Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 159 Just now, weren’t you dissatisfied?

Yue Yuzhong's face turned gloomy and ugly.

After the attack just now was interrupted by Su Gu, he immediately launched another attack.

The Bi Yan halberd in his hand stabbed down and directly pierced the leg artery!

And Su Gu used the same trick again, facing the upcoming attack, he did not dodge or evade. When the halberd was about to chop him, he shot a bullet at the opponent's forehead!

The halberd was about to pierce Su Gu's right leg, and at the same time, an ordinary soul bullet was embedded in Yue Yuzhong's nothingness.

Yue Yuzhong's mouth trembled, and his eyes revealed madness.

And Su Gu raised the corner of his mouth lightly, with a relaxed look.

In the end, the Bi Yan halberd and the bullet passed through each other's bodies, and the two attacks ended again.

This situation happened twice, and ordinary audiences might not notice anything.

But the hidden masters in the audience have begun to frown. These two mutual attacks exposed too many things.

A small-scale whispering discussion took place in the audience.

"Is it possible that Yue Yuzhong cannot keep part of his body in a state of virtualization at the same time when attacking?!" Anderson suddenly realized, recalling the attack just now.

"It is probably like this. In the two attacks just now, the soul power bullets of the Almighty Martial God were embedded in Yue Yuzhong's body just right."

"If the superpower is removed rashly, the most ordinary soul power bullet will directly crush Yue Yuzhong!"

"Comparatively speaking, the Almighty Martial God is protected by heavy armor and artillery. Even if the vitals are hit, if the strength is not strong enough, it is likely that it will not cause fatal injuries!"

"Yue Yuzhong gave up the offensive these two times because he was forced by the Almighty Martial God!"

When Anderson and Schiller guessed the truth of the matter, they were both shocked. And then, another puzzling question came to mind.

"The key now is, how did the Almighty Martial God detect the flaws in Yue Yuzhong's ability?" Schiller licked his lips and asked in disbelief.

Even though they were standing in the perspective of God, they did not notice the problem of Yue Yuzhong's ability.

The Almighty Martial God was pressed step by step on the field, on the verge of life and death. How did he get this key information? There is no basis for this.

"There is only one possibility, that is, a warrior, when he is on the verge of life and death, makes a judgment based on his fighting instinct." Ke Yuya said softly:

"The most terrifying thing is not this judgment, but the Almighty Martial God's confidence in his own fighting intuition. After making the decision, he did not hesitate to bet on himself as a bargaining chip."

"Such resolute courage is what really scares him."

After listening to the analysis of their boss, Anderson and Schiller looked at each other. They watched every battle video of the Almighty Martial God over and over again countless times.

But every time they watched this new battle, they could be shocked again.

Her eyes stared at the two warriors on the field without blinking. Now the initiative of the battle has been taken away from Yue Yuzhong.

The two are now in a balance of power.

She really wants to see how the Almighty Martial God will deal with this battle next.

In the arena, cold sweat began to flow on Yue Yuzhong's face.

Every time he attacked, the Almighty Martial God used the same method to force him to give up the offensive.

You know, Yue Yuzhong is a warrior known for his speed. Every time he attacks, the bullet must be embedded in the vital part of his body at the right time.

Compared with this matter, shooting through the willows at a hundred steps and shooting the halberd at the gate are child's play.

"It's really disgusting." Yue Yuzhong cursed in his heart.

Obviously, he was the one who attacked every time, but this feeling of being led by the nose and being completely controlled by the opponent was really terrible.

How about stopping the fight with the Almighty Martial God first?

No, it can't be done.

Although the virtual travel is a top-level ability that can be used for both attack and defense, it consumes too much energy to travel in the cracks of space with his current cultivation.

The time for using this ability is almost over.

Relatively speaking, the almighty martial god has become stronger and stronger in the use of heavy armor and artillery.

In addition, the alien beast tide will gradually increase the difficulty of the strange combat environment.

The longer the time drags on, the more dangerous it will be.

When Yue Yuzhong thought that he might be buried in the mouth of the alien race, this kind of death, even in the virtual spirit world, would never be accepted!

For a moment, Yue Yuzhong came to a dilemma.

He had to find a way to break the situation!

Yue Yuzhong's pair of dead fish eyes seemed to be burning with fire.


And at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a soul bullet directly pierced Yue Yuzhong's shoulder!

This... How is it possible!

I haven't lifted the virtual travel yet.

Yue Yuzhong looked at the Almighty God of War in disbelief. At this moment, the gun barrel on his chest was emitting gunpowder smoke.

He suddenly looked around and saw cracks in the void where the two stood. Using the facades of these cracks as a reference, you can see an invisible cube that wraps the two people.

"Although I don't have spatial ability, I can feel the energy trajectory constructed by your ability and the surrounding space."

"I tried to use soul bullets to attack the most densely populated area at the same time. I didn't expect it to have a miraculous effect." Su Gu explained to his opponent with a smile.

His happy look reminded people of a child showing off his new toy.

Can you actually see through the space node with your naked eyes?

Yue Yuzhong smiled bitterly. He looked at the black muzzle pointed at him and sighed.

He lost, and he was convinced.

"Brother Wushen is going to win!" Ma Mingjie shouted while hugging Sao Rui's neck.

The audience just opened their mouths to celebrate, but before they could speak, the new situation on the field made their mouths twitch.

The almighty Wushen moved the muzzle pointed at Yue Yuzhong away.

Everyone was stunned. Yue Yuzhong's ability had been broken just now.

What was the almighty Wushen doing?

Yue Yuzhong made a completely instinctive move. He subconsciously used the instant thunder step to distance himself from Su Gu.

"Why didn't you do it just now?" He frowned and asked.

Facing the opponent's question, Su Gu just smiled faintly. He pointed to the distance and said to the smoke screen that started again:

"Just now, weren't you dissatisfied?"

Now, the second wave of beast tide has begun.

This time, they are all warrior-level aliens, and there are many more of them.

Just because I killed one less warrior-level alien than me before, so I was let go and started over again?

After understanding the meaning of the Almighty God of War, Su Yuzhong's mouth twitched a little. He actually gave up the victory that was about to be achieved for such a reason?

This guy who is as strong as a monster is also a freak.

But the people I admire most seem to be freaks.

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