In the central area on the west side of the space city, except for the two groups of people who were confronting each other, this area had been cleared and no outsiders were seen.

As for the reason why these people withdrew, it was naturally because one of the groups was named Chisong.

As the gloves of the Ju family, one of the ten major families, their style of doing things was more flamboyant and unscrupulous than that of ordinary playboys.

After all, with the Ju family as a guarantor, anyone who wanted to touch them would have to think twice.

And now the other group of people who were confronting them were the poor people targeted by these disciples of the Chisong family.

Ordinary students of Xingkong Martial Arts University.

At this time, Wu Zhen, Liu Guang and other freshmen were either lying on the ground, beaten unconscious. Or in the corner, covering their broken bodies and wailing in pain.


A soul power bullet accurately penetrated Kuang Zhen's body, and the Eight Desolate Halberd in his hand fell off. The whole person fell to the ground and lost his combat power.

At this time, the only person who was still standing and fighting on the Xingwu side was Bai Yujing.

After dealing with Kuang Zhen, four people from the Chisong family quietly retreated to the back and watched this good show.

The remaining person who did not leave was looking at Bai Yujing with a wanton look.

He had red hair and a nose so big that it seemed to squeeze his eyes to his ears. He looked both scary and disgusting.

He looked at Bai Yujing, who was drawing the bowstring and looking alert, and said with a smile:

"Girl, don't we just want you to drink with us? Is it necessary to make such a big scene?"

"Now you are the only one left. Now we can get to know each other. My name is Akamatsu Eishiro."

"Stay with me later. I will pretend that nothing happened when you brought people to offend our Akamatsu family."

Hearing this, Bai Yujing raised her eyebrows and scolded: "We just want to drink. Is it necessary to put drugs in it?"

"After being found out, we wanted to keep things quiet, but you made things worse. You also brought people to stir up trouble and attacked people in our school. The current situation is so serious, isn't it all because of you!"

Hearing Bai Yujing's words, Akamatsu Eishiro was not angry, but smiled triumphantly.

"Yes, the current situation is because of us. We did it, so what?"

"Didn't you see how the person in charge named Yax King licked our leader! Only when he was there, no one in the military dared to punish us directly."

"You guys just tried to resist us, and now look at the guys falling to the ground one after another. Do you feel the difference in strength?"

"You don't really think that you can disobey our Akamatsu family by relying on you."

Akamatsu Eishiro said, while walking forward with a wanton smile.

And behind him, the four people from the Akamatsu family also showed strange smiles.

"To tell you the truth, I was very interested in you when you walked into the Central Military Region before, and now I am here for you!"

"Next, if you behave well, nothing more heartbreaking will happen."

Facing Akamatsu Eishiro who was approaching slowly, Bai Yujing's footsteps slowly retreated, and the ice longbow in her hand locked Eishiro's heart tightly.

"You are a fierce woman. I like you more and more." Ying Zhilang said with an evil smile: "I know what you are waiting for. You are stalling for time, right?"

"You want to wait for the assassin who was released to tip off the teacher in your school."

"I am really sorry. It is too late now."

As he said, he turned on his mobile phone and brought up a video projection. It showed the violent beating of Xiao Junjian after being caught up by someone.

The people who took these videos obviously have some kind of bad taste. During the filming, the intensity of the beating of Xiao Junjian increased significantly.

"Wu Tai really has a bad taste. He killed three people before, and the family spent a lot of effort to settle the matter for him." Ying Zhilang said with a smile.

A series of miserable howls from Xiao Junjian came out from the video screen.

"I noticed this guy just after he slipped away. At that time, I asked Wu Tai to chase him."

"Now... Hehehe. Beauty, don't show that expression, this guy should not be dead."

Listening to the shrill howling of her junior in the video, Bai Yujing's hands holding the longbow kept shaking.

When Xiao Junjian's legs were broken bit by bit on the screen, Bai Yujing couldn't bear it anymore.

"You bunch of scum!"

The ice arrow that had been condensing in her hand, mixed with superpowers and combat skills, was shot in advance when her mood was unstable.

And this arrow was easily dodged by Eishiro.

Then Akamatsu Eishiro slowly pulled out the sword at his waist and walked forward with a squinting face.

"Okay beauty, no one can stop me now, follow me obediently, don't let me scratch your face."

After saying that, the whole person rushed up.

Looking at the fat hand that was about to strangle her neck, Bai Yujing's face fell into despair.

At this moment, two figures fell from the sky.

One person's foot accurately stepped on the face of Akamatsu Eishiro who rushed up.


The weird and disgusting face was stepped on the ground. The metal ground of the space city began to dent because of this step, and turned into a pit to accommodate the face.

Su Gu stepped on the man's face, his eyes as cold as ice springs.

And the other figure that came with him was held in his hand like a dead dog.

Bai Yujing looked at the man in Su Gu's hand and covered her mouth in disbelief.

This man was the one who had just filmed the video of breaking Xiao Junjian's legs.

At this moment, his hands were like noodles, blowing limply. His legs were violently twisted into twists by extremely terrifying power. He was said to be a human, but he didn't look like a human anymore.

"Wuta! Eishiro!"

The few people in the Akamatsu family who had been watching the show behind Akamatsu Eishiro looked at the current situation and howled.

They walked forward and glared at Su Gu who was coming, trying to force him back with their eyes.

But Su Gu ignored them completely, just stepped harder with his feet to make the guy who was flapping like a fish under his feet behave.

Then he picked up the sword that fell on the ground and threw the man in his hand aside.

Then he turned around and looked at Bai Yujing and said:

"Sorry, leader, I was dealing with the garbage that followed me on the way, so I was a little late."

"I remember that our school has not used up the right to challenge the upper school."

"Now, I want to challenge Akamatsu Martial Arts University."

After hearing Su Gu's words, Bai Yujing nodded slowly and firmly and said:


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