Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 161 Heavy Armor Artillery, it’s on fire!

The winner is the Almighty Martial God!

When the system announced who the winner was, a huge cheer surged from the audience to the arena.

The deafening sound seemed to make the entire venue tremble.

And this time, Su Gu, who was in the center of the cheers, did not leave the martial arts arena immediately.

His eyes were locked on Yue Yuzhong's fallen consciousness. He did not let go of his eyes until it turned into light particles and dissipated and was completely cleared out of the virtual spirit world.

Su Gu's expression was thoughtful, and he stayed there for three seconds.

The Almighty Martial God is offline.

It was not until Su Gu disappeared that the audience who had been shouting at the top of their lungs suddenly realized something.

"Damn, I was so excited just now that I didn't notice. Didn't Brother Wushen leave immediately? I actually missed the chance to rush down and ask for an autograph?!"

"Damn, I was just led astray by you brainless people. I was just yelling and shouting. I should have taken off all my clothes and rushed down just now, so that Brother Wushen would never forget me."

"Brother Wushen is very knowledgeable. Do you think that taking off a few clothes will make Brother Wushen remember you? Let me tell you... hehe."

"Brother, I finally know why Brother Wushen logs off after every fight and runs so fast..."


Amidst the teasing, the audience left one after another, and the battle was completely over.

These audiences who logged out of the virtual spirit world, as always, begged the big guys to make a video of the analysis of the almighty Wushen battle.

During this boring waiting period, a new post was published on the website Wushen's Home.

"Damn, look at this!"

The content of the post is that after the Almighty Martial God ended the battle, the top martial arts forces within the jurisdiction of the Federation registered research topics and scientific research projects that day to apply for funding.

Eighty percent of these projects have four words - heavy armored artillery!

What's even more incredible is that with these four words, the research funds that need to be applied for. Many of them were quickly approved by the Federation!

This means one thing, the human federal government also believes that for the development of martial arts, research on heavy armored artillery is a necessary and worthwhile investment!

"Oh my God, this time, Brother Wushen has brought a weapon that was originally lost in the long river of history back to the spotlight." An ID called Crazy Wolf murmured:

"Just now, some elders in our family have begun to ask those historical museums for the original design blueprints of heavy armored artillery."

This sentence has stirred up waves in the originally calm discussion area again.

Flirty Assassin: "Fuck, I suddenly feel proud when I think about being beaten by such a person."

"Damn, I get angry when you say this. Brother Wushen could also match the cannon fodder level back then, why didn't he match me?

If I could be beaten by the newly debuted Brother Wushen, maybe the battle video can be passed down for future generations to admire!"

"Don't talk about your cannon fodder level, there are many people in our brave level who haven't been ranked..."

"Fuck, are you all masochists?"


In addition to this about heavy armor and artillery, other aspects of this battle are also worth discussing.

For example, is what Yue Yuzhong said true? It is rumored that because of him, a seed team of the military died while performing a confidential mission.

Among them, what role did Yue Yuzhong play? What was that confidential mission?

Everything attracted people's curiosity.

The entire text discussion area of ​​the Wushen House had hundreds of posts per second, swiping the screen crazily.

Just when these discussions reached their climax, the analysis video of the Cang Yue Wolf was completed.

As soon as her video appeared, it was automatically posted as a top promotion on the website. And people who couldn't wait clicked in immediately.

As soon as the screen was opened, you can see the slow-motion movements of the Almighty Martial God and Yue Yuzhong under the first wave of attack. As usual, there was no nonsense, and he went straight to the point.

In the picture, the Almighty Martial God was struggling in the Dragon Roaring Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Cover, which was obviously a heavy-duty combat skill.

Among them, the growth of the ability to control weapons can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

There is no need for any words to explain and analyze, the scene in this picture has conveyed enough information.

In addition to the video, many long-range warriors who encountered bottlenecks let their thoughts follow the slow-motion movements frame by frame, and their faces were intoxicated.

After following it once, many people felt that their bottlenecks had loosened. Following the thinking of a talented warrior, learning to master a new long-range weapon that they have never touched before.

For these people, it is a great benefit.

After just one slow-motion video, some people are still not satisfied. They take the initiative to rewind the video and watch it again.

In addition, the video's barrage is also flying. In less than ten minutes, the number of barrages has reached more than 500,000.

If the level limit is not turned on, the picture is completely unclear.

"Before watching the Almighty God of War, I could only shout 666. Now following the thinking of Brother God of War, I can only shout 666."

"Too abnormal, what is this person's brain like? Why can he adapt to the weird recoil of this weapon so quickly.

"I have heard a saying before that after learning sketching, you will learn other forms of painting quickly. I feel that the state of the Almighty God of War is a bit similar to this..."

"I learned sketching from upstairs, why don't you come and teach me how to mix colors if you have a weak color..."

In a cheerful atmosphere, Keyua's mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"What was just played was a video of the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Yue Yuzhong before the arrival of the first beast wave. I personally believe that ordinary warriors can learn the most from this clip, and repeatedly ponder the ideas of the Almighty Martial God in controlling weapons and developing weapons. , will definitely benefit a lot.”

"At the same time, this is the only chance that Yue Yuzhong had in the entire battle to defeat the Almighty Martial God. Unfortunately, he chose to deal with the beast tide in a limited manner at this time. Let the Almighty Martial God complete the weapon adaptation."

"If he had used his powers to go all out at the beginning of the fight, maybe the result would have been different."

"The next clip is the Almighty God of War's personal show."

The analysis video continued to move forward, and the video screen began to show the performance of the God of War during the beast tide.

The screen uses a split-screen mode to play the two massacres of beasts separately.

This kind of absolute violence displayed with heavy firepower will still make men addicted to it no matter how many times they watch it.

Keyua's voice continued to speak in a gentle tone:

"After the first round of fighting with Yue Yuzhong, the Almighty Martial God has basically adapted to the imbalance of heavy armor. When facing these aliens, it is a comprehensive display of heavy armor, artillery and firepower."

"Although the most commendable thing among them is the violent crushing scene. But for a warrior like the Almighty Martial God, even if he crushes his opponent, the handling will never be so rough."

"There is a devil in the details of these battles."

The battle scene began to turn to the aliens who were shot by the Martial God's bullets.

The audience was not used to this sudden transformation at first. But after taking a closer look at the locations where the aliens were hit by soul bullets, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"That's right, when the Almighty Martial God uses heavy firepower to suppress the opponent, every bullet he fires is also aimed at the enemy's weaknesses."

"His hit accuracy has reached over 95%. Not to mention being a heavy-fire long-range type, even as a sniper, he is excellent!"

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