Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 138 The conflict between the family and the common people!

When the middle-aged man finished speaking, many people's breathing became heavy.

The students sitting in the martial arts school at the back all looked forward, like hunters looking for prey.

Desire and violence quietly grew in this room.

"Oh, it's like a thorn in the back." Su Gu chuckled.

From the moment the middle-aged man finished speaking, he felt several hot eyes sweeping in his direction.

Now even if someone suddenly attacked from behind, he would not be surprised at all.

"The rules of the battle can be negotiated and decided by both parties, but the battle site must be held on the battle stage in the space city. There are military doctors with healing abilities there to ensure everyone's safety."

"Also, it is forbidden to kill or cause malicious injuries to others in battle. Once discovered, the school will be disqualified. And students who cause accidents will be handed over to the military court for punishment."

The middle-aged man's serious voice sounded again. When he heard that he was going to fight near the battle stage, the restlessness in the space was settled a little bit.

But for everyone in Xingwu University, the feeling of being on edge has never dissipated.

"There are more people targeting us this year than in previous years." Bai Yujing murmured.

"Has Xingwu University been targeted in recent years?" Su Guqi said: "Logically speaking, the students of Xingwu University should be the best among these civilian martial arts universities."

"How dare these people target us like this?"

Bai Yujing smiled bitterly and said: "You will know soon."

The middle-aged man standing on the podium turned his eyes alone. It should be announced that the mutual challenge between colleges and universities can begin now, but he suddenly thought of something.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a capsule-shaped container filled with liquid from his arms and put it on the table.

Looking at the capsule, the originally noisy space suddenly became quiet. Everyone stared at the capsule like a magnet.

And Su Gu, who had been sitting in a casual posture, suddenly straightened his back.

Just like a hungry person will be attracted by the aroma of food. Like everyone else in the room, he felt his body's desire for the liquid in the capsule.

"This is a silver evolution potion that can enhance the power of superpowers and has a chance to make C-level superpowers grow into B-level superpowers."

"This is what I personally took out as a reward for the top school in this challenge between colleges and universities. It belongs to the top school after all schools have used up their challenge quotas and the seats are determined."

When this sentence was finished, Su Gu clearly felt that the eyes of the classmates sitting next to him were straight.

A sound of swallowing saliva sounded in the space.

"This is not prepared for us." Feng Yan said softly.

Su Gu also showed a faint smile.

It is said that this evolution potion is the final prize, so that everyone can compete fairly. But the eyes of this middle-aged man have been flatteringly looking at the Akamatsu family in the front.

It is estimated that this person has long planned to get to know the Akamatsu family and the Tachibana family behind them. But because there was no way out, he simply added this drama.

"It's called a challenge between colleges, but many people have already assumed that the top three places are those three." Su Gu said lightly.

He didn't say anything about this. He just looked at the liquid in the capsule, his eyes flashing.

"What's your name?" The leader of the Akamatsu family asked calmly, looking at the middle-aged man holding the capsule.

"My name is Yax Jin." The middle-aged man who had a serious face to everyone at the beginning, now smiled flatteringly like a cat.

The leader of the Tachibana family nodded lightly and said, "Very good, it's thoughtful."

"When you leave this space city, you can go to the Tachibana family and tell them my name, Tachibana Takayuki."

This person is actually from the Tachibana family? !

The expression on Yax's face was as pleasantly surprised as if he had won the lottery, and he said in a panic:

"Thank you, thank you!"

After ending this little farce, Yax's face returned to a stern look.

"Okay, now you can challenge each other, all the martial arts colleges."

"The result after a week will be the real ranking."

After saying this, it was like scooping a spoonful of water from a boiling oil pan. The colleges that had been unable to hold back for a long time now challenged their opponents.

"Mochizuki Martial Arts University and Tianshan Martial Arts University challenge you!"

"Huangdao Martial Arts University and Chiji Martial Arts University challenge you!"

"Wenxing Martial Arts University and Haishan Martial Arts University challenge you!"


And Xingkong Martial Arts University, which had long been aware that it was being targeted, did not have any surprises. A total of three leaders of martial arts universities came together.

"Xingkong Martial Arts University, we all want to challenge you, but there are three people. How about this, you pick one from them, and I'll see who is lucky enough to replace you."

The leader of the three schools said with a smile.

"What do you mean? You think we are weaklings, don't you?"

Seeing the other party looking like they were sure of defeating them, Xiao Junjian, Wu Zhen and other outstanding freshmen on the side said indignantly:

"Since you want to fight, let us meet you! We are freshmen, let the students of your class come out, and we will play one-on-one!"

Before these people finished speaking, they were held down by Feng Yan, who coldly scolded: "Idiot, is there any place for you to talk here! Take a closer look at the students from those three schools!"

After hearing this, the newcomers of Xingwu University turned their eyes to the schools that challenged them. They squinted their eyes, looked at the clothes on the other side, and gradually realized that something was wrong.

The three schools that challenged them had some kind of badge on their clothes.

That was not a school badge, but a family badge of a martial arts family.

"The one holding the spear is from the Morris family."

"And that girl is from the Xiao family in the south."

"The one with the hedgehog head is from the Mu family!"


Gradually, they sucked in a breath of cold air. Although these are small families, the power formed by them together is not something that ordinary students like them can imagine.

"By the way, let me tell you that these people are freshmen like you, and they are all heirs that the martial arts families behind them have done their best to cultivate."

"Since their mothers were in the womb, their prenatal education has been related to martial arts. Do you still think that you little shrimps can be their opponents?"

Hearing Feng Yan's words, these freshmen opened their mouths wide, mumbling a word, and finally sat back in their original seats obediently.

"What's going on?" Su Gu frowned and said, "Aren't these all civilians attending martial arts universities? How come they are all from various aristocratic families?"

Teacher Lan Qing on the side shook his head with a wry smile and said:

"In fact, over the years, some small families have become more and more enthusiastic about joining martial arts universities to obtain resources because of the overall weakening of their families."

"They send their most core heirs to join those martial arts universities to increase the competitiveness of the universities. After the universities improve their rankings, they naturally have to give them some practical benefits."

"The sluggish performance of Xingwu University in recent years is also due to this aspect."

"In order to improve competitiveness, this year the board of directors opened this loophole this year, despite the firm opposition of President Cheng Ziwen and me, to let people from aristocratic families in."

As he said this, he also glanced at Feng Yan, who had been silent on the side.

After hearing this, Su Gu's mind seemed to suddenly flash with lightning.

In an instant, all the things that he couldn't figure out were strung together in the space city.

Because alien races are separated from humans, there is no way to obtain alien blood to evolve superpowers, which leads to the overall weakening of those small families.

In order to ensure the strength of their own families, they choose to cooperate with those martial arts colleges and let them provide channels for obtaining evolutionary resources that originally belonged to civilians, similar to the space city.

Presumably, these families are now occupying resources that are far more than this one. The evolutionary resources of superpowers are just one of them.

This kind of thing makes the contradiction between the noble families and the common people more and more acute in society. So people like General Yin, who are of common people, can't help but curse the noble families.

And this atmosphere has even begun to force top universities like Xingwu University to compromise.

The board of directors wants to maintain the competitiveness of the martial arts university and advocates opening the door for the children of noble families.

And against it is another force headed by the principal Cheng Ziwen.

"To put it simply, the dishes in the bowls of those noble families are not enough, so they come to grab the rice in the pots of the common people, right?" Ma Mingjie said indignantly.

"The words are rough but the truth is not rough." Su Gu said.

Then, he smiled self-deprecatingly:

"It's true that no matter what world it is, it's always so difficult for ordinary people."

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