Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 151: What belongs to me, you can’t take it away!

Sugu stood quietly, the color of the red knife in his hand beginning to fade away.

In the background behind him were the six members of the Akamatsu family wailing sadly.

Part of their bodies was eroded by the S-level combat skill, the Ambergris Fire Sword. In order to survive, he had to take the initiative to cut off the flesh on his body.

The pain of cutting one's own flesh made many onlookers unable to help but close their eyes.

The red Miao sword finally turned black again, and Sugu put the sword into its sheath with a snap, bringing the battle to an end.

Those students from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University who were closest to the fighting platform looked at Sugu's back, and many of them had tears in their eyes.

They know best in their hearts who Sugu is doing this to stand up for.

Xiao Junjian, who was sitting in a wheelchair, stepped forward with great effort and said:

"Brother Su,"

"I may be insignificant in your eyes, but this life will always be useful. In the future, if you ask for anything, I will kill you with swords, mountains, and seas of fire!"

"We are all classmates, there is no need to be like this." Sugu chuckled and slowly walked down from the fighting platform.

Bai Yujing on the side immediately stepped forward when she saw this, took out the silk scarf she brought with her, and wiped the sweat on Sugu's face. Her beautiful eyes flashed with extraordinary brightness.

Seeing the woman he admired like this, Kuang Zhen's eyes were full of unwillingness.

But at this moment, there was nothing he could do.

And he was even less capable of doing anything to Sugu.

He could only stay in place, turn his red eyes away, and try not to look at the actions of Bai Yujing and Sugu.

"Sugu, you deserve to die!"

In the sky, the strong man named Shi let out a thundering roar. Just this roar caused a strong wind to blow here, which could shake people's bodies.

"What is supposed to come has come."

The ordinary spectators in the audience couldn't help but swallowed.

It can be said that the strongest members of this generation of the Akamatsu family were all defeated by Sugu. This hatred has never ceased.

"I usually just think about this kind of thing. He actually did it!"

"Destroy these scumbags of the Akamatsu family! What a great job, but I hope he can survive the revenge of the Akamatsu family."

"Let's go, let's go! What happens next is beyond our control."

Soon, the onlookers surrounding him retreated one after another. The crowded area quickly became empty, leaving only the Xingwu people and the person in charge, Yax Jin.

The strong man named Shi and General Yin, who had been fighting in the sky, finally fell down.

The strong man named Shi looked at Sugu, as if he wanted to eat him alive, while General Yin protected Sugu behind him.

"This guy named Sugu must pay the price!"

"You have already signed a death warrant, and you still have no shame. If the Chisong family is stronger than Sugu, then he is definitely not as simple as being disabled. If you ask me, he was too gentle."

"you wanna die!"


The atmosphere here has become tense again, and it seems that a war will start again at any time.

At this moment, Sugu's pupils shrank slightly, and he said sternly: "Who are you!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battle stage. No one noticed his appearance.

Even Sugu didn't notice his aura until his eyes caught sight of him.

This hidden breath skill can be said to be quite terrifying.

Sugu's words broke the tense atmosphere, and all these people's eyes fell on the fighting platform.

"Lord Tachibana!" Yax Jin immediately let out a flattering shout.

This person belongs to the Ju family, one of the top ten families, and Ju is the most noble one.

He had appeared once before as the leader of the Akamatsu family, but no one had seen him again since then.

Orange family......

When the name was announced, Feng Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the other person.

The two strong men who almost fought just now also put aside their intention to fight for the time being.

Tachibana Takayuki looked at the six members of the Akamatsu family, watching them fall to the ground with missing arms and legs, and the expressions on their faces were neither sad nor happy.

He thought for a moment, and his body emitted a strange divine light. Then he stretched out his shining palm and touched the wound on Akamatsu Taro's severed hand.

And then, a miracle happened.

Akamatsu Taro's severed hand grew into an illusory arm that was the same as before. After a moment, the illusory arm became solid.

When Tachibana Takayuki let go, Akamatsu Taro's broken arm was reborn in the blink of an eye.

"What is this?" Bai Yujing murmured as she looked at the scene in front of her.

This ability is beyond their knowledge.

"S-level power, Izanami!" General Yin said.

Everyone in Xingwu University couldn't help but swallow. This kind of superpower has exceeded their imagination.

"Time-based power?" Sugu licked his lips as he looked at Tachibana Takayuki who continued to treat his injured subordinates.

"Yes." General Yin said: "This ability can return one's own body or the body of others to the past time countless times."

This sentence made everyone in Xingwu University take a breath of air.

Doesn't this ability equal invincibility?

Sugu's face showed interest.

This is the real time power, not a clown like Min Xing.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me!"

The six members of the Akamatsu family who had regained a new lease of life prostrated on the ground and bowed earnestly to Tachibana Takayuki.

In modern society, few people have performed such a ceremony, but when they saw them used on Takayuki Tachibana, no one felt that it was inappropriate at all.

The power he displayed was like the son of God chosen by God.

Takayuki Tachibana did not look at the six people, but slowly glanced around and said:

"Give me face."

"The result of this battle should not be included in the ranking. I don't want to give the first place to others."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in the Starry Sky Martial Arts University froze.

According to the rules, after completing this challenge, they should be promoted to the top-ranked martial arts university and enjoy the best spatial position for hunting aliens.

But Takayuki Tachibana's words took back what originally belonged to them.

"Since Lord Takayuki Tachibana has spoken, did you hear it clearly?" Yax King said with a face full of bullying.

Although many people hated him, no one stood up to refute him.

This is a member of the Tachibana family, and he has S-level supernatural powers. I'm afraid he is not an ordinary person in the Tachibana family.

How could they possibly afford to offend such a person?

"I remember, there is still a can of evolution potion, remember to give it to me later." Su Gu looked at Yax King and said calmly.

After hearing this, Tachibana Takayuki's eyes fell on the man who had crippled so many of his men for the first time.

Silver evolution potion.

Yax King promised before the mutual challenge between martial arts universities that the team ranked first could get this thing.

Su Gu asked for this thing in public, and his meaning was very clear.

It's mine, you can't take it away!

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