Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 170: Instant Kill of Quasi-Commander

Hearing these whispered words, the faces of General Yin and Qi Xiaoyao of the Ju family changed.

General Yin quickly took out his reverse locator and looked at the point screen on it.

It was really like what the person next to him said, the red dot that was there just now had disappeared. Only the white dot was left, fixed in place.

It was like eating the red dot.

General Yin smiled bitterly, and then ignored Ju Masako and Ju Zhaolie who blocked his way, and sat back to his original position.

"Su Gu, this kid, always gives me a sense of surprise."

Ju Zhaolie and Ju Masako also adjusted their changing faces and turned into two cold faces without any emotion.

After the two sat back to their original positions, Ju Masako's mind immediately received a question from her partner.

"What happened just now?"

Ju Masayuki did not speak, and snake eyes appeared again in the sky of the folded space where Su Gu was.

The illusory snake eyes in the sky moved and overlapped, and finally turned into a kaleidoscope-like eye above the body of the quasi-commander-level alien that was killed.

In this area, what happened in the past ten minutes began to play in the minds of Masako Tachibana and the other six members of the Tachibana family.

"After killing so many general-level warriors, I finally met a quasi-commander-level alien." Su Gu said calmly.

At the extreme of his sight, a monster with a human-like body and a bird-like head was flying quickly in the air. The arms were gorgeous fiery red wings, slender and slender, and the feathers were like tassels fluttering in the wind.

Blood and fire phoenix bird!

After judging the race of this alien in his heart, Su Gu licked his lips, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

The blood of this thing must be very compatible with my fire ability.


The already terrifying speed was increased again at this moment. Su Gu's figure drew a long black line on the ground and rushed straight towards the direction of the phoenix bird.


After finding the prey, Su Gu did not hide his actions at all. The noise made by his footsteps naturally attracted the attention of the blood-fire phoenix bird.


The phoenix bird made a cry like a baby crying, and its gorgeous red head looked in the direction of Su Gu with anger in its eyes.

It would be fine if humans of your realm came in groups, but you dared to hunt me alone and treat me as prey!

"Kill you!"

The blood-fire phoenix bird said these three words in the human language that it was not familiar with.

Then, his body dived towards Su Gu at high speed.

After arriving above Su Gu, his feathers that were originally like tassels were instantly tightened at this moment, and actually made a sound of metal and stone.

Wisps of flames entangled in the tightened feathers. At this moment, he really became a firebird soaring in the sky.


The feather swords surrounded by flames fell towards the position where Su Gu was.

The flames on the swords were quite strange. It fell on the black wasteland without any organic matter to burn, still attached to the surface of the earth, bringing heat that can directly melt metal.

"What a beast!" Su Gu looked at the environment that turned into a scorching hell in an instant, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

In this deadly high temperature, he seemed to be completely unaffected. He simply used his soul power to protect his body, and did not even use defensive combat skills.

A gleam of light flashed in Su Gu's eyes, and then he bent his knees slightly and kicked the ground with both feet.


After stepping on the ground and making a bang. His figure rose into the air like a swimming dragon.

And when his upward momentum was about to subside, his foot stepped on a flying flame feather sword, borrowing the force to rise again!

Swish, swish, swish!

Su Gu refracted upward along the dense feather swords.

"What a beast! If you had been flying in the sky, I would have to spend more effort!"

Su Gu's plain words resounded here. In just a moment, he was about to approach the source of the sword rain.

The pupils of the blood-fire phoenix bird shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of life and death crisis lingered in his heart.

He immediately stopped throwing the feather sword and flapped his wings to rise to a higher altitude.

But it was too late!

S-level combat skill, breaking army sword technique!

The unmatched sword light flashed, and the right wing of the blood-fire phoenix bird that had just swung was cut off by this sword.

As the wings fell with gravity, the blood-fire phoenix bird let out a weeping cry.


The remaining left wing frantically flapped, trying to maintain balance in the sky.

At this moment, the eyes of this strange bird were full of fear, and he just wanted to leave here quickly.


A hand with distinct joints grasped his right leg that had not yet completely transformed into a human form and was still covered with feathers.

"I got you." Su Gu said lightly.

S-level combat skill, ambergris fire knife!

The knife surrounded by hot poison directly split the other wing of the blood-fire phoenix bird.

Both wings were cut off, and the bird had completely lost the ability to fly.

Two figures fell in the sky.


Su Gu stepped on the alien's body and fell to the ground.

Then, with a flash of knife light, he killed the alien.

After skillfully cutting open the body, Su Gu poured the monster's blood, which was shining with flames, on himself.

The moment the blood touched his body, Su Gu felt as if he was thrown into a furnace, and the temperature inside and outside his body rose sharply.

This is not an illusion. The martial arts uniform on his body was melted by the high temperature, revealing his strong muscles.


With a breath, a familiar voice sounded in Su Gu's mind.

[Your fire ability is improved...]

[Your fire ability is improved...]

[Your wood ability is improved...]

[Your earth ability is improved...]


When the voice disappeared, Su Gu clenched his fist and felt the surging power in his body.

"Now, this fire ability should touch the threshold of C-level ability. It's only one step away from crossing it."

"But this shouldn't be the case. I feel that my ability is improving slower than the data shows after bathing in the blood of the alien race."

"Maybe because my body contains other abilities, and the blood of the alien race has diluted the improvement of the ability."

Su Gu analyzed silently in his heart, but soon, this problem was thrown behind him.

Now is not the time to entangle such things. I have to find the location of the next powerful alien race quickly and make myself stronger quickly.

After that, Su Gu disappeared again.

That terrifying body movement, obviously just killed a quasi-commander-level alien, did not consume much for him.

When the seven free-spirited masters of the Ju family looked at the reappearing scene. Some pursed their lips, some stroked their chins, and some frowned.

The seven people's communication of divine thoughts fell into silence at this moment.

Three moves?

Two S-level combat skills, one ordinary horizontal slash, and it was so easy to solve the quasi-commander-level alien? !

"What do you think of this Su Gu?"

Finally, in the intertwined divine thoughts, Ju Zhaolie's sent out a wave.

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