Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 152 Obtaining Evolution Potion

Before Su Gu and Tachibana Takayuki said anything, Yax Jin on the side said sternly:

"Why are you talking to Master Tachibana! Are there some things that you can't interfere with?"

"You don't think that you can look down on the world just because you can comprehend an S-level combat skill. It would be no more difficult for Master Tachibana to crush you to death than to crush an ant!"

Yax Jin roared at Su Gu, but the other party didn't even bother to look at him.

Su Gu's eyes met with Tachibana Takayuki's, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the barking of the dog next to him.

This attitude of disregard made Tachibana Takayuki furious. After all, he was a warrior in the Soul Shaping Realm, so how could he be despised by this college student in the Seeking Myself Realm.

Just as he was about to continue to say something, Tachibana Takayuki on the side said, "You step back."

After hearing this, the viciousness on Yax Jin's face disappeared, and he took a few steps back unwillingly, like a dog being pulled back by a rope.

Tachibana Takayuki took out the capsule-shaped container from the space container he carried with him, and the silver evolution potion in the container flowed in it.

"Is this what you want?"


"This is my Tachibana Takayuki's thing."

"It belongs to me, Su Gu, now."

The two confronted each other, and there was no concession in their words or eyes.

Su Gu and Tachibana Takayuki began to exude fighting spirit, as if a war could break out again at any time.

General Yin frowned on the side, he was hesitating whether to stop this battle. It is not a good thing to have a head-on conflict with the people of the ten major families.

If the matter really gets out of hand, he, a federal general, may not be able to guarantee Su Gu's safety.

At this moment, Tachibana Takayuki suddenly threw the evolution potion over. This situation made Su Gu a little stunned, and he subconsciously caught the capsule container.

"Since you want the first place, then I'll give it to you. I hope you won't regret it." Tachibana Takayuki said lightly.

Then he turned and left. Seeing this, his followers from the Akamatsu family immediately followed him at a trot.

Yax King looked at Tachibana Takayuki who turned and left, then looked at Su Gu, and swallowed hard.

Although he didn't know why, this young man could make the people from the Tachibana family take a step back, which was definitely not something he could afford to offend.

"Misunderstanding... Mr. Su, I had no choice before and acted according to the rules."

"I didn't mean to offend Mr. Su."

Looking at this disgusting guy who was still hanging around him, Su Gu said coldly: "Get out of here!"

Yax King shuddered all over and left immediately in disgrace.

Su Gu took the evolution potion, and his frown was reflected in the silver liquid.

Just now he thought he could experience the real time ability. But the other party gave up so easily, why?

He was able to practice to this extent and lead the group of people from the Akamatsu family. Su Gu didn't believe that the other party was a peace-loving and disliked fighting guy in his bones.

"Su Gu, since this thing belongs to the school, you can't use it alone." Kuang Zhen, who was standing aside, looked at the evolution potion and said greedily.

He knew in his heart how valuable this potion that could make people evolve their abilities was.

If the environment did not allow it, and if it was Su Gu who was holding this thing, he estimated that he might do something extremely irrational.

So now, Kuang Zhen wanted to muddy the water and give himself a chance.

"Humph!" Feng Yan, who was standing aside, snorted coldly: "You are so shameless. What does it have to do with you to get the evolution potion?"

"If it weren't for Brother Su, you wouldn't even have the chance to see this thing!"

"Fair, fair, we are a team, and the most important thing is fairness." Kuang Zhen continued.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Su Gu gave the evolution potion to Bai Yujing who was standing aside and said:

"Help me give this thing to Teacher Lan Qing, and let him help analyze it."

Bai Yujing nodded after hearing this.

After settling the dispute, Su Gu, surrounded by the crowd, began to walk back.

In his heart, he was still thinking about Takayuki Tachibana.


When Takayuki Tachibana and his followers from the Akamatsu family came to his rest room. The look on his face was no longer calm as before, but became extremely ferocious.

"Because of boring selfish desires, I have to come forward to expose my ability. Do you want to annihilate the clan?"

After saying this, the six people from the Akamatsu family immediately knelt on the ground and said:

"My lord, spare my life."

"My lord, there will never be a next time."

"We are wrong, please don't implicate our clansmen."


Hearing these words, the sinister expression on Takayuki Tachibana's face did not diminish, and he continued:

"You all remember that your Akamatsu family is the gloves of my Tachibana family. If the gloves are dirty, we can help wash them."

"But if they are broken, then we can only change a pair of gloves."

After hearing this, the six people's bodies kept shaking. As if waiting for the final judgment.

Tachibana Takayuki looked at them and finally said coldly: "Now I only have you by my side, so don't let it happen again."

This sentence made the six people breathe a sigh of relief and nodded: "I will definitely not let you down again."

After a moment of silence in the room, Taro Akamatsu asked tentatively: "Sir, if Sugu took away our position, will it have any impact on the plan?"

"Yes, because of this matter, we have to go a little later to reach the coordinates." Tachibana Takashi said coldly.

After saying this, a sudden chill filled the room.

"If I didn't have to ensure the absolute safety of my body and not have the slightest wound, I really wanted to kill that Sugu on the spot."

The six members of the Chisong family couldn't help but shudder after hearing this. Then they looked at each other, their faces full of disbelief.

Isn't he even sure that the boss, Izanami, who possesses S-level powers, can defeat Sugu unscathed?


There is no sun or moon in the space city, and the difference between night and day depends on the time of power outage every day.

When Sugu and everyone from Starry Sky Martial Arts University finished the day's celebration banquet, Sugu staggered back to his house after drinking some wine.

And when he approached the door of his home, his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

There was a man standing at the door of his house.

It's Arnold from Kaiyang Martial Arts University.

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