Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 163: Collusion with aliens! This item cannot be given to Su Gu!

Su Gu took off the X device on his head and rubbed his brow.

In his mind, he recalled the words his opponent said to him at the end.

In the martial arts arena, Su Gu and Yue Yuzhong's final blow.

The dazzling light blocked the eyes of most of the spectators. At the same time, the roar of the explosion covered any other sound.

But Yue Yuzhong, who was seriously injured, still shouted a few words to Su Gu. Looking at his mouth shape, the meaning of those words can be restored through lip reading.

"Whether you come from a small or medium-sized family or an ordinary person from a civilian background."

"If you come into contact with tasks related to aliens in the future."

"Be careful!"

Su Gu loosened his hand pinching his brow, he looked at the starry sky in the distance, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

"Be careful of tasks related to aliens in the starry sky?"

"It's really unfortunate. In a few days, I will enter the space gate and kill aliens to take their blood." Su Gu said lightly.

He stood up and stretched his muscles, then poured himself a glass of water.

Then he walked out the door and asked his fans around him about the information of the opponent he was fighting.

"Yue Sangmen? Deserter?"

"From this point of view, his teammates are very likely to die at the hands of the star aliens."

"So even if he was just facing the simulated aliens in the alien beast tide, he would show such hatred and make a decision that obviously did not conform to the optimal logic of the battle."

After a circle, Su Gu tapped his fingers on the tabletop of his desk, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Are the words Yue Yuzhong said some lies he said because of his own experience?

Do I need to take those words to heart?

One thought after another flashed through Su Gu's mind.

In space, killing those star aliens who came across the border is certainly dangerous, but this is the home ground of humans after all.

Moreover, this project has been passed down year after year, and countless martial arts universities and even small and medium-sized families are flocking to it, so the risks are naturally controlled within an acceptable range.

Among the strong men sent by the Federation to escort the students is General Yin. Some other well-known families will definitely send strong men of the same level to contain the Federation.

Although there is no evidence, Su Gu guessed. In this space city, there may be no less than ten strong men who have crossed the star sea in their physical bodies.

With such a lineup to escort, how could something go wrong?

"And this year's situation may be more special." Su Gu said softly.

In his mind, the figure of Takayuki Tachibana emerged.

With S-level time ability, I am afraid that even in the Tachibana family among the top ten families, his status is not low.

It is very likely that he is one of the leaders of the younger generation in the Tachibana family.

Although I don't know what these people are plotting, in order to prevent the future pillar of the family from getting into trouble, the Tachibana family will definitely invest money to protect it.

In this way, the probability of this action going wrong is even lower.


Su Gu frowned, his eyes were deep, and his fingers tapping on the table suddenly stopped.

He said this sentence like a dream:

"Is the Ju family colluding with the Star Alien Clan?"

Su Gu pursed his lips tightly as soon as he finished speaking. There is no evidence, so this kind of talk cannot be said nonsense.

In the Dark Ages, the Star Alien Clan had a blood feud with the entire human race.

Although many people complain about the ten major families now, they also shed blood for humans in that era.

Even some of these families have killed a generation of people, which can be said to be full of heroes.

These are clearly recorded in history.

Su Gu's accusation without any evidence just now, as long as someone hears and spreads it, I am afraid it will cause countless troubles, and no one will even stand on his side.

But how long has the Dark Ages passed?

Have some things really not changed?

Su Gu's fingers pinched the edge of the metal table, subconsciously exerting force, leaving a row of fingerprints.

After a while, he contacted Ma Mingjie and said seriously:

"Fatty, help me pay attention to this matter. If there is any unusual movement, notify me immediately..."


Hearing Su Gu's serious tone, Ma Mingjie did not dare to neglect it and nodded seriously.

But after listening, he asked with some doubts:

"Brother Su, aren't you usually not interested in the website at all?"

"Can't I be interested in business? After all, I also get dividends from this website."

Su Gu laughed and put the topic aside. He didn't intend to let Fatty know what he was thinking about.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what it is." As a smart man, Ma Mingjie didn't ask more questions.

"But Brother Su, I came to see you for something else, about the evolution potion you got last time."

"The school finally decided to give it to you. Instructor Lan Qing asked me to call you over."


"I still don't agree. The evolution potion should only be given to Su Gu!" In the leader's office area of ​​Xingwu University, Kuang Zhen slammed the table and said loudly:

"I admit that we were able to obtain this bottle of evolution potion, and Su Gu was the first to contribute, and his strength is also the strongest on our side."

"But don't you know his supernatural ability? It can only increase his concentration in learning, and there is no other special effect."

"This is not suitable at all for this bottle of evolution potion that has a probability of enhancing fire abilities. So I don't think it should be given to him."

"If the school wants to give him a reward, it can start from other places. I am also willing to give a large chunk of my own credits to Sugu to reward him!"

After Kuang Zhen said these words, most of the people in the room looked at him with contempt. But fearing that the petty senior would turn around and retaliate, no one stepped forward.

The instructor Lan Qing on the side was silently flipping through martial arts research materials, writing and drawing with a pen, as if he had turned a deaf ear to all this.

Seeing this, Kuang Zhen cleared his throat and wanted to say something else.

"I object."

Looking at Bai Yujing who spoke, Kuang Zhen's face froze.

"Captain, I'm doing this for the greater good."

Feng Yan, who was beside him, had long been impatient. He took a step forward, grabbed him by the collar and said, "You want some fucking face!"

"Who doesn't know what you're thinking? My own superpower has something to do with fire, and because my superpower has evolved in the past, I know the benefits of it."

"So I'm very greedy for this thing."

Kuang Zhen pulled Feng Yan's hand away and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Everything I do is for the sake of the overall situation."

"And with Sugu's superpower, this bottle of evolution potion is of little use. I'm right!"

Just when the conflict between the two was about to escalate, the door to the room creaked open.

Sugu pushed open the door and entered.

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