Sugu and Takayuki stared at each other for three seconds, then both looked away in unison.

When all the martial arts university teams arrived, the group stood there for a minute.

General Bei Yin slapped his teeth into pieces, replaced them with gold teeth, and trotted up to the podium in front.

As soon as he came on stage, he looked in the direction of Chisong's family and Xingwu University with a flattering smile.

Since the last time he saw Sugu provoking Ju Guizhi and the Ju family did not immediately embarrass the young man, he decided that there must be forces behind this young man that he could not afford to offend.

In line with his tendency to bully Mei Shang, he wanted to visit Sugu many times with gifts. But Sugu called someone and stopped them all.

Now in front of everyone, showing such a look is revealing that he doesn't want to offend anyone.

"If you fart, hurry up and stop whining here." The Chisong family member said angrily.

Obviously they were very dissatisfied with this guy's cornered attitude.

Yax Jin smiled awkwardly and said:

"You all must also know that the forces behind the Star Air Force Brigade are complicated now, and it is inappropriate for anyone to push anyone to speak on this stage."

"That's why I, the little shrimp, stepped forward to explain the final rules."

"No matter what friction I had with you before, I would like to apologize first. I'm just a little shrimp, so please don't anger me."

After finishing this lecture about picking himself out and giving in, Yax King coughed lightly and said:

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for getting this opportunity to compete for different blood. However, whether this opportunity can be turned into a chance depends on everyone's luck."

"The aliens in the starry sky used space capabilities to deliver some of the aliens here across light-year distances. As for us humans, we have already investigated the forces they sent here.

Most of those who came here were warrior-level and awakened-level, and there were few commander-level aliens. "

"Although the blood of warrior-level aliens can also stimulate the potential of superpowers, the possibility of rapid evolution of superpowers is slim."

"So you must also know that the real great opportunity is the heart and soul of the commander-level alien race."

After hearing this, many people's breathing became rapid. But after a while, these people calmed down again.

"Yax, don't be kidding. Even if we work together, it's hard to kill the commander-level alien race. If we really meet, it's not a chance at all. We are just going to die." Someone in the crowd immediately questioned.

"Please rest assured in this regard." Yax Jin said proudly:

"What you are going to enter next is a folded space opened up by our strong human beings behind the space gate that the aliens came from across the star field."

"This is a battlefield created just for you."

"Next, each of you will carry a locator that can locate your location, as well as a portable detector that can detect racial information within a kilometer radius."

"Once someone among you has to withdraw from the battlefield, or detects a strong enemy in the detector that the team cannot fight against. Then immediately press the button behind the locator.

We, the strong men on the human side, will be able to sense your location immediately. "

"If a leader-level alien race is detected using a detector, the alien race's heart and soul can be split 50-50 with the federal party that organized the hunt."

Fifty-fifty of heartache? !

After Yax finished speaking, many people's breathing became rapid, and the air seemed to become anxious.

The precious blood of a commander-level alien is enough for five people. If we could find a few more, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, the jealous eyes of these people once again fell on Lord Xingwu.

As the number one, they sit in the position with the richest "resources" explored by the strong humans. I am afraid that there are more than one leading foreign race who come to their folding space.

This is really true.

"Um...please ask Mr. Yax." Wu Zhen, a freshman, asked stutteringly:

"I would also like to ask how many powerful people are sent to this space city to protect our safety."

Although this is a great opportunity, you still have to have enough appetite to be able to eat it. Compared with opportunities, the most important thing is your own safety.

Yax Jin smiled slightly, as if he had already expected that someone would ask this question.

He took out a micro projector from his pocket and turned on the switch. The portraits of twenty strong men were reflected in the sky.

They may be holding a beast king's sword and have a stern face. Or sitting cross-legged on the ground, the whole person's aura is like a spear ready to go.

Among these people was General Yin, a person from Xingwu University who was very familiar with him.

"These twenty are the strong men who are here to protect you. Each of them has entered the realm of freedom. They are considered elites in the entire human race."

"As long as you are aware of the presence of the commander-level and press the locator, I can guarantee that one of them will come to protect you within one breath."

"You can rest assured now."

Twenty of them are all in the Happy Realm!

After hearing this, Wu Zhen's expression relaxed and he became relaxed.

Such a lineup, let alone a leader. Even if a king-level foreign race comes, they will definitely drink their hatred here, so what is there to be afraid of?

The leader-level alien race is indeed terrifying, but it only takes a breath of time, and there are detectors that can detect a kilometer radius.

This time, entering the battlefield of the folded space can be said to be absolutely safe.


Among the relaxed people in Xingwu University, only Su Gu's pupils shrank slightly when he looked at those projections, and then his skin and muscles tightened.

Among the twenty free and easy masters, seven of them had the "chrysanthemum and sword" family emblem of the Tachibana family on their clothes.

In addition, the one next to him, Takayuki Tachibana, who was hiding in the Akamatsu family, had time-related abilities and was enough to dominate among his peers.

Although the Tachibana family did not send a team over, the resources invested in this Xingkong air brigade were really not small.

A feeling of uneasiness, like a haze, enveloped Su Gu's heart.

But in the current situation, it is not convenient to withdraw directly. Otherwise, this abnormal behavior is more likely to attract the attention of others.

Yax King, who was standing in front, continued to chatter:

"The blood of awakened aliens can be said to have no value. I suggest that when you encounter awakened aliens, try to capture them alive."

"Their intelligence level is not high. It is not difficult for you to act as a team."

"Living awakened aliens can be traded directly with the Federation, and the price will satisfy you. After all, these things can be used again in martial arts exams in various places."

"As for the heart blood of the general-level aliens, it is useful for your superpowers. But if you use it directly, the effect is not very great. Use the latest Technology, if it is used as the main drug to make an evolutionary potion, the effect will be better and the side effects will be minimal. "

"You can trade the blood of the general-level aliens you killed. As for the price, one-third of the total transaction will be taken. Believe me, you can't find such a good place outside."

"And if you detect the commander-level aliens, then do as I said just now. Even if you don't do it, as long as you call for human support, you can get half of the heart blood. "

The more Yax Jin said, the more rapid the breathing of the people who stayed here became, and they almost wanted to enter the space directly now.

In response, Yax Jin smiled and said:

"I know what you are thinking, rest for one hour at the end, and set off immediately after one hour! "

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