"Who do you think is stronger, Su Gu or Zhong Pojian?"

In the VIP viewing room, Mayor Liu Chenghui asked calmly.

People here knew everything about the conversation between Zhong Pojian and Su Gu just now through live monitoring.

The two strongest students in this year's martial arts test in Hangzhou finally faced each other head-on. One was the previously recognized number one candidate, and the other was a super dark horse.

This kind of confrontation like Mars hitting the earth is full of topic, and the outcome is naturally arousing curiosity.

The principals of the major martial arts high schools who were still watching looked at each other. They wanted to name Zhong Pojian. After all, if this year's city champion was really taken away by a student from a comprehensive high school, where would their school's reputation be?

But they had watched Sugu's killing live broadcast for such a long time, and the fools also understood how terrifying this student's fighting talent was. Even Zhong Pojian, who had B-level powers and was integrated into the Starry Sky Titan's bone powder battle ax, they did not A way to give him a guaranteed win.

As for Lu Yuanmin, the principal of Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School, his face turned red. He really wanted to say Sugu's name. But he also had no confidence in winning against Sugu.

At this moment, everyone was frozen here, and the entire VIP viewing room fell into a long silence.

"If two people compete in a one-on-one arena, I can guarantee that Sugu will win." The examiner Zhou Zhengsheng broke the quiet atmosphere and said flatly:

"When killing the King Kong Terror Bear, Su Gu's proficiency in the instant step he used has reached the level of mastery. However, most of Zhong Pojian's combat skills are still at the level of combat skill mastery, and he is still a little accomplished, one or two. Perfect mastery is a trump card. In terms of combat experience, Sugu Gaozhong has at least one level of strength. In a life-and-death battle, it cannot be compensated by just a B-level ability."

His words brought ecstasy to Lu Yuanmin's face, and the expressions of the principals of the martial arts high schools dimmed.

Just when Lu Yuanmin wanted to wave his hands excitedly to celebrate in advance that his school's students won the first place in the city, Zhou Zhengsheng's voice sounded again:

"But it is a pity that this is not a one-on-one duel. The aliens in the starry sky who are killed now are all awakened realms and do not have wisdom yet. Killing this kind of aliens who are not much different from beasts has almost wiped out Sugu and Zhong. Break the gap in combat experience.”

"As a martial arts profession, the assassin's essence is to patiently look for opportunities for important targets, and then kill them with one strike. This is not suitable for the examination room that pursues killing efficiency. Especially now that the martial arts examination is about to enter the end, the difficulty has risen sharply. , and his opponent is still a very destructive offensive heavy weapon.”

When he said this, Zhou Zhengsheng's face also showed a hint of hesitation and struggle. Compared to Zhong Pojian, he actually admired Su Gu more.

But there is no way. He is a fair referee and does not want to make unfair judgments because of his preference.

"So, I think Zhong Pojian will still be number one in the end."

After hearing this, everyone nodded at the same time. They chose to believe Zhou Zhengsheng's judgment.

After all, this is a powerful soldier with military exploits.

Everyone focused their attention on the live broadcast. At this moment, Sugu was using Shunpo to fight with a group of high-level blood skeletons.

With his ease and ease, the viewer has no doubt that it will only be a matter of time before he kills the blood skeleton.

But suddenly, a tiger-like figure rushed over.

Zhong Pojian raised his battle ax and used the B-level combat skill "Twelve Stunning Stone Strikes"!

With just one blow, the blood skeleton was crushed to pieces.

"Work together to kill the high-level blood skeleton, assist, and Sugu's college entrance examination score +18."

"Kill, Zhong Pojian's college entrance examination score +27."

Sugu frowned slightly. Actual combat can speed up his understanding of combat skills. He is also planning to continue to verify what he has learned on this blood skeleton.

Zhong Pojian blamed him for this, which made him very unhappy.

When Zhong Pojian saw this, he showed his bright white teeth and said: "This is also a kind of tactic. From now on, I only need to follow you and grab your monsters, and your score will not exceed mine."

"The number one in the city can only be me, Zhong Pojian!"

Next, Zhong Pojian followed Sugu exactly as he said.

Relying on his offensive heavy equipment, the destructive power is even stronger, and he will grab Sugu's monsters unscrupulously every time.

Gradually, the scores began to widen between the first and second places on the leaderboard.

"This is too despicable. This Zhong Pojian obviously has the ability to kill monsters, but he insists on robbing my brother of monsters. It is simply shameless!"

Ma Mingjie watched Zhong Pojian's tactics in the live broadcast and said angrily.

"What's so despicable about this? If you can't afford it, don't play it."

The martial arts high school student who had argued with Ma Mingjie before about whose number one belonged to said proudly.

