ranking, which is a position they can never reach in their lifetime, they only have a sense of honor.

Looking at the evidence, especially seeing that Su Gu studied the liberal arts exam for three years, and even had a useless supernatural power that could not be graded. Those who clamored and spread rumors had their eyes wide open. They kept saying, "How is this possible... How is this possible."

The students of other comprehensive schools were in a completely different situation.

"Too strong, how did he do it? He is in the same comprehensive high school as me, and in the liberal arts exam class, but he can do such a thing."

"I just had a meal, and he went directly from the top 10 to the top 10, and after peeing, he went from the top 10 to the second place."

"Is his name Su Gu? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't imagine it."

Other comprehensive high school students looked at the two words Su Gu and his ranking on the list. After learning about Su Gu's deeds, they were not only shocked, but even worshipped him.

From a comprehensive high school to this position, no matter how he did it, it proves that he is an inspirational god.

"So what if he's from a comprehensive high school or has useless abilities? Su Gu didn't give up on himself. He worked hard for three years and became stronger. I want to learn from him."

"Useless abilities. The liberal arts class doesn't even have martial arts training equipment. He can still achieve such results. I admit that I'm inspired."

"After the college entrance examination, I will take a screenshot of Su Gu's ranking and make it a screen saver for my mobile phone. I want to use this to inspire my future college life."

Listening to the heated discussions of these people, Ma Mingjie on the side was very satisfied. He hugged Wu Yi and Zheng Di who had just come out of the examination room and said loudly:

"Su Gu is my brother! When he gets the top scorer, I will hold the most luxurious entrance banquet for him in the city. Anyone who wants to come can come!"

"You don't need to bring anything. I, Mr. Ma, will pay for the entire meal!"

Ma Mingjie's voice was immediately supported by a group of people in the examination room.


"Mr. Ma is awesome."

But at the same time, it also caused some discordant voices.

"Bah, Su Gu is not the first yet. The first is still Zhong Pojian from our No. 1 Martial Arts High School! What are you so arrogant about?"

"That's right, I didn't expect to be able to open champagne halfway through the exam. Being too arrogant will not end well."

"I tell you, the first place must still be someone from our No. 1 Martial Arts High School."

These are Zhong Pojian's classmates from the same school, and they shouted at Ma Mingjie desperately.

Ma Mingjie immediately said: "You are only being stubborn now. With my brother's ranking rising speed, it is only a matter of time for him to become the first!"

"I think you are dreaming. Zhong Pojian's score is one-third higher than Su Gu's."


While the students were arguing and arguing because of their tempers, military transport planes flew into the sky, and the roaring engine sound covered the noisy arguments outside the examination room.

After the transport planes took off, they began to deploy high-level star aliens in various areas that had been reserved in advance.

At this moment in the VIP viewing room, the chief examiner Zhou Zhengsheng stood in front of the radio and said lightly:

"The third hour has arrived, and the awakened high-level star aliens have begun to be deployed."

"The survival watches given to you cannot completely defend against the attacks of the star aliens of this level. Please do what you can."

After reminding the candidates of the dangers to come, he turned off the radio.

Those who can survive in the fallen city until this time are all outstanding students. Some things don't need to be said too much. Students know how to ensure their own safety.

At the same time, the exam is about to come to an end. The chief examiner of the examination room will broadcast the current situation in the examination room live according to the management.

Next, anyone can check the situation of the students in the examination room through the live broadcast.

"Look, Su Gu and Zhong Pojian have run into each other."

The students outside the examination room took out their mobile phones and exclaimed.

This made Ma Mingjie, who was just arguing with someone, stop arguing immediately and took out his mobile phone to check Su Gu's current situation.

At this moment in the live broadcast, after Su Gu and Zhong Pojian each killed a skeleton twin, the two of them confronted each other from a distance with the corpse of this high-level awakening star alien as the boundary.

Even though they were two underage students, they gave people a feeling of deep and deep confrontation.

"You must be Su Gu." Zhong Pojian spoke first, and his tone was quite certain.

"Do you know me?"

"With the speed at which your ranking is rising, it's hard for me not to know."

Su Gu showed a sunny smile to the two-meter-tall bald man holding a giant axe.

Zhong Pojian also smiled, and then said: "After the college entrance examination, I want to compete with you."

"Why do we have to wait until after the college entrance examination? Aren't we competing now?" Su Gu asked in confusion.

Zhong Pojian shook his head and said, "As an assassin, you can't compare to the offensive heavy armor who is good at frontal combat in terms of the number of enemies you kill and the efficiency of killing."

"It's unfair to you to use the form of the college entrance examination to compare you and me."

At this point, the smile on Zhong Pojian's face became a little ferocious and confident.

"So after the college entrance examination, I will fight you head-on. I want to let everyone know that as long as it is related to martial arts, I, Zhong Pojian, will be the first in anything!"

In his tone, there was a strong self-confidence, which was the self-confidence cultivated by being ranked first in Hangzhou Martial Arts High School for many years.

Zhong Pojian didn't think that there was anyone among his peers in this city who could compete with him.

This dark horse who came out of nowhere is not okay either!

Facing the other party's overwhelming confidence, Su Gu showed a warm smile on his face, as if the breeze was blowing on his face.

He did not refute Zhong Pojian's words, nor did he pay attention to him, but said lightly:

"Okay, I know."

Then he turned around and walked towards the place with the loudest movement and the most likely place to be strange.

Su Gu didn't care about anything now, he was just immersed in the pleasure of rapidly improving his combat proficiency and becoming stronger.

His first choice now was to find monsters and verify his martial arts.

But Zhong Pojian narrowed his eyes slightly, and he tasted a silent contempt in Su Gu's indifferent action.

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