"What do you think of this Sugu?"

Ju Zhaolie's question made the already silent atmosphere even more awkward.

After a while, a middle-aged man without any hair on his head said slowly:

"Two moves to half-kill the quasi-commander-level alien race, and the two moves that severely damaged the quasi-commander-level alien race were all S-level combat skills. Even from my perspective, the proficiency of these combat skills is not low. "

"The most terrifying thing is the second move. You must know that the blood-fire phoenix bird itself has a powerful fire attribute. And the second blow actually used fire to attack fire, forcibly interrupting its Nirvana healing ability."

"This kind of confidence in one's own combat skills and invincible belief in martial arts are monster-level even in our Ju family."

"I even dare to say that if he were in our Ju family, he would have the qualifications to enter our clan's central blood pool."

After hearing this comment, everyone's expressions changed.

The central blood pool is where the Ju family sublimates its own powers into deified powers. Historically, only evildoers who can compete for the position of head of the family can enter the family.

If they had heard these comments more than ten minutes ago, they would have just scoffed.

But just now, they saw Sugu's performance with their own eyes, and they couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

"There is one more thing worth paying attention to." Tachibana Masako said slowly: "Where did his two S-level combat skills come from?"

"If it is passed down from predecessors who practice the same technique, then the martial arts talent of that person in the family can actually surpass others."

"But if this is what you understand..."

Halfway through her words, Masako Tachibana paused and did not continue. The seven Xiaoyao realm experts from the Ju family were all silent for a while.

If these two S-level combat skills were learned by oneself, then this kind of talent would be truly terrifying. You know, how old is this Sugu now? He has just entered college.

"Unexpectedly, when I had nothing to do, I wanted to take a look at the ant that bit Guizhi. Unexpectedly, what I saw was a carp that could turn into a dragon in the future." Ju Zhaolie took a long breath and said:

"I remember those losers from the Akamatsu family. After losing the folding space that belonged to Takayuki, I asked them to collect information belonging to everyone at Star Martial Arts University."

"Where are these materials now?"

When Ju Zhaolie asked this question, someone immediately asked the Chisong family to organize the information into documents and pass them over.

The seven strong men from the Ju family immediately opened the file package, directly found the file belonging to Sugu, and quickly took a tour.


When he was eleven years old, he was assigned a dilapidated building as housing by the federal local government because he had no one to adopt him in an orphanage.

He had excellent grades in junior high school, but because his awakened power was a waste power that was not legal at all levels, he had no choice but to attend a comprehensive high school.


The sights of the seven free-spirited masters from the Ju family were fixed on the four words "waste power", and then their brows gradually widened.

"It's okay. If someone with this kind of martial arts talent can also possess A-level powers, that would be unbelievable." Masako Tachibana breathed a long sigh of relief.

If he has A-level powers, plus the opportunity gained in this Star Force Brigade, and Star Martial Arts University's investment in this student.

Maybe this Sugu will have S-level powers in the future!

This kind of martial arts talent, coupled with S-level superpowers, is truly unparalleled.

"But don't worry too much about it. Not to mention that this little thing doesn't even have decent attack powers at the moment. Even if it's like the worst case scenario we thought, and it can get S-level powers, so what?"

"Even if it is an S-level power, the difference between it and a true deified power is huge."

Ju Zhaolie said with a faint smile.

After hearing this, the seven people all smiled knowingly, and then calmly closed the files about Sugu in their hands and no longer cared about it.

The extraordinary path of this world, the path of evolution of life levels, requires two wings - martial arts and supernatural powers.

There is only one, relying on running exercises to improve your cultivation. When the time is right, you will of course have the opportunity to ignite the soul fire and step into the soul shaping realm.

But those of them who are already in the free realm naturally understand that if they want to climb higher, only one wing is not enough.

The closer we get to the true peak, the clearer it becomes. If you want to reach the top, every step you take must be extremely solid.

Otherwise, it will be the small oversights and small problems left behind in the realm of being stuck in the past. The future is enough to evolve into an insurmountable chasm on the way to the top.

It's just a small problem, not to mention missing a whole leg!

"Today, this Sugu may be lucky enough to be able to kill many quasi-commander-level aliens, and even real leader-level aliens by strangulation. He mutated his useless superpowers and obtained B-level superpowers."

"But what use can something like this that can't change its essence do to a genius like him?" Ju Zhaolie smiled faintly.

"For our top family, as long as we can control the way to obtain the blood of aliens, we will have the ultimate combat power of mankind."

"No matter how hard these civilians struggle, they can't overturn our position!"

After hearing this, everyone smiled knowingly.

The path to superpower, the key to reaching its peak, is firmly held by the family. This is the self-confidence of these top aristocratic families that can overlook the common people.

"And no matter how evil this Sugu is, how could he possibly come out of this folded space again." Tachibana Masako's snake eyes flickered.

"A living genius is a genius. A dead genius is no different from an ordinary corpse."


Su Gu sat on a huge alien corpse, silently feeling the other power in his body that was constantly growing stronger.

Just now, he killed two quasi-commander-level aliens, and after a hard fight, he took down a real commander-level.

"Is this a C-level superpower?"

The sense of growth of superpowers is very subtle, like a new sixth sense in addition to the five senses in the body.

And as the superpowers gradually become stronger, Su Gu feels that this sixth sense is being sharpened more sharply.


A flame emerged on Su Gu's right palm.

He could feel the high temperature of the flame, but he didn't feel hot at all.

This feeling is very wonderful.

"If I want, every attack of mine in the future can be attached with a layer of flame."

"This is the improvement of combat power by superpowers, it's really direct." Su Gu said with a smile.

All along, he has never given up the dream of having superpowers. Even if it doesn't have any power, it's not bad to let him have a taste of the second-year student.

Now that his wish has finally come true, Su Gu is in a good mood.

At this moment, a red light flashed on his locator.

Looking at the red light, Su Gu was stunned for a moment.

If I remember correctly, this signal is a signal for teammates to ask for help.

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