Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 137 Hunting for the location of alien blood! Challenge between colleges and universities!

Compete for the blood of alien races and let your abilities evolve!

When General Yin stated the goal of their trip, the students at Xingkong Martial Arts University felt excited.

The seniors who led the team did not lie to them. This was really an opportunity to reinvent themselves!

Sugu's face also showed interest. He was also curious about how his superpower would change if he came into contact with the blood of a foreign race.

The deeper the foundation laid in the Self-Seeking Realm and breaking through to the Soul Shaping Realm, the more powerful the soul fire will be ignited. In the current realm, the most important thing is one's own accumulation. Martial arts combat skills, superpower levels, everything that can make you stronger are all of high value.

Sugu didn't want to miss any opportunity to make himself stronger.

"Let me tell you some good news. Although there is no massive accumulation of resources, the probability of power upgrade is very low, but it is not impossible." Bai Yujing, who was walking in front of the team, turned back and said with a smile:

"Kuang Zhen from our school seized this opportunity and upgraded his original B-level superpower to A-level. After upgrading his superpower level, his combat power has reached the level of the school team."

After Bai Yujing finished speaking, those ordinary students placed their fiery gazes on Kuang Zhen's back. Having such vivid examples makes their hearts even more inspiring.

Feeling the eyes of his juniors, Kuang Zhen looked quite proud, obviously very useful.

"That's it?" Feng Yan snorted and curled his lips disdainfully.

Kuang Zhen's face suddenly stiffened, and he immediately glared over and opened his mouth to curse.

Just when the conflict between the two people was about to escalate again.

"Ahem." Sugu coughed twice.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Kuang Zhen and Feng Yan's faces froze, and they both turned their heads in silence.

Bai Yujing separated the two people's positions and ended this episode. Xingwu University and his group continued to chat and move forward casually. Not long after, they had arrived at the central military area of ​​the space city.

After being informed by several sentries standing guard, a soldier in civilian clothes led them in and brought them to the room where the gathering was held.

When everyone from Xingwu University entered the room, the teachers and students from other martial arts universities who had come in advance all turned their heads.

Sugu felt the gazes cast by these people. In the gazes of teachers and students from ordinary martial arts universities, there was fear, vigilance, and shrinkage... everything.

But I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. The leaders of some schools whose rankings are just a few places behind Xingwu University looked here as if they were looking at a piece of high-quality fat.

However, Sugu didn't have the chance to verify his feelings now. He quickly followed the team to the front of the room and sat in their place.

"Brother Su, the seats here are arranged according to the rankings among martial arts colleges." Feng Yan whispered in Sugu's ear.

Sugu nodded, he was also aware of the organizer's arrangement. Sitting next to Xingkong Martial Arts University, only Wangtianya Martial Arts University and Kaiyang Martial Arts University were in the second row.

In front of them, there were three teams.

"What are the origins of the three teams in front of us?" Sugu asked calmly.

"The Andrew family of Mars, a heavily armored family as famous as Patton."

"The Lin family of the moon is famous for its long-range capabilities."

"There is one more." When talking about the flamboyant team sitting in the middle, Feng Yan paused, then lowered his voice and said in Sugu's ear:

"That's the Akamatsu family on this side of the earth. It's said that this is the glove of the Tachibana family among the ten major families. It wanders around in the black zone all year round, helping the Tachibana family deal with some inconvenient things. It is the most difficult to mess with among the three. of."

After hearing this, Sugu nodded secretly.

As expected of the young head of the Feng family, he could pronounce these family names that he couldn't understand at all like the names of dishes.

Sugu secretly praised it in his heart.

After the two chatted, a middle-aged man with gray hair and casual clothes walked up to the podium in front of him.

He spoke in a hoarse voice: "You must have heard from your respective teachers what you can get here. So I won't go into details with you on this matter."

"I understand your desire to obtain the blood of aliens and evolve your own abilities."

"But every year, the space nodes we observe are limited, and the risk levels in the nodes are also different."

"The most dangerous area is the area with the strongest alien races. It is also the location where the most effective alien blood can be harvested. It can only be given to the strongest schools. This is in line with the principle of maximizing profits."

The gray-haired man briefly explained the content of this briefing.

When it was learned that the areas between the alien races were divided into strong and weak areas, there was already a burst of whispers below. And the middle-aged man's next words directly caused these people to explode.

"The current ranking is based on the performance of each school over the years, and the position you are sitting on now is your ranking position."

After saying this, the freshmen at the school sitting in the back immediately exploded.

"That's not fair!"

"Although we come to the same school every year, we are completely different people. When it comes to fighting, you can tell who is stronger and who is weaker!"

"That's right! The new students in the school change every year. Just because they were strong once doesn't mean they will always be strong."

It is related to the evolution of one's own superpowers, and even more seriously, it is closely related to one's future martial arts path. How can people who come here not take it seriously?

Many students from the schools in the back looked at the schools in front of them with increasingly unfriendly eyes.

"No wonder we were treated as fat meat when we just came in." Su Gu chuckled.

He finally understood what those schools looked like when he came in.

But he was still quite curious. Even though Xingwu University's performance in recent years has been a bit sluggish compared to its neighboring friendly schools. But among the civilian universities, it is still firmly in the top three.

Why does it seem that everyone wants to try to take a bite now?

Looking at the people present, he has successfully mobilized their emotions. The middle-aged man showed a satisfied smile, and then he said the most important purpose of this briefing as if he had revealed his true intentions.

"I know the injustice in your hearts, so according to the practice of previous years, during this period, the schools in the lower position can challenge the schools in the higher position three times, and the schools in the higher position cannot refuse."

"If the challenge is successful, the positions of both parties will be exchanged."

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