Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 162 What the hell is this thing? What happened to this world?

When the video played to this point, the entire video screen was filled with amazing comments. If you don’t block the barrage, you will no longer be able to see the video.

"Crying. Damn it, I'm just a sniper. Now there are people playing multi-barrel artillery who have a higher hit rate than me."

"It's not a human being. It's really not a human being. No wonder you dare to give yourself a name like the God of War."

"I really want to see the inside of the heavy armored artillery and how Brother Wushen operates it. I think I can learn more things."

"Do you want to learn? You are greedy for Brother Martial God's body, you are despicable!"


The whole picture is full of praises for the Almighty God of War, as well as all kinds of strange remarks.

The people watching were dizzy.

"The last one is the most important highlight." Keyua's voice sounded again.

Her speech reduced the cheerful barrage a lot, and many people listened attentively to her final explanation.

The battle video jumps to the final blow between the Almighty God of War and Yue Yuzhong.

The almighty god of war in the picture, the six different long-range combat skills in the six barrels, the energy outlined merges into one, and finally turns into an energy black hole that seems to be able to crush everything.

When seeing this scene, the originally noisy barrage cleared up a lot, and many people even began to hold their breath and concentrate.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, even if you hear it from the most trusted person - the fusion of six long-range A-level combat skills into an energy cannon that can defeat S-level combat skills.

They will all think that the person has lost his mind and gone crazy, or that he forgot to take his medicine when he went out.

But even if they witnessed the Almighty Martial God do it with their own eyes, they still had the feeling that they were dreaming.

You must know that the difference in power between A-level combat skills and S-level combat skills is an insurmountable gap.

How can this be?

"Even though I've watched it dozens of times, I still haven't figured out how the Almighty Martial God does it." Keyua said calmly:

"But the only thing that is certain is that this weapon is absolutely inseparable from the heavy armored artillery. It is highly likely to be related to the parallel soul power circuits on the six extended artillery pieces."

“This item was originally judged as a useless design in history.”

"The verdict was completely overturned by the Almighty Martial God."

"It must be one of the reasons why the big shots are so interested in the weapon of heavy armored artillery."

After hearing this, everyone's breathing became rapid.

It allows A-level combat skills to gain the same power as S-level combat skills.

There is no difference between saying this and insisting on proving "1 is greater than 100". It is just nonsense.

But now, someone has actually fucking proven this nonsense!

The key to all this lies in the weapon of heavy armored artillery!

Some of the long-range warriors watching the video began to breathe quickly.

To learn S-level combat skills, one must have unparalleled talent. Combine your own martial arts with a certain combat skill to achieve enlightenment on your own.

Either get the true inheritance of a certain strong person, practice the same skills as the strong person, and inherit his S-level combat skills.

Neither of these two conditions can be met by ordinary people.

But now, someone actually tells you that there is another way you can try. When this possibility was announced, the passion that was ignited was unimaginable.

"Brothers, come and practice heavy armored artillery with me."

"I'm asking for a fight. The brave warriors in the Moon Zone have a long range, and they all use heavy armored artillery for a 1V1."

"Please teach me this kind of heavy firepower long-range technique. I originally played bow and arrow, but now I want to switch to another major."

"Holy shit, I want to be taught too! I'm a high school student, and my teacher asked me to major in heavy armor. Now I want to change to heavy firepower and long-range, and choose heavy armored artillery as my weapon. Is it too late?"


At the end of the entire video, the barrage was full of battles, discussions, and skill exchanges about heavy armored artillery.

This rhythm spread directly to the comment area of ​​the video and the text discussion area of ​​the Martial God House website.

Large sections of weapon analysis and historical documents were dug out and posted for discussion.

In the entire martial arts dojo, the two ranks of long-range warriors, the cannon fodder and the brave, were most profoundly affected by this battle.

I don’t know how many long-range ones there are. After matching them, I directly locked the heavy armored artillery equipment. Then Wu Yaya yelled and rushed up. As a result, he couldn't understand the six barrels and blew them up by himself.

This situation has caused many fighters who play other positions to suffer and be annoyed.

Finally, many people have no choice but to spend money to change their ID to:

"Choose heavy armored artillery and get out!", "Choose heavy armored artillery once, and your household registration book will be missing one page", "Heavy armored orphans get out of the martial arts dojo!"

This trend, even to most remote areas, has experienced countless beatings. After understanding that I could not multitask like the Almighty God of War, I gradually felt relieved.

However, the heavy armored artillery, an unpopular weapon, has become a popular weapon of choice in martial arts dojos because of the Almighty God of War.


"It's okay. Most of what he said is quite right."

Yue Yuzhong, who was staying at home, let out a long breath after watching the analysis video of Cang Yue Wolf about his battle in the House of the God of War.

"The producer of this video has a very high standard. There are many analytical angles in it. Even for someone like me who has experienced it, it would be difficult for me to be as thorough as she is."

"I never thought that this almighty martial god is not only very capable, but also has very high-level fans."

Yue Yuzhong murmured.

Then he fast-forwarded the battle video himself, watching the almighty martial god not leave immediately, and watching his fallen "corpse" disappear.

"It seems that after the last move, what I said to this almighty martial god, he listened to it."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yue Yuzhong's mouth, and then he seemed to think of something, and his eyebrows twisted together again.

"But I really hope that he will not encounter a time when he needs this "advice" from me."

In this single dormitory, there was a brief silence.

After a while, Yue Yuzhong clicked on the other battle videos of the almighty martial god on the martial god's home.

"Forget it, don't think about these for the time being. I want to study this guy's other battles."

"Although I lost this time, I don't want to lose to him all the time! If I have the opportunity to meet him in real life, I will definitely challenge him."

Yue Yuzhong's dead fish eyes burned with a blazing fighting spirit. This was the first time he had such an expression since his teammate died in battle.

And when he clicked on the battle video of the Almighty God of War, the expression on his face became more and more strange.

Thirty minutes later, he turned off the projection screen showing the battle video. He covered his head, as if trying to accept some information.

Finally, he put his hand down and muttered:

"What the hell is this!"

"I was just depressed for a month or so? What on earth happened in this world?"

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