Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 150: One man and one sword, ending the Akamatsu family!

S-level combat skill, Ambergris Fire Knife!

Soul power flows at high speed in the blade, and the Miao Knife begins to turn red.

Su Gu's palm holding the knife turns counterclockwise in an arc.

The red knife cuts into Akamatsu Wuta's right arm at a strange angle.

The fire knife, like cutting into a piece of butter, not only cuts the right arm holding the dagger without any hindrance. The fire poison transformed by soul power also wants to extend the wound and erode other parts of the body.

The flesh and bones, under the effect of the terrifying fire poison, turn into pieces of meat paste and drip to the ground.


The pain of the broken arm and the miserable situation in front of him happened to Akamatsu Wuta's body at the same time.

He has completely lost his mind, and all he can do is let out a heart-wrenching scream.

"Hurry up and use soul power to protect the wound." Akamatsu Taro shouted.

Then, he slashed the cross spear in his hand towards Akamatsu Wuta's shoulder. He opened another cut on Akamatsu Wuta's body and cut off the wound caused by the fire poison.

The newly cut piece of meat was burned into meat pulp by the fire poison before it fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the remaining few people in the Akamatsu family stared at Su Gu. Although they looked ferocious, they did not dare to move forward casually.

"That was... S-level combat skills just now?" Those ordinary spectators who came to watch the excitement swallowed their saliva and asked the people around them in disbelief.

Being able to comprehend S-level combat skills during college, such students are extremely rare in any school over the years.

Being able to do this is definitely an excellent graduate who can give a speech in school. For some small-scale martial arts universities, such photos can even be hung in the school history museum.

So Arnold comprehended S-level combat skills, so that everyone can look up to Kaiyang Martial Arts University.

But now... this guy is only a freshman, right? Is this really possible?

"From the power, there is no doubt that this is really an S-level combat skill." Some seniors who were the team leaders in the crowd said with difficulty.

A freshman, comprehended an S-level combat skill.

Many people showed a bitter smile on their faces. They were actually worried about such a monster just now.

"Hahahaha! Old Shi, this is what you just said. Neither of us can move."

In the sky, General Yin, who was confronting the masters invited by the Akamatsu family, laughed and said.

He returned the words that the other party had just said to him intact.

The strong man named Shi had a gloomy face, and I don’t know what he was thinking.

On the battle stage, Su Gu looked at the remaining few people from the Akamatsu family wandering around him, and said calmly:

"Keep going."

"You bunch of trash, you are not afraid to run away."

Just now, the words that Akamatsu Eishiro used to mock the Starry Sky Martial Arts University were returned by Su Gu intact.

Such a scene made the eyes of those who stayed on the field red. But looking at his red Miao Dao, the desire to cut people cooled down again.

Damn it, this guy really deserves to die!

"Brothers, go ahead, be careful not to be touched by the red knife." Akamatsu Taro gritted his teeth, and after saying this, he took the lead and fought with Su Gu in close combat.

Seeing their boss taking risks personally, the rest of the people naturally couldn't sit still.

They all stepped forward, wanting to recreate the encirclement just now.

But they immediately realized that it was completely different from before.

Compared to the haste that Su Gu showed when he first saw the combined attack technique. Now he looks like he has a sense of ease.

This is not only because of the gap in their battle formation caused by the loss of Akamatsu Wuta.

It is also because Su Gu has gradually become accustomed to their movements and encirclement. He handled the attacks on himself more calmly.

"Damn, damn guy."

During the continuous siege, Akamatsu Eishiro uttered a series of curses.

The red Miao Dao in Su Gu's hand put a lot of pressure on them, and the knife accelerated the collapse of the battle formation.

"Ah, ah!"

Soon, the combined attack of the Akamatsu family was completely broken. At the same time, Akamatsu Eishiro let out a shrill howl.

His left leg was stabbed by Su Gu's knife.

It was just him. At this time, another person in a heavy armor position also had his left arm cut.

The rhythm of the battle was controlled by the Akamatsu family and just a brief stalemate. And now, it has completely become Su Gu's unilateral ravage of the opponent.

"How can you do this? These people are all human beings. Your comrades will be on the battlefield of the alien race next."

"All the students and spectators present, please judge for yourself."

Yax King looked at the situation on the field, his face as white as gold paper. He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to use his influence to muddy the water.

Through the pressure from the surrounding public opinion, he forced Su Gu to stop.

"Why, the Akamatsu family just said that they would kill all our people from Star Martial Arts University, why didn't I see you stand up?"

"You are really a good dog. When we had a conflict with the Akamatsu family, you took sides and made people feel disgusted."

"Shut up!"

As soon as Yax King opened his mouth, the other people from Star Martial Arts University who came with him shouted at him angrily.

Not only that, most of the spectators who were watching did not stand on his side.

After all, the reputation of the Akamatsu family is too bad.

If someone can come forward and help to deal with him, these people will naturally be happy to see it happen.

"Little beast, stop it now!"

In the sky, the Shi surnamed strongman could no longer sit still.

Now the only survivors on the field are Akamatsu Taro and the long-range with the heavy sniper.

And under Su Gu's step-by-step pressure, these two people may be disabled at any time.

Just when the Shi surnamed strongman wanted to forcibly stop the battle, General Yin on the side took action and stopped him.

"Old Shi, don't. Didn't we agree that we won't leave?" General Yin said with a smile.

And now, the Shi surnamed strongman has no power to deal with him. Seeing that he can't get rid of the entanglement for a while, he can only continue to say loudly:

"My friend, everything can be discussed. The conflict between you can be compensated, don't be impulsive."

So Su Gu seemed to have heard nothing.

He looked directly at Akamatsu Taro and walked towards him silently.

Seeing that there was no escape, Akamatsu Taro held the cross spear, and a hint of madness appeared in his eyes.

S-level combat skill, Soul-breaking Spear!

This was a combat skill that he had not yet fully mastered, and he used it to seek a glimmer of hope.


The Soul-breaking Spear collided with the Ambergris Blade.

The final result was not surprising at all, the ranged warrior and Akamatsu Taro fell at the same time.

Su Guzhen, one man and one sword, ended the battle of the Akamatsu family, which ranked first in the Star Air Force Brigade.

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