"Just like you said, the website of the God of War was hacked. And the hacker's method is very clever. If you hadn't warned me in advance, I wouldn't even notice it."

Ma Mingjie frowned and said:

"The purpose of the other party is not to destroy the website, but to delete some user discussion content from the background. Those contents are all related to the battle between the Almighty God of War and Yue Yuzhong."

"This doesn't look like a commercial attack, Brother Su, what are you hiding from me?"

After listening to Ma Mingjie's words, Su Gu's face was a little ugly. This is really the worst situation.

If it is really as speculated, the Star Air Force Brigade this time will have to pay attention to more than just the aliens.

Su Gu pondered for a moment and said, "Fatty, do me a favor."

"Don't tell anyone about this, go investigate it yourself. You can send someone from the virtual spirit world. There should be a lot of black markets in that place.

Remember to hide your identity during this period, and don't do anything that may expose yourself. Once you perceive the risk, don't hesitate to give up the investigation immediately."

Hearing Su Gu's solemn instructions, Ma Mingjie also nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Brother Su. I'm not as reckless as you. I'm famous for being both timid and steady."

After taking over this matter, Ma Mingjie stared at Su Gu's eyes again and said:

"Brother Su, you haven't told me my question just now. What happened? Don't hide it."

Su Gu was silent for a moment and said, "It's not a big deal. It's probably caused by some brainless fans of the Almighty God of War."

This kind of thing is not suitable for Fatty to know, and Su Gu doesn't intend to let him get too involved.

After all, there may really be danger.

"Brother Su, I'm not a fool. What happened?"

Su Gu remained silent.

Ma Mingjie gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! If you don't tell me, I won't ask."



After Ma Mingjie returned to the dormitory, he slammed the door shut, and the metal door made a loud noise.

"Damn it, you don't tell me this and that, Su Gu's ancestors!"

"You skipped the class of the literary exam class and went to the martial arts exam class to learn secretly. I covered for you."

"You bought the training supplements and were so hungry that you couldn't eat. I brought you meat."

"You learned the first A-level combat skill from me, and your X device was given to you by me."

"I'm not so good to my brothers. You want to take it on yourself when something happens to you, and you didn't tell me a word."

"You look down on me, don't you!"


The more Ma Mingjie talked, the more he couldn't suppress his anger, and he smashed things in the dormitory with bangs.

After the whole house was in a mess, the fat man sat on a tilted stool panting, muttering:

"Su Gu, don't really take me for an idiot."

"After you mentioned this to me, I have been paying attention to the commonly used martial arts discussion software and websites on the largest habitable planets of mankind."

"These websites are the same as the Martial God's House. Some posts discussing Yue Yuzhong have been deleted. Not only that, according to my observation, the overall popularity of the battle of the Almighty Martial God is more than half lower than usual."

"It's like an invisible hand that casually suppressed this matter."

"Although suppressing the heat of an event is a trivial matter. But exerting influence across the planet at the same time is not something that ordinary forces can do."

"He must be able to exert influence on the entire range of human activities."

Thinking of this, the expression on Ma Mingjie's face became gloomy and ugly.

Combined with what happened in the past few days and what Su Gu asked him to do, some things are not difficult to guess.

"Ju Family, right?" Ma Mingjie gritted his teeth and said, "But there is no actual evidence, because there is no direct evidence, Su Gu has not yet confirmed it."

"But even if it is really confirmed that it is related to this family, there is no way to deal with this behemoth for the time being."

"So simply, considering my safety, you won't tell me anything, right?"

Thinking of this, reluctance and anger almost filled Ma Mingjie's chest.


"Even if I die, I don't want to drag my brothers down."

Ma Mingjie took the initiative to contact General Yin, whom he had been avoiding these days.

"Yin Tiger, I want to practice more..."


After letting each martial arts university move independently for a few days and arrange tactics.

The Space City once again issued an assembly order, and this time it was the last explanation before departure.

The martial arts universities and schools composed of students from various aristocratic families gathered early in the Central Military Region.

Led by their respective leaders, they lined up in neat square formations, like an army about to set off.

The faces of these students were all solemn and excited. In a few hours, they will enter the battlefield to fight with aliens.

If they are lucky enough to get the blood of aliens that is compatible with their own abilities and allow their abilities to evolve. In the realm of seeking my own, their own potential will be greatly improved.

This opportunity is enough to change the trajectory of a lifetime.

"People from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University are here." Someone suddenly muttered in a low voice in the crowd.

After hearing this, a rustling sound of clothes rubbing against each other came from the Central Military Region, where a pin drop could be heard. Many people subconsciously moved their bodies slightly and cast their eyes on the Xingwu people who were walking quickly.

Envy, jealousy, unwillingness... These eyes were full of many complex emotions.

Among the many space battlefields, Starry Sky Martial Arts University will have the most abundant "resources" of alien races. If you are lucky enough, this year, there will be more than one person in this school who is qualified to evolve their superpowers.

What an enviable opportunity.

And all this is because of him!

The eyes that fell on the people of Starry Sky Martial Arts University finally gathered on one person.

Because of him, Su Gu!

But the eyes that fell on Su Gu did not have so many complicated emotions, but only bitterness.

They envied the people of Starry Sky Martial Arts University because these people thought that if they were lucky enough, they could replace them.

And for this kind of monster that they were not even qualified to look up to, all they could do was to watch quietly from the side.

When the people of Starry Sky Martial Arts University stood in the center, those peeping eyes finally disappeared.

Su Gu glanced to both sides.

Unexpectedly, the third place became Kaiyang Martial Arts University. Arnold, who stood at the front of the team,

and on the right side of the team, it was no surprise that it was the people of the Akamatsu family. After Su Gu looked over, Tachibana Takayuki looked over at the same time.

The two people's eyes collided in the air.

Su Gu's face was solemn, while Tachibana Takayuki looked relaxed and smiling.

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