"You people are arrogant, keep being arrogant. That Sugu is no match for Zhong Pojian in the examination room. The gap between him and Zhong Pojian will become wider and wider, and he can only be the second best."

"Secondly, it's okay. Let Sugu find a place to celebrate by himself. Stop having that sweet dream of trying to conquer all the students by yourself."

"The number one this year is still the number one high school in our martial arts. Don't think about it."

After hearing what these people said, the students from Comprehensive High School who had previously supported Sugu had a sad expression on their faces.

Could it be that students from comprehensive high schools really can only go here at most?

"Shut up, all of you!" Ma Mingjie roared, suppressing the surrounding voices questioning Sugu.

Then he continued to look at the screen nervously.

In the viewing room, Principal Qian of the First Martial Arts High School, where Zhong Pojian was, who had been watching the live broadcast silently, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Zhong Pojian's tactics were somewhat shameless, the school's first place for several consecutive years was finally saved.

He pretended to be generous and patted Lu Yuanmin on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, a student like Su Gu has lived well enough."

Lu Yuanmin twitched his lips. Although this was the truth, he was indeed proud of Su Gu's good results.

But he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this moment, Su Gu frowned tightly as he watched the prey that Zhong Pojian kept snatching away.

After a while, his brows relaxed, and he sighed softly:

"Originally, I wanted to use the Star Alien Race to hone my own combat skills, so I didn't deliberately pursue the killing speed, but mainly practiced my perception. But since the other party challenged me so enthusiastically, it would be impolite not to respond."

At this moment, Su Gu suddenly accelerated in the direction of a high-level King Kong Terror Bear.

Zhong Pojian, who was following him like a maggot, smiled and showed his white teeth:

"This guy called Su Gu is only this level. Now his heart is completely unbalanced."

"With his fighting skills and weapons, it is impossible to quickly break the defense of the high-level Terror Bear. At most, he can help me hold him back. Only I can do the fatal kill. When the system calculates the score, the kill is mine, and you can only be counted as an assist."

"So accept your fate. With me, Zhong Pojian, here, you can only be second in this martial arts exam!"

Su Gu's speed is very fast, but he moves in the air as nimble as a flying leaf. The Terror Bear didn't notice until he appeared within three meters of it.

Just as the monster was about to roar.

Su Gu's face condensed, and the instant step of the mastery level was used at the same time as the wind dance slash!

At that moment, he seemed to have turned into a meat grinder, and blood and flesh splattered.

Previously, it took thirty seconds to kill a mid-level terror bear, but after Su Gu's unreserved attack, the high-level terror bear could only survive for one breath!

The students outside didn't think much of Su Gu's rising score, but the principals and leaders in the viewing room who witnessed the whole scene all widened their eyes at this moment, not understanding what happened.

Didn't it take thirty seconds to kill a mid-level terror bear before, but how come it only takes one breath to kill a high-level one now?

Examiner Zhou Zhengsheng stood up suddenly and muttered in disbelief:

"How is it possible, how is this possible?"

"How can this be something a student can do."

Seeing that this soldier who had won a military medal was in such a state, the principals didn't dare to breathe for a moment. Mayor Liu Chenghui also showed a trace of uneasiness on his face, and asked cautiously:

"Officer Zhou, what happened? What made you lose your composure like this?"

After Zhou Zhengsheng took a few deep breaths, he slowly said:

"I misjudged Su Gu."

"He has mastered more than just the instant step combat skill, and if I'm not mistaken, this kid is actually thinking about practicing himself during the college entrance examination!"

"He is honing his combat skills by encountering aliens in the starry sky."

"Every time he kills in the live broadcast, we saw that he did it not for the pursuit of efficiency, but to verify what he has learned!"

After hearing this, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

As the principal present, it is very clear what this means.

In this examination room that can determine one's life, martial arts candidates are all in a very nervous state of mind, desperately pursuing the speed of killing.

And Su Gu is thinking about how to use this exam to improve himself again.

This is equivalent to the situation in the literature exam, when others are working hard to solve the questions, Su Gu is leisurely thinking about the second, third, or even fourth solutions to the questions.

He actively adds difficulty to himself, but in the end he can still crush other students of the same grade.

What kind of confidence is this, what kind of person is this.

Lu Yuanmin's face was dull.

Is this really a student of our school? Is this really a martial arts student who can come out of our school?

Principal Qian of the First Martial Arts High School clenched his fists, and his expression was a little depressed.

Next, Zhong Pojian, not to mention stealing Su Gu's monster, even the prey he had set his eyes on was quickly killed by Su Gu.

In just a moment, everything was completely turned upside down.

The gap between Su Gu and Zhong Pojian continued to narrow.

From the beginning, the difference was 200 points, to 150 points.

Then 100 points,

50 points,



Su Gu topped the list.

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