Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 157 Killing aliens, all-round competition

"The first wave of beasts is coming." As Sao Rui said this, a large yellow cloud of dust rose in the distance.

Monsters of various shapes projected their shadows on the smoke screen. It was like a shadow play with the world as the curtain.


"Kill the humans!"

In this beast tide, those warrior-level aliens who could already speak human words were the first to break through the yellow smoke blockade and show their figures.

And those awakened aliens followed closely behind.

White-maned wind spirits, thunder deer, yellow cloud snakes, grass and wood kudzu snakes, starry sky titans...

Looking at these monsters that once only appeared in film and television works and vernacular novels, they actually appeared in front of them at this moment.

In a trance, they seemed to be pulled back to the dark ages. A kind of pain engraved in the memory of the human race made them subconsciously clench their fists.


A thunderous roar came from Yue Yuzhong's mouth. His dead fish eyes were no longer lifeless, and a crazy killing intent was revealed.

When he shouted that word, he gave up the fight with Su Gu without hesitation and rushed towards the beast tide without hesitation.

Bi Yan's Chaotian Ji turned in his hand, causing gusts of whistling wind.

A-level combat skills, Golden Spear Six Ji!

The halberd was attached with a layer of light, and it chopped directly on the head of the warrior-level Jinshi Wolf that rushed up. The beast died before it had time to make a whine.

Then, Yue Yuzhong's figure was swallowed up by other awakening-level aliens following behind the Jinshi Wolf.


The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart was repeated in this area. Yue Yuzhong seemed to have turned into a human-shaped monster, and the approaching aliens were torn into pieces by him one after another.

Seeing Yue Yuzhong's mighty appearance, some voices questioning his strength disappeared completely. Even these people looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces.

Would such a warrior who hates alien races so deeply really abandon his companions and become a deserter?

"Although we don't know why Yue Yuzhong chose this style of play, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the Almighty Martial God." Sao Rui's voice sounded again.

"When facing this kind of map with alien beast tides, the most winning style is to hide yourself as much as possible. Use the beast tide to consume the opponent's combat power."

"In order to expose the opponent in front of the alien race, it often takes a very complicated psychological game."

"But now, Yue Yuzhong actually took the initiative to put himself in the beast tide, which undoubtedly gave his opponent, the Almighty Martial God, a big gift."

When Sao Rui said this, the Almighty Martial God fans who were originally in a low mood were all happy.


The Almighty Martial God, who was originally wearing heavy heavy armor and artillery, had much less advantage than the flexible Yue Yuzhong when facing the beast tide.

And now the opponent actually took the initiative to give up this advantage, how can they not be excited.

"Sometimes, I really think these people are quite brainless." Anderson looked at the fans around him who were inexplicably excited, and shook his head helplessly.

Ke Yuya also smiled.

How could a guy like the Almighty Martial God, who was extremely arrogant in battle, accept such a gift from his opponent?

As expected, when Ke Yuya's idea just came up, Su Gu's figure jumped up and ran towards the beast tide.

"Brother Martial God, you... what are you doing?" Looking at the back of the Almighty Martial God who was charging directly, the expressions on the faces of the audience who were just excited suddenly collapsed.

They really couldn't understand why the Almighty Martial God made such a decision.

And the next second, the expressions on their faces were stagnant again.

The alien beast group that was originally attracted by Yue Yuzhong, after noticing the appearance of Su Gu, immediately divided a part of the troops to go forward to encircle and suppress.

And those aliens who surrounded them just approached Su Gu within 30 meters. The six gun barrels quickly spewed out flames. In the blink of an eye, the aliens were beaten into pieces.

Su Gu continued to move forward. He specifically looked for places where there were many aliens. The six gun barrels on his body kept spewing out soul bullets.

B-level combat skills, spiral bullets.

B-level combat skills, armor-piercing bullets.

C-level combat skills, refraction bullets.

B-level combat skills, Gangqi bullets.


Su Gu quickly used the heavy armor artillery to shoot these low-level long-range combat skills and build a barrage of soul bullets.

The levels of these combat skills are not high. In the case of head-on confrontation, taking them out alone will not pose any threat to masters.

Moreover, due to the design problems of the heavy armor artillery, the power of its long-range combat skills has to be discounted.


What if hundreds of rounds are fired in one second?

The qualitative change caused by the quantitative change of hundreds of soul bullets composed of different combat skills is unimaginable.

And Su Gu did this!

From the sky, with the Almighty Martial God as the center, within a range of 30 meters. He is like an eraser that erases everything on the canvas of the earth.

Whenever he approaches an area where there are more alien races in the starry sky, all the alien races in that place will be wiped out.

Even the alien races that originally rushed over began to flee in all directions because of Su Gu.

Such a scene made the audience's expressions completely stagnant. Even Sao Rui, who was the commentator, didn't know what to say at this moment.

The weapon used to do this is a heavy armored artillery?

How come it is completely different from what I just heard?

"Multitasking!" Ke Yuya swallowed a mouthful of saliva, unable to understand.

Using so many combat skills at the same time, only this ability can explain it. Ke Yuya did not expect that she would actually see such a skill here.

At this moment in the beast tide, if Yue Yuzhong is an unmatched monster in it. Then Su Gu is a meat grinder without any emotion.

The aliens who get a little closer to him will be beaten into minced meat by all kinds of bullets flying over.

At this moment, the two seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. Before the beast tide came, they stopped fighting directly. They would even take the initiative to help the opponent solve the troubles around him.

With only the power of the two, this alien beast tide turned into a Shura battlefield.

The beast tide disappeared quickly.

When the last surviving alien, a general-level alien, was shot in the head by Su Gu.

He smiled and said:

"I killed 278, you only killed 169. I am the winner."

After hearing this, the spectators were speechless. The almighty God of War actually competed with his opponent in a life-and-death battle to see who killed more aliens.

"What's the point of awakening aliens! There are 15 warriors in total, 8 of which I killed, and you only killed 7." Yue Yuzhong looked at Su Gu and said indignantly.

His pair of dead fish eyes, which had always been listless, finally aroused a trace of fighting spirit at this time.

"Heh, you sneaked away and killed one in advance, and you still have the nerve to disobey." Su Gu said lightly.

The two looked at each other and felt the strong fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

The next moment,

Yue Yuzhong came with a halberd.

And the six cannons around Su Gu spewed flames at the same time.

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