Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 158 A-level superpower, virtual space travel! The bet won!

Yue Yuzhong still wanted to use the technique he used the first time to quickly approach Su Gu and gain an advantage through direct combat.

But this time, it didn't work.

He was about to get close when he was hit by a round of dense bullets, forcing him to retreat.

He tried again and again, and each time ended in failure.

Yue Yuzhong frowned slightly, recalling the power that the almighty martial god had just shown when facing the alien beast tide.

A terrifying guess emerged in his mind.

"This... shouldn't be possible."

"No, I need to verify it!"

Having made up his mind, Yue Yuzhong no longer hesitated. The soul power in his body condensed in his legs.

A-level combat skill, instant thunder step!


Yue Yuzhong, who was originally incredibly fast, was even faster with the blessing of the A-level step combat skill, as if he was teleporting.

In an instant, he moved to a position ten meters behind Su Gu.

Su Gu's body was motionless, but the barrel of the heavy armored artillery, which was facing Yue Yuzhong, began to spit out flames.


Yue Yuzhong's figure disappeared again. After dodging the soul power bullet this time, he appeared on Su Gu's right side.

He had already raised the Bi Yan Chaotian Ji in his hand, wanting to take off the enemy's head with one blow.

Before he could swing it hard, the rain of soul power bullets overturned again.

My action... was seen through and predicted?

This time, Yue Yuzhong didn't have time to dodge.


A bullet passed through his side abdomen, causing a penetrating wound.


Enduring the pain from his body, Yue Yuzhong used the Bi Yan Ji to separate the bullets shot at him. Then he retreated again, controlling the distance between himself and the Almighty God of War again, keeping it within a safe range of 30 meters.

"Damn, he really adapted to the heavy armor artillery at an unimaginable speed in the battle. And he also developed the fighting method of this weird equipment."

Yue Yuzhong scratched his messy hair with his hands, and a headache appeared on his face.

This is really the most troublesome and difficult opponent he has ever met.

No, it should be said that this is a monster that he cannot understand.

"Brother Wushen is awesome!"

Many fans of the almighty Wushen can't help but cheer.

Although they can't understand the subtle games played by powerful warriors for testing. But even if they are not strong enough in martial arts, they can understand one thing.

The weapons that were eliminated in the last century are shining in the hands of Brother Wushen.

"The ability to form a barrage of soul bullets in this instant is really cool! Coach, I want to learn this."

"Believe me, you don't want to learn it. I just calculated casually that the three-second soul output of the Almighty Martial God using heavy armor artillery is enough to tire out ordinary warriors in the Xunwo realm.

If you want to be like him, I will restart and learn faster."

"I know that Brother Wushen will definitely be able to defeat his opponent! Brother Wushen is invincible!"


Cheerful discussions came from the audience. The nerves of the fans of the Almighty Martial God finally relaxed at this moment.

And at this moment, Sao Rui's voice sounded:

"Yue Sangmen is going to fight hard, and the Almighty Martial God needs to be careful now."

At this moment in the arena, Yue Yuzhong's body began to emit a faint light of supernatural power. Under the effect of supernatural power, his body began to become dim.

Yue Yuzhong stared at Su Gu with a slightly condensed look.

Now he has made a judgment. Facing this fast-growing monster, he must use the power that can really kill him to have a chance of survival.

"Sao Rui, you are joking again. Looking at this ability, it is at most A-level. Can this ability threaten Brother Wushen?

You should know that Brother Wushen is the one who tramples on the owners of S-level abilities."

The fat man Ma Mingjie is not nervous at all now. He smiled and joked with Sao Rui beside him.

Sao Rui said: "Little Fatty, the strength of a warrior is not simply based on superpowers. The almighty God of War has never used superpowers so far? Is he a weak person?"

This sentence made Ma Mingjie choke.

After finally seeing this fat guy being defeated, Sao Rui snorted happily and continued:

"Maybe for the Almighty Martial God with other weapons, Yue Yuzhong's ability is not a big problem."

"But for the heavy armor artillery that the Almighty Martial God just displayed, which relies on strong firepower suppression, Yue Yuzhong's ability is simply his nemesis."

Yue Yuzhong in the arena, his body and the Bi Yan Ji in his hand became dim.

Then he rushed towards Su Gu again.

This time, he did not make any tentative moves and rushed straight.

Su Gu naturally did not indulge him, and the dense firepower poured directly in the direction of Yue Yuzhong. And pay special attention to the heart, throat, spine and other vital positions.

This time, facing the deadly firepower, Yue Yuzhong did not make any evasive moves. He did not even use the Bi Yan Ji in his hand to block.

When the bullet hit his vitals, a magical scene happened. The bullet went straight through his body.

A-level ability, virtual space travel!

"It's actually an extremely rare space ability." Schiller said in a lost voice.

"This Sao Rui is really right. If it is really this ability, it is really the nemesis of this heavy firepower shooter."


Yue Yuzhong got close, and the Bi Yan halberd swung, stabbing Su Gu's heart.

Su Gu's eyes condensed slightly, and he quickly retreated to avoid this attack. But the fierce halberd still cut off a small piece of armor on his body.

Yue Yuzhong took advantage of the situation and attacked Su Gu quickly. The six cannons on Su Gu's body kept roaring, but the bullets shot out all passed through the opponent's body without causing any damage.

In contrast, Yue Yuzhong's offensive became more and more fierce. He seemed to want to end the Almighty Martial God directly like this!

"This ability is so shameless." Ma Mingjie murmured.

"It's just more targeted at the Almighty Martial God in this state." Sao Rui shrugged and said, "But the Almighty Martial God should find a way to break the situation quickly, otherwise it will be really dangerous."

On the competition stage, Su Gu always took a defensive and dodging posture in the face of Yue Yuzhong's attack. He didn't even launch a counterattack again.

And Yue Yuzhong's attack became more and more fierce. The sound of metal collisions continued to be heard on the shell of the heavy armored artillery.

Such a scene once again made the fans of Brother Wushen feel anxious.

"Why is this deserter Yue Sangmen so strong?" Someone couldn't help but murmured.

At this moment, Su Gu's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he stopped dodging the Bi Yan halberd that crossed his waist.

The artillery on his body sounded.

But this time, there was no barrage of bullets, just a symbolic bullet.

Did the almighty martial god give up?

Just when everyone thought so, no one noticed that Yue Yuzhong's expression became ugly.

He suddenly withdrew his move and gave up the attack on Su Gu, and the bullet passed through his body again.

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Gu's mouth.

He won the bet.

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