Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 147: Step on your face and humiliate me, will I let you go if you beg me?

At this moment, the remaining few members of the Akamatsu family who had been standing in the back had gloomy faces. For them, what Su Gu had just said was no longer important.

They looked at Akamatsu Taketa, whose legs were crushed into powder and who was lying on the ground, and they could no longer suppress their anger.

Blood debt must be paid with blood, this guy must die!

Then, they looked at Akamatsu Eishiro who was stepped on by him, and frowned slightly.

The leader among them, Akamatsu Taro, stepped forward and said to Su Gu in an unquestionable tone: "Hurry up and lift your stinky feet!"

Hearing the voice of his leader, Akamatsu Eishiro, whose face was stepped into the metal ground, seemed to have found his backbone at this time.

He struggled with all his strength and said: "I warn you, I am from the Akamatsu family. If you know what's good for you, quickly let go of your feet and let me get up. I will make your death more comfortable later!"

After saying this, Akamatsu Eishiro suddenly felt his head loosen. Obviously, the foot that had been pressing on the back of his head had been released at this time.

This made him secretly happy.

Sure enough, the Akamatsu family's signboard was still the same as before. As long as it was brought out, many blind guys would become obedient and sensible!

Akamatsu Eishiro supported his arms and prepared to get up. And just as he raised his head, a foot swept directly on his face.

And that foot seemed to be wrapped with some strange force. After touching his cheek, he turned over directly.

It was that familiar foot again, but this time it stepped directly on his face.

"Since you want to step on someone, it's better to step on the face."

A calm voice came from Akamatsu Eishiro's head.

His eyes, which were squeezed to the side of his ears by his big nose, finally saw the appearance of the person who attacked him after he was turned over.

A handsome black-haired boy with a calm temperament. What he cared about most was the pair of eyes that remained calm when he heard the name of the Akamatsu family.

This guy, isn't he afraid of the Akamatsu family!

"Who are you? Do you know what will happen if you offend us? Let him go!" Akamatsu Taro's face was gloomy. It was the first time someone dared to play tricks on them like this.

"My name is Sugu." Sugu glanced at these people and said coldly: "Want to let him go? You guys, don't you know that you should use the word 'please' when asking others to do something?"

As he spoke, his right foot went down again and rolled hard.

Akamatsu Eishiro's nose bridge immediately made a tooth-grinding cracking sound.

"Ah, ah ah!!"

Immediately, this guy let out a shrill howl under Sugu's feet.

However, Sugu did not reduce his strength in the slightest because of his howling. His right leg continued to roll down heavily.

The pride and anger in Akamatsu Eishiro's heart finally turned into fear as the sound of the skull breaking clearly sounded in his ears.

If he doesn't do something, this damn fool will really crush his head!

Thinking of the miserable state of Akamatsu Taketa in the glimpse just now, Akamatsu Eishiro finally couldn't help but wail:

"Let me go, let me go, I'm really wrong."


"Yes, 'please' take your legs away from my face!"

Listening to the sound coming from his feet, Su Gu said lightly: "Sure enough, violence is still needed to educate a dog."

Hearing that he was compared to a dog, the fire in Akamatsu Eishiro's heart suddenly burned more vigorously. You damn guy, wait for me, wait until I get up...

Just when he thought so, he suddenly realized that Su Gu's strength in stepping on him did not weaken at all, and was even gradually increasing.

"I just said the word 'please'!" Akamatsu Eishiro wailed.

"I didn't say that I would agree if you said 'please'." Su Gu said as a matter of course.


This guy is deliberately humiliating me!

Akamatsu Eishiro was extremely angry, but the next second, the anger was turned into fear by the creaking sound of breaking next to his head.

"Help, boss, brother, brother! Save me!"

But what he didn't know was that the attack on Su Gu had already begun. If not, his head would have been crushed like a watermelon.

But under the full siege of the four members of the Akamatsu family, Su Gu's feet couldn't even leave the spot in a short time. The soul bullets shot from the blind spot of vision would be predicted by him in advance, and the close siege would not be able to take down for a long time.

The sword that Akamatsu Eishiro took away from Su Gu was even several levels higher than his own.

And just when Akamatsu Eishiro was about to despair, a roar resounded throughout the area.

"What are you doing!"

At the same time, a beam of light flashed from the horizon and hit Su Gu's sword.


The sword broke, and Su Gu's upper body swayed.

Yax King came over quickly with a group of people. He turned a blind eye to the miserable conditions of the students of Starry Sky Martial Arts University along the way.

When he saw Su Gu stepping on Akamatsu Eishiro, he immediately shouted:

"Put him down quickly! You dare to hurt people here in public, what do you want to do!"

"Put him down, and apologize to Akamatsu Martial Arts University immediately!"

As he spoke, he used the pressure of the Soul Shaping Realm to press towards Su Gu. He wanted to force him to surrender with force.

What he didn't expect was that Su Gu, whose weapon was shattered, didn't panic at all. It seemed that losing his weapon didn't have much impact on him.

Not only that, facing the pressure of a realm higher than his, he did not make any unusual movements.

On the contrary, Yax Jin, who was looking at him, felt a palpitation as if his heart was being pinched.

Yax Jin subconsciously took a step back, and then he felt angry.

"Damn it, isn't this just a student from the Martial Arts University who is looking for my realm? I am afraid of nothing!"

He said to the people around him: "Come on, take him down and lock him up!"

"Dare to hurt students from other schools outside the battle stage, which is a serious violation of the rules. He is forbidden to enter the alien space that is about to open!"

With Yax Jin's roar, the guards behind him came forward and surrounded Su Gu.

They took out various weapons from their bodies and aimed at Su Gu who was in a posture to meet the enemy.

Just as the two sides were about to fight, a roar came from the sky.

"Let's see who dares!"

That voice carried the pressure of the beast king. Just a roar, and the guards who had just stepped forward were thrown to the ground.

General Yin came in the void, looking around, with uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

He descended from the sky, domineeringly protecting Su Gu and others behind him.

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